Communicate the Procurement Process in GFEBS


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Presentation transcript:

Communicate the Procurement Process in GFEBS Show Slide 1: Communicate the Procurement Process in GFEBS SECTION I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Academic Hours / Methods 3 hrs Small or Large Group Instruction SECTION II. INTRODUCTION: Today we are going to discuss the Procurement Process in GFBES Method of Instruction. Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 or 1:25 Time of Instruction 3 hrs 00 mins Media: Small or Large Group Instruction Motivator: In today’s Army, we define ourselves as being the best trained, equipped and the best led Army that the United States has ever known. So to keep this image we as Financial Leaders and Managers have to become the best at financially supporting our Soldiers and being stewards of taxpayer dollars. Knowing this we have embraced Standard Financial Information System (SFIS) and the General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) in that it provides our Army decision makers with accurate, reliable, timely business and financial information to keep our War Fighters within their fiscal responsibilities.   Student Materials: DFAS-IN Regulation 37-1, Finance and Accounting Policy Implementation DFAS-IN Manual 37-100, The Army Management Structure DODFMR 7000.14-R, Vol 10, Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation GFEBS Funds Distribution Excel Spreadsheet Student Funds Management PowerPoint slides Access to AFMS TED 357 1

Terminal Learning Objective Action: Communicate the Procurement Process in GFEBS Conditions: FM Leaders in a classroom environment using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, personal experience, handouts, discussion and access to GFEBS. Standard: Analysis includes: - Validate accounts payable documents and prepare voucher(s) for payment - Uploading supporting documents in GFEBS. - Conduct payment proposal and Disburse payment. Show Slide 2: Terminal Learning Objective Read TLO SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM 385-30, Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation 350-29. Risk Assessment Level: Low. Hazard Identification: Electrical Shock, Fire, Slippery Floors, Physical Injure/Strain, Tripping Tight Spaces in Classroom, and Influenza. Hazard controls: Primary Instructor (PI) will ensure: All electrical cords are properly stored under desks, liquid containers have lids on them and all spills are immediately cleaned and mopped and allowed to completely dry before allowing students/personnel to walk on them. All chairs are ergonomically designed, adjust to individual preference and that all students are awake and paying attention in class. All cables/cords are properly plugged in, sheathed, and secured along tables, walls, and ceilings. No damaged or frayed cords/cables will be used. PI will brief proper hand washing techniques, the use of hand sanitizer, and evacuation procedures. All trash will be removed daily. ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations and GTA 05-08-002 ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. EVALUATION. At the end of the S8 Module a culminating event, resulting in a briefing to the Commander, will be assessed. INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD IN - Before we can understand how to control our funds, we must briefly discuss the procurement process. 2

Agenda Process Contract with SPS & WAWF Process Contract without SPS with WAWF Process Contract without SPS or WAWF Process Contract with SPS without WAWF Show Slide 3: Agenda Provide overview of each process Process Contract with SPS & WAWF Process Contract without SPS with WAWF Process Contract without SPS or WAWF Process Contract with SPS without WAWF 3

* If the SPS interface fails to produce an obligation, the PO Legend GFEBS Operation Non-GFEBS Three Way Match Purchase Requisition Enter PR L1- Approve PR L4 - Certify PR Transmit PR to Standard Procurement System (SPS) via Interface Purchase Order Award or Modify Contract Transmit Contract Data to GFEBS via Interface* Record Contract as PO in GFEBS SPS or ME21N Good Receipt Post Goods Receipt * If not posted automatically via WAWF MIGO Invoice Post Invoice * If not posted automatically via WAWF MIRO ME51N Show Slide 4: Three Way Match Discuss entire contracting process utilized with or without SPS WAWF If the SPS interface fails to produce an obligation, the PO Processor will manually create the PO. * If the SPS interface fails to produce an obligation, the PO Processor will manually create the PO 4

Show Slide 5: ERP Discuss ERP and Business Intelligence tabs. 5

Show Slide 6: ME51N Enter ME51N in the t-code box and select SPS PR from the dropdown menu. 6

Show Slide 7: Header Text Input all necessary information. 7

Show Slide 8: Customer Data Select customer tab and input all necessary information. 8

9. Scroll back up to Update the Contracts tab. Show Slide 9: Contracts Go to Contracts tab and enter Pay Office, NAICS, PSC code and the POP Start and End Date Enter the Pay Office (HQ0490), NAICS, PSC and the POP Start and End Date **********Repeat this for every line. When all lines are updated press enter.********** 11. Update the Account Assignment Tab ( with the LOA as necessary). If you selected “U” Account Assignment Tab will not appear. In most locations the Rm will load the Line of Accounting (LOA).

