Process Outbound Reimbursable Agreement Show Slide 1: Process Outbound Reimbursable Agreement SECTION I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Academic Hours / Methods 3 hrs Small or Large Group Instruction SECTION II. INTRODUCTION: Today we are going to discuss the Procurement Process in GFBES Method of Instruction. Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 or 1:25 Time of Instruction 3 hrs 00 mins Media: Small or Large Group Instruction Motivator: In today’s Army, we define ourselves as being the best trained, equipped and the best led Army that the United States has ever known. So to keep this image we as Financial Leaders and Managers have to become the best at financially supporting our Soldiers and being stewards of taxpayer dollars. Knowing this we have embraced Standard Financial Information System (SFIS) and the General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) in that it provides our Army decision makers with accurate, reliable, timely business and financial information to keep our War Fighters within their fiscal responsibilities. Student Materials: DFAS-IN Regulation 37-1, Finance and Accounting Policy Implementation DFAS-IN Manual 37-100, The Army Management Structure DODFMR 7000.14-R, Vol 10, Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation GFEBS Funds Distribution Excel Spreadsheet Student Funds Management PowerPoint slides Access to AFMS TED 357 1
Terminal Learning Objective Action: Process a Purchase Requisition for an Outbound Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) in GFEBS Conditions: Given access to General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) with required GFEBS roles (Purchase Requisition Processor, Purchase Requisition Approver, Purchase Requisition Funds Certifier) for GFEBS t-codes (ME51N, ME52N, ME54N, ZSSC_DD448). Show Slide 2: Terminal Learning Objective Read TLO SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM 385-30, Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation 350-29. Risk Assessment Level: Low. Hazard Identification: Electrical Shock, Fire, Slippery Floors, Physical Injure/Strain, Tripping Tight Spaces in Classroom, and Influenza. Hazard controls: Primary Instructor (PI) will ensure: All electrical cords are properly stored under desks, liquid containers have lids on them and all spills are immediately cleaned and mopped and allowed to completely dry before allowing students/personnel to walk on them. All chairs are ergonomically designed, adjust to individual preference and that all students are awake and paying attention in class. All cables/cords are properly plugged in, sheathed, and secured along tables, walls, and ceilings. No damaged or frayed cords/cables will be used. PI will brief proper hand washing techniques, the use of hand sanitizer, and evacuation procedures. All trash will be removed daily. ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations and GTA 05-08-002 ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. EVALUATION. At the end of the S8 Module a culminating event, resulting in a briefing to the Commander, will be assessed. INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD IN - Before we can understand how to initiate the MIPR process, we must briefly discuss the entire ‘end to end’ process. Standard: Analysis includes: Without creating a ‘Hard-Stop’ in the system, create an Outbound MIPR Purchase Requisition Conduct an L1 approval in GFEBS-Sends to Performer Receives MIPR acceptance and adds the LOA, L4/L5 certification 2
Battle Drill 1: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS & WAWF 3 5 6 4 Show Slide 3: End to end Outbound MIPR process (schematic version) Begins with the creation of the PR with Doc-Type Outbound PR RM shop initiates L1 Approval via ME54N – Generates / Prints DD 448 Emails DD 448 to Performer- Performer initiates L5 Acceptance via DD 448-2 Performer receives the accepted MIPR and initiates L4 certification, adds LOA. Determine type of work- Direct-Cite RM shop creates manual Purchase Order via ME21N 3
