We value and support: A positive, healthy and safe learning environment Respectful attitudes and actions Diversity Pursuit of personal excellence Service to community Team work Quality learning and teaching Initiative, leadership and self discipline
We value and support students who are: Life-long learners Creative and critical thinkers Effective communicators Skilled in literacy and numeracy Independent and organised Competent and innovative with technology Environmentally, socially and culturally informed Caring and compassionate
Developing supportive transition programs Investing in quality professional learning for all staff Striving to meet the individual needs of all students Promoting and modelling high expectations Encouraging innovation, creativity and higher order thinking Engaging with community Integrating technology effectively
Our year 7 students will experience: A comprehensive transition program A broad and challenging curriculum Classes arranged in bands according to ability An opportunity to participate in our ACE program A peer support program (including a camp) delivered by trained peer support leaders The challenge of big ideas Targeted literacy and numeracy programs
Key people who can support you and your child are: Ken Sharp – Year Adviser for year A Deputy Principal will be designated to support the year for year 7 to year 12. Paul Grebert currently has this role Principal – David Silcock School Counsellors – Steve Rollinson and Helen Newton Girls and boys supervisor – Kerri Crethar and Jack Larrescy Administration staff including Wendy Tolland and Janet Fernie Learning Support teacher – Debra Byron Head Teacher Equity – Stephanie OBrien The rest of our experienced Executive team
We look closely at a range of information: We form classes in bands. Students are in the same core classes. We often have more classes for practical subjects due to smaller class sizes so students can be in different classes for practical subjects The number of classes per band can vary year by year depending on the profile of the year group We use NAPLAN data, a literacy and numeracy moderating task administered at the end of 2014, and information provided by Primary Schools. We consult closely with Primary schools throughout the process. For students with particular learning or transition needs we also consult with families Our year adviser, Head Teacher Equity and Learning Support Teacher, and Deputy Principal coordinate this process.
There are two basic enrolment processes: In zone enrolment – if you live in the Alstonville High School enrolment zone and attend a NSW Public Primary school you will be provided with a form by the Primary School which you complete and return to the Primary School. We will contact you during term 2. If you do not live in the Alstonville High School Enrolment zone but you do attend a NSW Public Primary School you will be given the same form as in zone students but you will have to complete and extra section indicating why you want to attend Alstonville High School. When completing this section we would advise you to address the criteria contained in our out of zone enrolment policy (outlined later) If your child attends a private Primary school we would ask you to complete one of the expression of interest forms we have here tonight (and which are on our website) and return them to us. If you live outside of our enrolment zone then you are advised to address our out of zone criteria in your application. We will contact you during term 2 (or possibly term 3 depending on the number of enrolment enquiries)
There are many useful resources to help you enroll your child in high school: Contact us by phone or by and we will answer your queries personally Visit a P&C meeting and meet with other parents Make use of the information provided on our school website school/enrolmenthttp:// school/enrolment School A to Z contains lots of useful information Follow us on Follow our SRC Facebook page Follow our Library blog
We are a school committed to a process of continuous improvement We have an experienced, professional, dedicated and compassionate team We have high expectations We challenge ourselves and our students We have close links with community and families We embrace change when we believe it will benefit our students, we embrace tradition for the same reason We have a lovely site, quality resources and a positive school culture We are proud of our school and our students – we are proud pf our strong tradition of academic, sporting and cultural achievement We would love for your family to join with the Alstonville High School family on our journey to nurture a love of learning!