REDD+ INDONESIA through REDDCompass Platform


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Presentation transcript:

REDD+ INDONESIA through REDDCompass Platform FRANKY ZAMZANI GHG Inventory on Forestry Sectors DG CC of MOEFRI Bogota, 13 March 2018

REDDcompass guides users through core Themes, Concepts and Actions involved in the development of National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS) for Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV). The Big Pyramid consist of 4 themes: Institutional Arrangement, Policy + Design Decisions, Measurement and Estimation, and Reporting and Verification. Each themes consist of several aspects that build the pyramid. These aspects are what we discussed so that we can fill in how the current situation, the challenges, solutions, and agencies are involved

INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT CURRENT CONDITION Indonesia already has governing instrument and policy. Institutions have already established >> DG CC (2015) Indonesia has established National MRV Scheme and on the final process in detailing MRV Scheme for REDD+ Indonesia has already established MRV Team and GHGI Team  Coordination mechanism and approval process among stakeholders not yet established Indonesia also has NFMS (WebGIS), SIGN-SMART, SIS REDD+ and National Registry System (SRN) This chapter describes institutional arrangements and operational processes which support effective REDD+ implementation. And I try to summarize from all aspects included in Institutional Arrangement Pyramid. CHALLENGES Lack of coordination among the stakeholders and different priorities among the stakeholders Lack of Skilled Human Resources on MRV process Lack of coordination among stakeholders Need more financial support for MRV Team Remote sensing: difficult to have a continuous, clear and complete of data Ground observation: large forest cover area, difficult access to reach remote forest area.

INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT SOLUTIONS Improving the coordination by intense communication Mainstreaming of CC on other institutions programs Capacity building, Technical Expert and additional skilled Human Resources Improving coordination among stakeholders as a member MRV Team Providing mechanism for approval process Enhancement and mobilization of support for operational of the MRV Team Improvement of communication among involved stakeholders Using higher resolution satellite imagery. Capacity building, training of trainers on emissions/removals measurement. AGENCIES DG CC, Dit. GHG Inventory and MRV, HRD Agencies, Ministry of Finance, FOERDIA, DG Forest Planning and Environmental Management, Indonesia National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Geospatial Information Agency (BIG), Universities, and Research Institutions

POLICY AND DESIGN DECISIONS CURRENT CONDITION working definition of a forest, is defined as “a land area of more than 6.25 ha with trees higher than 5 meters at maturity and a canopy cover of more than 30 percent. REDD Activities only calculate from deforestation and forest degradation Carbon pools: AGB and soil carbon (peat decomp. and fire) Forests are classified into 6 classes as natural forests (from 23 classes of land cover classification) Tier 2; Approach Tier 3 Reference period: Baseline from 1990 to 2012. Spatial: national level Policy and Design Decisions describes related policy, institutional and methodological frameworks and provides advice on how to combine them. It considers use of existing information, methodological choice and associated implications for reference levels, the role of subnational approaches and cost effectiveness CHALLENGES Reduce the uncertainty of the emission estimates associated with deforestation, forest degradation. Still problematic to monitor different degrees of forest degradation Improve and classify forest emission factors for each forest strata Improve peatland emission factor Inclusion of other REDD+ Activities How to capture and integrate specific circumstances of subnational levels into national level

POLICY AND DESIGN DECISIONS SOLUTIONS Utilization of the advance technology in RS One-Map Policy for high-resolution satellite image provision Establishment of new plots for mangrove Estimating emission factors for each forest stratum by collaborating with FOERDIA to improve available field data Monitoring annual peatland emission considering peatland characteristics such as vegetation types, peat depths, water table levels and soil organic carbon contents Improved MRV approaches and techniques One map policy and Intensive coordination. AGENCIES DG Forest Planning and Environmental Management (lead agency), DGCC, Indonesia National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Geospatial Information Agency (BIG), Research Agencies, HRD Agency for Capacity Building, DG Sustainable Production Forest Management (PHPL), DG Natural Resources Conservation and Ecosystems, Private Companies

MEASUREMENT AND ESTIMATION CURRENT CONDITION Visual interpretation analysis High uncertainty of Activity Data and EF Derived from 4.450 NFI permanent sampling plots data covering all forest classes Mangrove forests using average emission factor for all forest strata Still using Tier 2 and Tier 1 Database storage still separate. CHALLENGES Reduced uncertainty of activity data and emission factors Improved RS Analysis to Semi Automatic (Hybrid) Method Redefining NFI Improved Peatland Emission Factors Improvement from Tier 2 to Tier 3 System database development using Web-based, Cloud computing

MEASUREMENT AND ESTIMATION SOLUTIONS Visual interpretation  semi automatic (hybrid) From no stratification on forest class  stratification using trees density (H,M,L). This to improve certainty in measuring carbon stock and emissions Systematic plot design were used to estimate the potential volume of trees. However, some forest types and detail parameter not yet cover. Improvement new NFI with additional parameter to fulfil carbon inventory, such as soil type and depth, liter, etc. Tier 2  Tier 3 To improve accuracy of land cover map and its changes, and integrated with emission factor Improvement in measuring EF Data located in each institution/not connected, limited storage AGENCIES DG Forest Planning and Environmental Management (lead agency), DGCC, Indonesia National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Geospatial Information Agency (BIG), FORDIA, Research Agencies, HRD Agency for Capacity Building, DG Pollution Control and Environmental Damage(PPKL), Private Companies

REPORTING AND VERIFICATION CURRENT CONDITION Reports emission from LULUCF & forestry has been established. Reporting has used consistently approach based remote sensing, align with IPPC guideline (Tier 2). Reporting of data inventory focuses on AGB. Guidelines of data inventory compilation needs to be improved FREL only calculates deforestation and forest degradation The communication processes and understanding on mitigation action plan is not optimal. CHALLENGES Institutional arrangement of inventory compilation is less optimal Issues related to agreed time-frame of data collection and variability methodology of measure peat fire emission Unreliable data of fuel wood consumption AGB related reporting over litter, DW, SOC, Harvested Wood Product does not exist Diversity and complexity of land cover typology

REPORTING AND VERIFICATION SOLUTIONS Regulation that requires related fields/sectors to be timely in data collection and reporting Established of Integrated data base management Improving on fuel wood data A robust support from AFOLU emission related research institute to generate proven method in terms of Litters, DW, HPF User-friendly application, fast, and implementable for AFOLU sectors related emission AGENCIES DGCC, FORDIA, Law Bureau of MoEF, Universities, Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Sub National Government (Province), Experts and Research Agencies.