Do you ever make “To-Do” Lists? Do you ever make “To-Do” lists? How do they help you? Keep you focused etc....
The end of Romans is a big “To-Do” List Do you ever make “To-Do” lists? How do they help you? Keep you focused etc.... Chapters 12-16
What is necessary for our Sacrifice now? Romans 12:1 How do we do that? The Mosiac law of animal sacrifice had been fulfilled with the Atonement of Christ - so What did Paul teach about what we should now sacrifice? Read Romans 12:1 - How do we do that? What do you think it means to “present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God”? What is necessary for our Sacrifice now?
Elder M. Russell Ballard: The two major purposes are: “There are two major, eternal purposes for the law of sacrifice that we need to understand. These purposes applied to Adam, Abraham, Moses, and the New Testament Apostles, and they apply to us as we accept and live the law of sacrifice. The two major purposes are: to test us and prove us & to assist us in coming unto Christ”
Romans 12:2 Read Romans 12:2 and then click for picture of Butterfly What does “be transformed” mean? - Discuss how caterpillar transforms into butterfly. First Paul tells us what NOT to do: Conform - what does it mean to ‘conform’? To conform is to go with the latest trend. The Greek work used here means ‘to be fashioned’ and has a transitory connotation to it. There always seems to be a shift and change. It is the philosophy of the world current at the time. It is subject to change. As goes society, so goes the makeup of one's life and ideals or beliefs Our transformation then should be an inward change that works its way out. It adjusts the mind, and consequently, the life, permanently to the word of God. This occurs despite leading worldly trends. After discussion: what is the rest of that verse - how do we ‘transform’ by the..... click for picture
WHY? Renew your mind - why is a renewal of our minds needed? Well, just think of what is battling for our attention and our brain space today.... click for picture & discuss Renewing your mind implies that, you no longer come to the same conclusions that a person would if he were conformed to the world. Okay that’s the HOW - but what is the WHY - click for the word WHY - have them look back at verse 2 for the WHY WHY?
Sacrifices and Transformations Pass out crossword puzzle and let them work on it - leave enough time to summarize and show video at the end Video = 3:20 min Romans 12-16 Sacrifices and Transformations
That by testing you may discern what is the will of God; We expect good results, but we must set ourselves in a position to prove it in our personal lives by willingly sacrificing our will to God’s will, by transforming ourselves from a worldly nature to a Godly nature, and by renewing our minds regularly through association with His Word - and by so doing- living it, putting it to the test -- our faith in God becomes relevant, not because of what we say, but because of the evidence our lives demonstrates; evidence that cannot be denied. You cannot prove the will of God surrounding and filling yourself mentally, with the world's philosophy- you must be transformed and not conformed That by testing you may discern what is the will of God; that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
Are we getting casual in our covenants and our religion? Awake out of Sleep!! Paul is not talking to the average Roman - he is talking to those already converted. We often think those who have not made covenants need to awake and repent, but why would Paul counsel the Saints - those who have already made covenants - to Awake? Click for question It is easy to be casual about our covenants and religion. What are some ways we get casual? How can we be more valiant?
Romans 13:8-10 Paul then concludes this lesson with the principle of Love - He says Love is what brings the principles of Sacrifice and being Transformed and how we treat our fellow man - all together - Read Romans 13:8-10 - If we Love the Lord we will want to do those things he asks of us out of our love for him - not just mere compliance with the commandments - and that Love of God will Transform us and make us and our sacrifices wholly acceptable to him.
Elder M. Russell Ballard: “Real, personal sacrifice never was placing an animal on the altar. Instead, it is a willingness to put the animal in us upon the altar and letting it be consumed! Our sacrifice then is a demonstration of pure love. The degree of our love for the Lord and for our fellowman... Application: Distribute papers to students. Have them write at least one personal sacrifice they feel the Lord would have them make to help them draw closer to Him. Have the students seal their paper, put their name on it and and put it in a class “Gift Box” for the Lord - Encourage them to make that sacrifice over the next several weeks and to ask the Lord for the strength to do so. (Gift to be opened back up in two weeks and reviewed) Consider inviting students to share their experiences and testimonies with the class at a later date.
. Romans 12:3-5
Romans 12:6 .
Romans 14:19 Reasons for our Gifts .
Romans 14 Principles of Faith & Fellowship .Romans 14 is about dealing with disagreements in the church. As the capital city of the Roman empire, it was extremely diverse and was a true melting pot of cultures and religions. The Christians in Rome would have been very diverse as well. And those members brought all sorts of different traditions and cultures to the church. Conflicts arose as those members who had been in the church longer and those from different cultures began to have differences of opinion on what made a “Saint” and they had begun to have trouble developing true Fellowship within the framework of their Faith. We are going to look at 3 principles Paul wanted us to remember Principles of Faith & Fellowship
. You are not the Judge
Christ Atoned for the other person too! A Reminder! . Christ Atoned for the other person too!
.Romans 14:11 In the end we will all be held accountable for our actions and, though this may come as a shock to some, it will not be us sitting on the judge’s seat. & a reminder in v12 - and a therefore.... in v13 - click for picture on next slide
A Promise! .
So use your gifts well and try to strengthen others So use your gifts well and try to strengthen others. You may think your Gift is small and insignificant but as you trust God, He will show you just how beautiful you really are and how you can serve in His Kingdom!
Insert Mormon Message for youth: Extraordinary Gift 4:25 min Video = 3:20 min
Choose to: Awake & Arise Renew your Mind & Be transformed