What About The Dinosaurs?
Genesis 1:24-31 – Man and dinosaurs were created on the same day. Genesis 2:19-20 – Adam saw the dinosaurs. Job 40 & 41 – Job saw dinosaurs And so have many others...
Special thanks to Dr. Don Patton, a geologist who resides in the Dallas, TX area who granted me permission to use his pictures and other information from the website www.bible.ca.
Paluxy River Bed near Glen Rose, TX - Ryals Track http://www.bible.ca/tracks/ryals-overview.jpg
The Turnage-Patton Trail Excavated by Dr The Turnage-Patton Trail Excavated by Dr. Don Patton beginning on 9 September 2000 The Texas drought has made new revelations possible. A platform in the Paluxy River bed near Glen Rose, Texas has been exposed by consulting geologist, Dr. Don Patton and volunteer workers, revealing three dramatic trails of dinosaur tracks. The primary trail...consists of 136 consecutive tracks, extending over 400 feet. The prints are deep and incredibly detailed...
The leading dinosaur track authorities have acknowledged that they know of no other single consecutive dinosaur trails in North America that are this long. Both the length and the beautifully preserved detail certainly make this one of the finest displays of dinosaur tracks in the world... The primary trail is finally obscured at the upper end by erosion for a distance of about thirty feet and then the trail appears again for another twenty-one consecutive tracks, making a total of 157 tracks, extending over 500 feet...
Field notes from investigations of the area in the late seventies indicate that Mike Turnage actually detected the long trail with his feet under several feet of water. In view of this, it has been determined that this exciting, historic new trail be designated "The Turnage-Patton Trail." http://www.bible.ca/tracks/turnage-patton-trail.htm
“Internal structures dramatically conform to the shape of both the heel impression and the great toe impression, demonstrating that this is an original impression in limestone well known for dinosaur prints.” http://www.bible.ca/tracks/burdick-track.htm
http://www.bible.ca/tracks/burdick-cross-section- great-toe.jpg
http://www. bible. ca/tracks/utp-upper-taylor-platform-mcfall-trail http://www.bible.ca/tracks/utp-upper-taylor-platform-mcfall-trail.htm
This is one of three tracks featured at the 1989 Dayton, TN creation conference that was destroyed the next day. On August 12, 1989 Dr. Don Patton spoke at a creation conference in Dayton, TN. He presented compelling evidence that both human and dinosaur tracks were present at the Taylor Trail, including the above pictures. Two well known evolutionists were present and at least one was conspicuously disturbed by this presentation...
Both flew to Dallas the next morning and went immediately to the Paluxy River. It is reliably reported that they were in the river that afternoon with an "iron bar." Three days before they were in the river the footprint was observed looking like the picture above. Three days after they were in the river, it was observed looking like the picture left. (http://www.bible.ca/tracks/taylor-trail.htm)
Fossilized footprints aren’t the only sources of evidence which support the fact that dinosaurs and humans lived together at the same time.
“If dinosaurs and humans once walked the Earth together (as the Bible clearly teaches they did – read Exodus 20:11), it makes sense to conclude that humans would have left behind two different types of evidence. First...those living hundreds or thousands of years ago would likely have drawn or carved pictures of dinosaurs, as well as many other animals...
Second, just as we tell stories today of things that we have seen and heard, ancient people would also have told stories about dinosaurs, if they ever saw these creatures...” (Eric Lyons, “Dragon Myths or Dinosaur Descriptions”, Discovery, July 2007, pg 52)
First of all, let’s consider the idea of.... Stories.
“A wide variety of stories of large reptiles have been passed down from cultures all over the world. Many of these creatures sound very much like dinosaurs, or dinosaur-like reptiles. However, they are not called dinosaurs in these stories, but dragons. Since the term ‘dinosaur’ (meaning ‘fearfully great reptile’) was not invented until the early 1840s, stories...would not have included the word ‘dinosaur.’ Instead, the name attached to these creatures was ‘dragon.’
“The Chinese told of one ancient emperor who raised a dragon in his palace. In the 1200s, Italian explorer Marco Polo wrote of seeing long, two- legged reptiles...while passing through central Asia. Around A.D. 1450, Englishmen reported seeing two huge reptiles fighting on the banks of the river Stour. The ancient Babylonians told about a four-legged, scaly, powerful creature with a long neck, a horned head, a lengthy tail, and a snake-like tongue.” (Lyons, pg 52).
