About Us Venture Philanthropy Foundation set up by Sir Ian Wood and his immediate family in TWF recognise that money alone will not solve some.


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Presentation transcript:

About Us Venture Philanthropy Foundation set up by Sir Ian Wood and his immediate family in 2007. TWF recognise that money alone will not solve some of society’s greatest inequalities. TWF either leads projects or takes an active supporting role with strategic partners. TWF has two clear areas of programme focus: Making Markets Work for the Poor Sub Saharan Africa Developing Young People in Scotland

Developing Young People in Scotland TWF principal objectives are to improve tolerance and citizenship values and encourage enterprise in young people in Scotland Programme Focus Citizenship including Global Citizenship Enterprise Education Promoting Positive destinations into employment, education and training Supporting Equity & The Child Poverty Agenda

The Wood Foundation launched YPI in Scotland in September 2008 By the end 2014/2015 academic year: 40,000 engaged young people £1.5M to small local Scottish charities Recognised in 11 HMIE reports as a beacon of best practice. During the 2014/15 academic year: 145 Secondary Schools will engage in YPI 18,000 Young People will participate 24 Participating Local Authorities £345,000 directed to small local charities

YPI Scotland Programme Delivery & Curricular Fit Great variance in programme delivery dependent on individual school context & capacity Participating Year Group S2-S6 (whole school year group) Broad range of delivery subject areas & inter disciplinary approaches. Supporting existing work around citizenship, enterprise or employability; or filling identified gaps in provision. Strongly connects to national priorities & opportunities: Building the Curriculum (BTC) Series Wood Commission Recommendations & Wider Skills Agenda Alignment with new & existing accreditation (Insight) Inter Disciplinary Learning (IDL) & Significant Aspects of Learning (SALs)

YPI Scotland Alignment with National Progression Awards (NPAs) in Enterprise and Employability Enterprise & Employability Programme flexibility Experiential context to learning A framework to engage a number of stakeholders (both third sector & private) Pupil led with an impact on attainment and morale Aligned with new or existing enterprise activity Use the Enterprise Activity unit for setting/achieving targets in Personal Dev Self & Work Unit Using creativity & new technology to support learning Example: Hazlehead Academy, Aberdeen

Andy’s Story “I took part in the YPI programme and it gave me the chance to step out of the school curriculum, try something a bit different, and it let me make a documentary about the charity that I’d chosen. It was such an amazing experience, probably the first time that I’ve seen one of my videos make an impact on people and inspire them. It made me think, maybe there’s something in this. From YPI I started making other videos in school and my passion just grew. I rejected all of my university offers and took a year out making films for different charities, and now I’ve been accepted to study film at Edinburgh College of Art. YPI just shows you what an impact you can have on people’s lives and what a positive thing that can be. You can take the experience of YPI forward and into your life; it doesn’t need to be for just one year. You can make it into something even more. I think you can make such an impact on your community, you can, the question is, will you? I’d encourage you to step out, and to do what you can. YPI is amazing, but it doesn’t stop here.” Andy Ashworth, YPI alumni Bishopbriggs Academy, East Dunbartonshire

Resource & Support Structure YPI Scotland Teacher Resource Guide Session Plans Student Worksheets Learning Outcomes Fully Mapped Against CfE YPI Scotland DVD YPI Staff Support Collaborative approach with all LAs www.thewoodfoundation.org.uk www.GoYPI.org/YPI-Scotland @YPI_Scotland

National/Regional Events & Profile YPI Scotland National Event Wednesday 10th June 2015, Perth Concert Hall Regional Teacher Shared Learning Events Annual National Steering Group Structured engagement with Education Scotland, Scottish Government, and ADES

2013/14 Snap Shot

YPI Scotland Youth Voice | Youth Action | Youth Philanthropy Successful Learners | Confident Individuals | Responsible Citizens | Effective Contributors

Questions? Looking Ahead Our aim is to work closely with any school with an interest in the programme & capacity to develop YPI, as we look towards 2015/16. Questions? Jonathan Christie YPI Scotland Manager Jonathan.Christie@thewoodfoundation.org.uk