11:00-11:45 ETTEKANNE How ARE the results of internal and external evaluation useD AT SCHOOL LEVEL? Toomas Kruusimägi 09.03.2012
toomas kruusimägi / TEC How ARE the results of internal and external evaluation useD AT SCHOOL LEVEL? INTERNAL School evaluation system SELF-EVALUATION COMMITMENT (PLAN) DISCUSSION External Managing for results LEA Quality Award System National internal evaluation system IB evaluation Regardless of sector, size, structure or maturity, to be successful, organisations need to establish an appropriate management framework. Our approach at is based on TQM, LEA Quality Award System and the National internal evaluation system. We (the management) believe that the process of self-assessment is a catalyst for school improvement. Principles: learner focus Managing for Results (MFR) of Tallinn School Leaders is a strategic planning and performance measurement that emphasizes use of resources to achieve measurable results, accountability, efficiency, and continuous improvement in State government programs. Our approach is to use the framework as a practical tool that can be used in a number of different ways: Key areas: Leadership – development (improvement) plan, action plan, strategic planning; Human Resource Management – attraction, selection, training, assessment and rewarding of employers; Cooperation – public relations, targetgroup involvment, feedback and satisfaction; Resource Management – budget, ICT, enivonmental issues etc; Teaching and learning – pupil areng, curriculum design, teaching methods, values and school ethos, talented and gifted as well as SEN (special education), extracurricula-activities; 09.03.2012 toomas kruusimägi / TEC
toomas kruusimägi / TEC How ARE the results of internal and external evaluation useD AT SCHOOL LEVEL? For the good of the organisation Or For THEM For THEM – more as a paper excercise Our approach is to use the framework as a practical tool that can be used in a number of different ways 09.03.2012 toomas kruusimägi / TEC
toomas kruusimägi / TEC How ARE the results of internal and external evaluation useD AT SCHOOL LEVEL? as the basis for a common vocabulary and a way of thinking; learning from each other, sharing practices; as a guide to identify strengths, what has been achieved; efficiency of systems and processes; areas for improvement; areas for in-service training; Key areas: Leadership – development (improvement) plan, action plan, strategic planning; Human Resource Management – attraction, selection, training, assessment and rewarding of employers; Cooperation – public relations, targetgroup involvment, feedback and satisfaction; Resource Management – budget, ICT, enivonmental issues etc; Teaching and learning – pupil areng, curriculum design, teaching methods, values and school ethos, talented and gifted as well as SEN (special education), extracurricula-activities; 09.03.2012 toomas kruusimägi / TEC
toomas kruusimägi / TEC How ARE the results of internal and external evaluation useD AT SCHOOL LEVEL? as a way to benchmark with other schools national standardised tests basic school exams with harmonised questions national exams other results and data Leak tables? Good results rather a by-product than aim of its own. Our mission: to create a challenging and diverse learning environment that encourages life-long learning and promotes internationalism. Added value All students should reach their goal! 09.03.2012 toomas kruusimägi / TEC
toomas kruusimägi / TEC How ARE the results of internal and external evaluation used AT SCHOOL LEVEL? Values and ethos Input for Development / improvement plan Action plan Curriculum / syllabus design LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT etc 09.03.2012 toomas kruusimägi / TEC
toomas kruusimägi / TEC How ARE the results of internal and external evaluation used AT SCHOOL LEVEL? Unless there is a radical change in the structure of school leadership, few schools will be able to rise to the challenge of enabling all students to meet high standards. Richard F. Elmore Anrig Professor of Educational Leadership Evaluation is a matter of leadership – Helder Guerreiro Leaders must be able to model the behaviours, the learning and the instructional knowledge they seek from their teachers. Inspection or self evaluation = level of school autonomy, who makes decisions = trust on schools (heads/principals, teachers and students) 09.03.2012 toomas kruusimägi / TEC