In Memoriam
Matters arising from 20th march Volunteering Workshop feedback being used to support Volunteer Centre development and support to sector. Year of the Volunteer Focus for May is Youth Volunteering and June is Health & Wellbeing Greater partnership work with NCS programme to achieve legacy volunteering and better links with local causes in Sefton Locality Working CVS restructure progress SMBC restructure progress NCS National Citizen Service Programme – Increasing engagement of under represented young people
Matters arising- 20th march Thematic areas raised as important to consider via ECM Forum: Increasing the use of volunteers Impact of locality working on the VCF sector/ the Locality Model Reducing resources Increasing community demand The need to work in a more collaborative way SMBC challenges with child protection Increasing mental health concerns New data protection issues
Safeguarding ‘Its Everyone’s Business’ Beverley Hall Learning & Development Officer (Sefton LSCB) Simone McCaskill Children, Young People & Families Lead / Policy & Impact Officer (Sefton CVS) Deborah Stephens CEO (Fun4Kidz and L30 Centre) Child Protection in Sefton Charity Commission Key Messages Achieving Good Safeguarding Governance – ‘CEO Top Tips’ Sefton CVS 2018 Safeguarding Summit ‘Supporting You to Explore and Achieve the Best Practice’
Safeguarding ‘Its Everyone’s Business’ Beverley Hall Learning & Development Officer (Sefton LSCB) Simone McCaskill Children, Young People & Families Lead / Policy & Impact Officer (Sefton CVS) Deborah Stephens CEO (Fun4Kidz and L30 Centre) Child Protection in Sefton Charity Commission Key Messages Achieving Good Safeguarding Governance – ‘CEO Top Tips’ Sefton CVS 2018 Safeguarding Summit ‘Supporting You to Explore and Achieve the Best Practice’
Restoring Public Confidence in The Charity Sector
Charity commission – ‘Regulatory Alert’ Safeguarding should be a key governance priority for all charities, not just those working with groups traditionally considered at risk. The Charity Commission has four clear expectations of trustees: Provide a safe and trusted environment. Safeguarding involves a duty of care to everyone who comes into contact with your charity, not just vulnerable beneficiaries like children and young people. Set an organisational culture that prioritises safeguarding, so it is safe for people to report incidents and concerns in the knowledge they will be dealt with appropriately. Have adequate safeguarding policies, procedures and measures to protect people and make sure these are made public, reviewed regularly and kept up to date. Handle incidents as they arise. Report them to the relevant authorities including the police and the Charity Commission. Learn from these mistakes and put in place the relevant mechanisms to stop them happening again.
Charity commission – ‘Regulatory Alert’ Trustees are advised to ensure that their charities: Undertake a thorough review of your charity's safeguarding governance and management arrangements and performance if you haven’t done so within the last 12 months. Contact the Commission about any safeguarding issues, or serious safeguarding incidents, complaints or allegations which have not previously been disclosed to the charity regulator.
GDPR – What does it mean for safeguarding? The introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018 does not change the way child protection records should be stored and retained. Your organisation must: know the reason why you’re keeping records about children and/or adults (for example, because they relate to child protection concerns); assess how long you need to keep the records for; and have a plan for how and when the records will be destroyed. Source: NSPCC March 2018 – CP Record Retention and Data Retention * See CVS website for further GDPR guidance or for bespoke advise/support contact Tel: 0151 9200726
Support CVS currently provide Policy guidance and feedback Online information and resources (including Safeguarding and GDPR) On line E-learning (£7.50 per package) Bespoke delivery of the Sefton LSCB (Level one face to face course - 4 hours) Bespoke delivery of Adult Safeguarding (Level one face to face course - 4 hours *under ongoing development) General advise, signposting and support with safeguarding matters Representation of the CVS and VCF on the LSCB and a range of sub groups
How Confident are you about your Organisations Safeguarding Governance & What Support would be helpful?
Tea / Coffee Please be back in 10
How can we make a difference? Childhood Diabetes How can we make a difference? Yvonne Browne Improving Care Manager North West (Diabetes UK) Ben Wallace Sefton Young person living with diabetes
ECM Ambassadors Updates?
Ambassador updates continued Next CYP Emotional Health and Wellbeing Network meeting: Tuesday 19th July 2018, 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Venue TBC Next Children with Additional Needs (CWAN) Network meeting: Thursday 14th June 2018, 1.00am -12.00, Southport Community Centre
Members Information Sharing and Any Other Business
The Next ECM Forum will be held on Tuesday 17th July 9.00am – 12.30pm SING Plus 53a Cambridge Rd L21 1EZ Dates for 2018 are on calendar/ bulletin *Remember to opt in to CVS bulletin consent! Follow the ECM Forum on Twitter @ECMForumSCVS Check out our web page and bulletins at s-forums/ecm/