Wirral CAMHS Advice Line Update


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Presentation transcript:

Wirral CAMHS Advice Line Update Early Help Network Workshop 14th and 18th May 2018

Recent Developments Recent developments in CAMHS have been led by 2 main national strategies: Future in Mind Strategy, 2015; investment to transform services, not do more of the same in children’s mental health. Mental health is everyone’s business and we need to skill the whole of the children’s workforce to support children with their mental health. Early intervention, prevention and building resilience is better than cure. Crisis Care – children’s specialist mental health services need to be 24/7

What you told us you wanted…. All schools were visited by their PMHW and asked what they wanted Schools wanted – to know where to signpost to, mental health training, resources and access to immediate advice So we developed a resource pack, training programme, on-line resources and set up an Advice Line (9am – 5pm)

Wirral CAMHS Advice Line – Activity In the last year (April – March 2017/18) the Wirral Advice line has provided consultation to 1595 callers. Demand for the line has grown steadily month by month since it launched, with the only noticeable reductions in demand during school holidays, see Figure 1.

Advice Line – Who phones? The main themes of the qualitative feedback given were:   Feeling understood and listened to. Receiving good quality advice. Feeling reassured. Signposting. When it was first launched GPs and parents were the most frequent callers, then in December 2016 education staff began to use it significantly more. This trend continued until March 2017 when consultations received from parents/grandparents more than doubled the amount of calls received by any other staff group, and this trend has continued

Out of Hours Advice Line From 1st April 2018 the Advice line extended its hours to 10pm weekdays and 12-8 weekends and bank holidays. The Out of Hours service is delivered by a designated team, which is trust wide across Chester, East Cheshire and Wirral The Out of Hours Service provides: Easy & timely access to mental health advice Support of existing care plans Support, signposting, de-escalation, reassurance & containment. Reduction in presentation at A&E and admittance to paediatric wards

Wirral CAMHS Advice Line 0151 488 8453 The Advice Line is open Monday-Friday 9am – 10 pm, weekends and bank holidays 12- 8 pm staffed by experienced CAMHS practitioners. It is for anyone supporting young people (including parents, education & social care staff, GPs & other health professionals) to call for any advice about concerns they might have in regards to a Child or Young Person’s mental health.

Out of Hours Advice Line and Risk Assessments The next phase (once permanent staff within post potentially June ‘18): Weekend Risk Assessments on the children’s wards across the 4 acute hospitals across the trust The Out of Hours Advice Line and Weekend Risk Assessments will provide: Timely CAMHS Risk Assessments Reduced stress for children, young people and their parents/carers Reduced time in paediatric beds

Thank-You Any questions?