Infinite Campus Mid-Year (MY) Training January 8, 2014
Mid-Year Supplemental Information Alternative Program - ILPA Assessment Data Calendar Roll Forward Civil Rights Data Collection (Update) eTranscripts Grades Data Standard Intervention Kindergarten Readiness School Report Card State Course Codes Student Voice Teacher of Record Data Quality
Training Materials from MY Training Available on-line - SIS-Training.aspx SIS-Training.aspx Other MY Training resources to be available online – Infinite Campus University. KSIS Notification will be sent out to KSIS contacts when available.
Infinite Campus Release 1402 includes Individual Learning Plan Addendum (ILPA) Transition plan for Alternative Program placements Pilot districts to use in ; Optional for other districts in Required for all districts to use for Additional training will be available this summer. More information available
Now Available to Districts ACT – National & State Administered (by request) K-PREP & Alt-K-Prep End of Course College & Career Readiness (CCR) & Alt CCR Growth – HS & K-Prep Stanford 10 Kindergarten Readiness including Social/Emotional Compass Advanced Placement Coming Soon – KYOTE, KOSSA, ASVAB, WorkKeys, Industry Awarded
Instructional Settings & Teaching Method rolls forward. Confirm these are set and correct before roll forward. Defaults to on-site, in-person Data used in School Report Card – quality questionable. Core Product change – Instructional setting now at section level. Defaults to course designation but if different can be changed at section level rather than creating separate course.
Civil Rights Data Collection, early summer Proposed changes to collect additional data delayed but will include: School & district characteristics Discipline Restraint and seclusion Single-sex interscholastic athletics Early childhood education Pathways to college and career School finance (funded with state & local funds) Teachers (funded with federal, state, and/or local funds) Continues to be Local Education Agency (LEA) data collection; however, KDE will help where possible.
Participating Districts/Schools 197 schools now live; 12 districts behind schedule – in red on district map; 19 scheduled to go live in January. All schools to be live by March 31 st – final transcripts through Parchment only. Alternative schools that generate diplomas also need to register and use. Link to webpages for more information: District/School - pts.aspx pts.aspx Student - YeTranscript-StudentPortal.aspx YeTranscript-StudentPortal.aspx
Grades Data Standards updated 10/9/13 Reminder - State Reported Term grades and Final Grade are used for: Persistence to Graduation CIITS P20 Reporting Must be set up according to standard or will not be available for this reporting. For more information go to ges/ksis-data-standards.aspx ges/ksis-data-standards.aspx
New Intervention Tab coming soon. Modifications have been made based on feedback from districts Will be located in PLP to accommodate additional tracking functionality available in that area. Optional use for Year 3 focus schools must use for Optional for other schools for New Benchmark Report will be available this month -- includes student level assessment data and interventions from new tab. Will only include ACT scores if district has opted to receive state published scores.
K-Ready scores are available in Infinite Campus and will be in CIITS soon. Includes Kindergarten Readiness, Self Help/Social Emotional readiness. Prior Setting information also available – reports by type of provider and by facility are being made available to districts for review. K-Ready indicators by school, district and by prior setting type will be available in Open House this month. Prior setting facility data will be shared with districts but not released publically by KDE until
Outstanding Free & Reduced Lunch Data Refresh AP Data Potential Changes Financial Data Health Data Preschool Data Additional Career & Technical Data District input welcome.
New State Course codes will be published in late January. Stress importance of using state course codes Work with Technical schools to ensure that course codes are consistent. Course codes roll forward with calendar so invalid codes continue to exist unless corrected by school or district.
Student Voice survey will be for K-12 this year. Students must have portal accounts and know their passwords to participate. K-2 surveys will be administered one-on-one with an adult reading the survey and recording the responses in Infinite Campus. Training videos will be available later this month.
Highly qualified teacher indicator rolls forward with course but must be checked as teachers are added to course sections. Primary teacher and one other teacher have access to data in CIITS. Districts can decide what other teacher should be added to have this access.
State Level Respect the authoritative source – The Big 3 (e.g., IC, MUNIS, Assessment) feed P20, CIITS, mobile apps, etc. Remove duplicative state collections (e.g. Excel spreadsheets) Communicate the impact and importance of key data Provide validation tools – ad hoc reports, confirm button Provide on-line, self-helptraining, data element dictionary Be transparent – public reports and research (e.g. P20) Establish data quality advisory committee (superintendents, CIOs, etc.)
District Level Use data for local decision making to improve quality upwards Identify the right data points of contact and champions Improve attention to detail (e.g., original data entry) Define responsibilities for verification. Take advantage of verification/validation opportunities.