Process Flow P- Performer R- Requestor RM Shop RM Shop Create Outbound MIPR Enter PR information Change SRN on PR (ME52N) Print for records ZSSC_Print_PR Approve/Certify PR L1/L4 PR Generates DD448 Via t-code ZSSC_DD448 Requestor Emails doc’s to Executing Agency Executing Agency Accepts, Signs, and Returns DD 448-2 Acceptance RM Shop L5 Certification Budget Analyst In the RM shop Initiates the L5 certification/ release funds RM Shop Direct-Create manual PO (ME21N) A-PO Automatically created ME51N / ME52N PR Processor ME54N / DD 448 DD 448-2 ME54N PO Processor PO Processor Show Slide 4: Process Flow Facilitator Note: The Outgoing Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) Purchase Requisition (PR) process consists of the following steps: 1. Create MIPR PR (Purchase Requisition) 2. Run PR Workflow - Level 1 and Level 4 3. Generate the DD448 MIPR form 4. Send DD448 to the receiving agency/command 5. Receiving agency or command accepts MIPR and sends DD448-2 6. Release L5 (Level 5 MIPR Acceptance) 7. Create Direct Cite MIPR PO (Purchase Order) 8. Amend Reimbursable/Direct Cite MIPR Legend GFEBS Operation Non-GFEBS P- Performer R- Requestor 4
Roles Purchase Requisition Processor - Enters the purchase requisition (PR) into GFEBS to commit funds for the charge card purchase. This role may be assigned to the charge card holder to enter his or her own PR else any PR Processor can enter the PR for the cardholder. Purchase Requisition Approver - Approves the PR for purchase card purchases initiated by the Purchase Requisition Processor Purchase Requisition Funds Certifier- Enables funds certification and is typically assigned to Resource Management to allow for precise management of charge card spending and budget awareness. Purchase Order Processor: Required for obligating Direct-Cite MIPRS Show Slide 5: Roles Facilitator Note: These are the roles directly involved in the Outbound MIPR Process. Purchase Requisition Processor - Enters the purchase requisition (PR) into GFEBS to commit funds for the charge card purchase. This role may be assigned to the charge card holder to enter his or her own PR else any PR Processor can enter the PR for the cardholder. Purchase Requisition Approver - Approves the PR for purchase card purchases initiated by the Purchase Requisition Processor Purchase Requisition Funds Certifier- Enables funds certification and is typically assigned to Resource Management to allow for precise management of charge card spending and budget awareness. Purchase Order Processor: Required for obligating Direct-Cite MIPRS 5
1 Show Slide 6: End to end Outbound MIPR process (schematic version) Battle Drill 1: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS & WAWF 1 Show Slide 6: End to end Outbound MIPR process (schematic version) Begins with the creation of the PR with Doc-Type Outbound PR RM shop initiates L1 Approval via ME54N – Generates / Prints DD 448 Emails DD 448 to Performer- Performer initiates L5 Acceptance via DD 448-2 Performer receives the accepted MIPR and initiates L4 certification, adds LOA. Determine type of work- Direct-Cite RM shop creates manual Purchase Order via ME21N 6
ME51N- Create PR for an Outbound MIPR Enter Transaction Code ME51N to create a new Outbound MIPR PR Click: ‘Enter’ Show Slide 7: Create Purchase Requisition for an Outbound MIPR (Cont.) Begin Transaction Code for PR Creation. If an incorrect Doc Type WAS selected, DO NOT execute the L1 Certification –Delete this PR and reprocess by creating a NEW PR (Either from the beginning, or copy this PR and change the Doc Type 3 Sections: Header Item Overview Item Detail Under PR Document type, Select the ‘Outbound MIPR PR’ 2 7