Notice the following quotation taken from Herodotus, a Greek historian from the fifth century B.C., who wrote: “There is a place in Arabia...to which I went, on hearing of some winged serpents; and when I arrived there, I saw bones and spines of serpents, in such quantities as it would be impossible to describe. The form of the serpent is like that of a water-snake; but he has wings without feathers, and as like as possible to the wings of a bat” (Harrub, Thompson, “Walking Amidst the Dinosaurs”Reason & Revelation, February 2003)
“What good reason exists for the hundreds of dragon legends all around the world? Why did people in different places and times, separated by thousands of miles, all come up with stories of giant reptiles that sound more like extinct dinosaurs than any other animal on Earth? The reasonable answer is: humans and dinosaurs once lived together...” (Lyons, pg 53).
Secondly, let’s consider the idea of... Drawings, Carvings, etc.
“Suppose your teacher asked you to take out a pencil and paper and draw a Kabolib. What would you draw? You probably wouldn’t draw anything because you don’t know what a Kabolib is and you certainly don’t know what one looks like. The truth is, there is no Kabolib...” (Discovery, July 2007, pg 51)
Natural Bridges National Monument, southeastern Utah
near the Grand Canyon in the Havai Supai Canyon. This carving was found near the Grand Canyon in the Havai Supai Canyon. “The Indians had drawn a wild goat, an elephant, and a creature that looked just like - a dinosaur” (Truth Be Told, pg 116). Picture courtesy of: www.bible.ca/tracks/dino-art-wall-etchings-grand-canyon.jpg
“In 1944, a German businessman by the name of Waldemar Julsrud was riding a horse near the foot of the El Toro mountains in Acambaro, Mexico. Looking at the ground, he noticed some carved stones and ceramic pieces sticking up, half buried in the dirt. He jumped off his horse and began to dig up the artifacts, which were unlike any he had ever seen...
“In all, about 30,000 artifacts were found. Many of them were faces of people, musical instruments, masks, idols, and other such things...Among the figurines, hundreds of dinosaur sculptures were found. Some of the dinosaur sculptures were as much as five feet long. Among the different dinosaur figurines found, dinosaurs such as the Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Iguanodon, Brachiosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus rex could be identified” (Truth Be Told, pg 117).
“Javier Cabrera Darquea came into possession of his first burial stone (from the Ica section of the country of Peru) when he was given one as a paperweight for his birthday. Dr. Cabrera tried to find the origin of his unique gift, and eventually gathered over 11,000 of the stones. The rocks turned out to be ancient burial stones that the Indians had placed with their dead. Amazingly, almost one-third of the stones depicted specific types of dinosaurs...” (Truth Be Told, pg 117).
The type of art form represented by these stones, and their location, dated them to the time of the Inca culture (around A.D. 500-1500), which is hundreds of years before humans began learning about dinosaurs in modern times...Also of interest is the fact that several...dinosaurs on the stones have what appear to be dermal frills (spines) – something never previously reported by scientists...
“Even though the Ica stones revealed carvings of long-neck dinosaurs with spines down their neck, back, and tail long before the 1990s, it was not until 1992 that scientists first discovered dermal frills on the fossilized remains of large plant-eating dinosaurs...Regarding dermal spines found in the Howe dinosaur quarry in Wyoming in 1992, one geologist wrote: ‘The biggest spines found were 9 inches long, shaped a little like a shark’s dorsal fin’” (Truth Be Told, pgs 117-119).
http://www. bible. ca/tracks/peru-tomb-rock-art-man-fighting-dipodocus http://www.bible.ca/tracks/peru-tomb-rock-art-man-fighting-dipodocus.jpg
http://www.bible.ca/tracks/peru-tomb-rock-art- man-riding-triceratops.jpg
“In the country of Cambodia, an ancient emperor... built a temple to honor his mother. He finished the temple in A.D. 1186. Beautiful stone statues and carvings decorate the walls and columns of the temple. In the middle of all these beautiful carvings, there is a row of animals carved on a pillar. Most of the animals are not unusual – a monkey, a deer, some parrots. But one animal is very interesting because it looks like a stegosaurus” (Discovery, July 2007, pg 51).
I think we can see that the evidence in support of the cohabitation of mankind and dinosaurs is... overwhelming.
Once again, evidence support creation and refutes the theory of evolution!
Is it possible that dinosaurs were on the ark?