Welcome Back To Sci High!!
I don’t assign daily homework, but you have homework daily!!! Welcome to Mrs. Miller’s class! (Sit where you want) I don’t assign daily homework, but you have homework daily!!! *Make sure your cell phones are off or on silent mode* Thanks, Management
Seating Chart Day Next Class Period!!! First Come, First Serve!
Introduction of Mrs. Miller Born and raised in Texas B.A. and M.A. in History from Baylor University (Sic ‘em!) PhD candidate at Tulane University
What are we going to study this year?
Class Rules!!! 1. DO NOT LIE TO ME!!! 2. Students shall be prepared for classroom activities (Blue/Black Pens, Pencils, highlighters, in-class notebook…never graded, but might be checked). 3. Students shall behave in an appropriate classroom manner. 4. Students shall respect the rights of others verbally and physically. 5. Students shall respect classroom property (no writing on desks, walls, etc) 6. Students will pick up after themselves, I’m not your Mom or Dad! 7. Students must participate to be successful APUSH students (paddles and whiteboards). 8. Students shall take care of all personal business before and after the class period (texting, FB, Tweeting, or any other electronic or verbal off task routine). 9. NO headphones or ear buds during my class.