ME51N- Create PR for an Outbound MIPR 2 Header Section: Ensure you capture ALL relevant information pertaining to the MIPR (e.g. POC, description of item or service, phone, $$, etc.) 1 When Header information is complete, click the Header Icon again. This minimizes the Header section and opens the Item Overview section. Show Slide 8: Create Purchase Requisition for an Outbound MIPR (Cont.) For step 1: Input all necessary information in the Header Text to include requirements, existing contract information, option being exercised. COR POC info, RM POC info and Pay office DODAAC For step 2: Select the Item Overview selection button. For step 3: A (account assignment): U= Unfunded K= Cost Center P= WBS.: F = Internal Order b. Short Text: CLIN line description c. Quantity: Amount of item/service required d. Unit: Unit of Measure e. Val.Price: Price Per Unit : Enter the amount of the PR. (DD Form 448 Block 11.) f. Deliv. Date: Expected Date of Delivery g. POrg: Army (Always Army) h. Desired Vendor: Not mandatory but if this is an option year enter vendor’s Cage Code. i. Matl Group: Commitment Item (EOR) j. PGrp: last 3 alphanumeric characters of the Contracting DODAAC (i.e. YTZ for W912YTZ) k. Plant: 4 letter indicator of your location. (ask your RM if you are unsure) 3 When ALL information is complete, click the Item Overview Icon again to minimize. In turn, the Item Detail will auto-expand. 4 Item Overview: Input ALL Required information (to include optional unit-level information) 8
ME51N- Create PR for an Outbound MIPR In the Item Detail section, begin by clicking the ‘Additional Tabs’ icon to the far right. This will expose the remainder of the tabs not already shown. 2 Click the ‘Account Assignment’ from the dropdown. Show Slide 9: Create Purchase Requisition for an Outbound MIPR (Cont.) In the Account Assignment section, PR Processor will input: Enter the G/L Account. (DD Form 448 Block 14 “SUPPLEMENTAL ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION”.) (Should default from Line Item Detail). Cost Center: Ft. Jackson Fund: Enter the Fund. (DD Form 448 Block 14 APPROPRATION.) Enter the Functional Area. (DD Form 448 Block 14 “SUPPLEMENTAL ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION”.) Enter the Fund Center. (DD Form 448 Block 14 “SUPPLEMENTAL ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION”.) 4 3 Under the ‘Account Assignment’ tab, the processor inputs: G/L Account (pre-load) Cost Center Fund Functional Area Fund Center After completing the LOA information, click the ‘Additional Tabs’ icon to reveal ‘Customer Data’ Click Customer Data. 9
ME51N- Create PR for an Outbound MIPR 2 Under the ‘Customer Data’ tab, go to the ‘PR Gen’ sub-tab Under the ‘PR Gen’, input the POC/Approving Officer name and phone number 3 4 Show Slide 10: Create Purchase Requisition for an Outbound MIPR (Cont.) This will default to an inner tab PR Gen Use the inner scroll as needed. Mandatory Fields are Full Name, Telephone No. and SRN. SRN (Standard Reference Number): Populate this field with the value that is to become the MIPR Number (populates Block 5 of DD-448). Value must be unique. Failure to enter a unique value will cause the purchase order to fail to post as multiple purchase orders cannot cite the same MIPR number. Be sure to use the COR info and for the SRN type in existing contract number or an internal tracking number. After you save it you will have to go back in and change it to the PR number generated by GFEBS. 7. Scroll back up to Update/Review the Workflow tab. Enter your DODAAC and check the different Approvals required for the PR by clicking in the boxes. Under the same Sub-Tab of PR Gen, scroll down to reveal the SRN under General. Input this Unique 11 digit MIPR number. If the ‘Workflow tab’ is not showing, click the ‘Additional Tab icon to reveal the ‘Customer Data’ - ‘Workflow’ sub-tab. 10
ME51N- Create PR for an Outbound MIPR Under the ‘Workflow’ sub-tab, input the DoDAAC (HQ0490 is DFAS) 2 3 Show Slide 11: Create Purchase Requisition for an Outbound MIPR (Cont.) Scroll back up to Update/Review the Workflow tab. Enter your DODAAC and check the different Approvals required for the PR by clicking in the boxes. organization. The DODAAC entered determines the routing of the MIPR PR through PR Workflow for approval and certification. Paying office DoDAAC (HQø49ø is DFAS). Save the MIPR PR by clicking the Save button. The system will generate the PR number upon save. It can be found in the lower left hand corner of the screen. At a minimum, a MIPR is subject to Level 1, Level 4, and Level 5 approval. Depending on the nature of the purchase, a MIPR may also be subject to Level 2 and/or Level 3 approval if the purchase involves property book and/or IT. The PR Approvers designated for that PR?s DoDAAC will receive an e-mail notification and workflow task. The e-mail notification is sent to the approvers address and the workflow task will appear in the Universal Worklist (UWL). Approval can be executed via transaction ME54N. On the ‘Menu Bar, click ‘Check’ to verify accuracy. Look for the Green check-mark to proceed. Finally, click the ‘Save’ button on the menu bar to generate the PR number below. Annotate for auditable records Project X 11