Process Contract with SPS & WAWF LSA - 1 Show Slide 10: Process Contract with SPS and WAWF Section III. Presentation Learning Step / Activity 1. Process Contract with SPS and WAWF Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 or 1:25 Time of Instruction: 20 mins Media: Small or Large Group Instruction 10

Show Slide 11: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS & WAWF Battle Drill 1: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS & WAWF Show Slide 11: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS & WAWF Requesting unit/S4 11

ME51N/ME54N – Create and fund certify Purchase Requisition Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Show Slide 12: Create Purchase Requisition Using the DA 3953 PURCHASE REQUEST AND COMMITMENT (PR&C) PRC6250, walk through the PR process in GFEBS with the students. 12

Show Slide 13: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS & WAWF Battle Drill 1: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS & WAWF Show Slide 13: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS & WAWF 13

Process Contract without SPS with WAWF LSA - 2 Show Slide 15: Process Contract without SPS with WAWF Section III. Presentation Learning Step / Activity 2. Process Contract without SPS with WAWFMethod of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 or 1:25 Time of Instruction: 20 mins Media: Small or Large Group Instruction 14

Show Slide 16: Process Contract (P2P) without SPS with WAWF Battle Drill 2: Process Contract (P2P) without SPS with WAWF Show Slide 16: Process Contract (P2P) without SPS with WAWF Process Contract (P2P) without SPS with WAWF Requesting unit/S4 15

ME51N/ME54N – Create and fund certify Purchase Requisition Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Show Slide 17: Create Purchase Requisition Instructor Note: Using the DA 3953 PURCHASE REQUEST AND COMMITMENT (PR&C) PRC6250, walk through the PR process in GFEBS with the students. 17

Show Slide 18: Process Contract (P2P) without SPS with WAWF Battle Drill 2: Process Contract (P2P) without SPS with WAWF Show Slide 18: Process Contract (P2P) without SPS with WAWF Resource Manager performance steps 17

ME21N – Create Purchase Order Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Show Slide 19: Create Purchase Order Instructor Note: Using the DD 1155 Copy 1, ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICESSOICITATION, OFFER AND AWARD CONTRACY/PURCH ORDER NO. M-1589, walk through the Create Purchase Order process in GFEBS with the students. 19

Process Contract without SPS without WAWF LSA - 3 Show Slide 20: Process Contract without SPS without WAWF Section III. Presentation Learning Step / Activity 3. Process Contract without SPS without WAWFMethod of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 or 1:25 Time of Instruction: 20 mins Media: Small or Large Group Instruction 20

Show Slide 21: Process Contract (P2P) without SPS or WAWF Battle Drill 3: Process Contract (P2P) without SPS or WAWF Show Slide 21: Process Contract (P2P) without SPS or WAWF Requesting unit/S4 21

ME51N/ME54N – Create and fund certify Purchase Requisition Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Show Slide 22: Create Purchase Requisition Instructor Note: Using the DA 3953 PURCHASE REQUEST AND COMMITMENT (PR&C) PRC6250, walk through the PR process in GFEBS with the students.

Show Slide 23: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS & WAWF Battle Drill 3: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS & WAWF Show Slide 23: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS & WAWF Resource Manager performance steps 23

Process Contract with SPS without WAWF LSA - 4 Show Slide 25: Process Contract with SPS without WAWF Section III. Presentation Learning Step / Activity 4. Process Contract with SPS without WAWFMethod of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 or 1:25 Time of Instruction: 20 mins Media: Small or Large Group Instruction 25

Battle Drill 4: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS without WAWF Show Slide 26: Battle Drill 4: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS without WAWF Requesting unit/S4 26

ME51N/ME54N – Create and fund certify Purchase Requisition Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Show Slide 27: Create Purchase Requisition Instructor Note: Using the DA 3953 PURCHASE REQUEST AND COMMITMENT (PR&C) PRC6250, walk through the PR process in GFEBS with the students. 27

Resource Manager performance steps Battle Drill 4: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS without WAWF Show Slide 28: Battle Drill 4: Process Contract (P2P) with SPS without WAWF Resource Manager performance steps 28

ME21N – Create Purchase Order Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided Show Slide 29: Create Purchase Order Instructor Note: Using the DD 1155 Copy 1, ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICESSOICITATION, OFFER AND AWARD CONTRACY/PURCH ORDER , walk through the Create Purchase Order process in GFEBS with the students. 29

Check on Learning What must occur after a SPS PR has been L-1 approved? 2. What t-code is utilized if SPS fails to produce a PO? How do you fund certify an SPS PR? 18

Questions Show Slide 30: Questions Restate TLO and Summarize lesson.