ME51N- Create PR for an Outbound MIPR Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Show Slide 12: Create Purchase Requisition for an Outbound MIPR Begin Simulation. Based on the level of experience within the audience, students can either watch as the process unfolds on the instructor screen or follow along in the TED. Be advised, some will fall behind and request help. This will cause a time-out in the system if too much time is taken away from the actual SAP process. 12
Battle Drill 1: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS & WAWF 3 Show Slide 13: End to end Outbound MIPR process (schematic version) Begins with the creation of the PR with Doc-Type Outbound PR RM shop initiates L1 Approval via ME54N – Generates / Prints DD 448 Emails DD 448 to Performer- Performer initiates L5 Acceptance via DD 448-2 Performer receives the accepted MIPR and initiates L4 certification, adds LOA. Determine type of work- Direct-Cite RM shop creates manual Purchase Order via ME21N 13
ME54N- L1 Approve L4 Certify Outbound MIPR Purchase Requisition receives L1 /L4 approve / certify from supervisor / BO via ME54N 1 2 Approved DD 448 is generated and then printed via ZSSC_448 L1 Approved Show Slide 14: L1 Approve Outbound MIPR The Outgoing MIPR PR has now been generated. The DD 448 form and the DD 448-2 Acceptance form generate. A third page will also print as an appendix to the DD-448. This page serves as a crosswalk of a GFEBS line of accounting and a Legacy line of accounting. The DD-448, DD-448-2, and Appendix can be sent to the Non-GFEBS Performing activity via e-mail, fax, or through the postal service. After the Non-GFEBS Performing activity has signed the MIPR DD 448-2 Acceptance form and returns it to the GFEBS Requesting activity, the GFEBS user performs Level 5 approval for the MIPR PR. Designated approvers can go to transaction code ME54N and perform the L5 approval of the MIPR. Level 5 approval signifies that the MIPR has been accepted by the performer. For the Direct Cite MIPR process, once the obligating document (i.e., contract) is received from the Non-GFEBS Performing activity, the Purchase Order Processer will create the Purchase Order manually using transaction code ME21N. For the Reimbursable MIPR process, the Purchase Order is automatically created after L5 approval of the MIPR occurs. For the Reimbursable MIPR process, please wait 5-10 minutes after L5 approval to check for the purchase order to be created or updated. If a MIPR PR has both reimbursable and direct cite line items, only the reimbursable line items will create/update a purchase order after L5 approval. Direct cite line items will require manual postings. NOTE: Be advised that GFEBS Training Environment (TED) is unable to Release / Approve via ME54N Once approved, the Requestor mails / emails documentation to Performer for approval request 3 NOTE: A copy of DD 448 will be filed at the requestors location for auditable purposes. Another copy will then be sent to the performers location for approval 14
Battle Drill 1: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS & WAWF 3 1 4 Show Slide 15: End to end Outbound MIPR process (schematic version) Facilitator Note: Step 3: Executing Agency Accepts, Signs, and Returns DD 448-2 Acceptance 15
Performer approves MIPR and Returns 448-2 1 Performer receives the DD 448/448-2 2 Performer sends accepted DD 448-2 MIPR to requestor Requestor Performer Show Slide 16: Performer approves MIPR and returns 448-2 In this slide, the performer has received the DD448 request for services. The performer verifies the information and returns the paperwork (along with the 448-2 acceptance) back to the requestor. 16
Battle Drill 1: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS & WAWF 3 5 1 4 Show Slide 17: End to end Outbound MIPR process (schematic version) Facilitator Note: Step 3: Executing Agency Accepts, Signs, and Returns DD 448-2 Acceptance 17
1 2 ME54N- Initiate L5 Approve / L4 Certify PR Requestor then receives the DD 448-2 MIPR acceptance, Issues the L5 Certification L1 Approved In the event that the PR was built unfunded (u), The RM shop will now add the LOA when the funds are available and confirmed (L4) L4 Certified L5 Accepted 2 Under the ‘Item Overview’- ‘Account Assignment’ tab, Input the following fields: G/L ledger- (should auto-fill) Cost center Fund Functional Area Funds Center – Click ‘Save’ Show Slide 18: ME54N- L5 Approve / L4 Certify PR Once the Requestor receives the DD 448 / DD448-2 (acceptance). They will execute T-Code ME54N and; L4 certify the document for funds approval. L5 to certify the performer is on board with the terms of the contract. Add the Line of Accounting if the PR was built unfunded. 18
Battle Drill 1: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS & WAWF 3 5 1 6 4 Show Slide 19: End to end Outbound MIPR process (schematic version) Facilitator Note: Step 3: Executing Agency Accepts, Signs, and Returns DD 448-2 Acceptance 19
ME21N- Create PO for an Outbound MIPR Enter T-Code: ME21N- Hit Enter 7 5 2 Under ‘Doc Type’ select Outbound MIPR PO Once Orange, Single-click the ‘Adopt’ button. This generates the PO. Click: The ‘triangle’ to reveal actual document Show Slide 20: Create Purchase Order for an Outbound MIPR (Cont.) Facilitator Note: Steps 1-7 3 6 4 Click: The ‘Variant’ (Rainbow) button Single-Click this Icon to highlight Orange From the dropdown menu, select ‘My purchase Requisitions 20
ME21N- Create PO for an Outbound MIPR To the right of Vendor, notice the ‘Vendor’ Code populates 1 2 Click: The ‘Customer Data’ tab 3 Enter: The ‘PIIN’ Show Slide 21: Create Purchase Order for an Outbound MIPR (Cont.) Facilitator Note: Steps 1-3 21
ME21N- Create PO for an Outbound MIPR Under ‘Item Detail, Click: The ‘Additional tabs’ Icon to reveal the ‘Customer D Show Slide 22: Create Purchase Order for an Outbound MIPR (Cont.) Facilitator Note: Steps 1 and 2 2 Select “Customer Data’ 22
ME21N- Create PO for an Outbound MIPR From ‘Customer Data’ tab- defaults to PO General revealing the SRN. Click: The ‘Contracts’ tab 3 Show Slide 23: Create Purchase Order for an Outbound MIPR (Cont.) Facilitator Note: Steps 1-3 Enter: The Contract Line Item number (CLIN) 23
ME21N- Create PO for an Outbound MIPR Click: ‘Save’ when the document clears the check stage. 1 Menu Bar- Select ‘Check’ to check the document for errors. Show Slide 24: Create Purchase Order for an Outbound MIPR (Cont.) Facilitator Note: Steps 1 and 2 Annotate the Document number 24
Check on Learning 1. Of the four roles, I’m typically assigned to Resource Management, enabling funds certification IOT allow for precise management of charge card spending and budget awareness. Which one am I? At a minimum, the three levels needed in GFEBS to successfully execute a MIPR / acceptance are; T or F: According to the S8 Battle-Drill process, a direct-cite MIPR PO is auto-created in SPS upon L1 / L4 / L5 release. Purchase Requisition Funds Certifier Show Slide 25: Check on Learning Facilitator Note: Ask the following questions; Q. Of the four roles, I’m typically assigned to Resource Management, enabling funds certification IOT allow for precise management of charge card spending and budget awareness. Which one am I? PR Fund Certifier Q. At a minimum, the three levels needed in GFEBS to successfully execute a MIPR / acceptance are; A. a. L1, L2, L3 b. L1, L4, L5 c. L1, L4, L8 Q. T or F: According to the S8 Battle-Drill process, a direct-cite MIPR PO is auto-created in SPS upon L1 / L4 / L5 release. A. False, it must be manually created via ME23N a. L1, L2, L3 b. L1, L4, L5 c. L1, L4, L8 False, it must be manually created via ME23N 25
Questions? Show Slide 26: Questions? Restate TLO and summarize lesson