Hypno-therapy By :Desiree Moose-cox
Origin The ancient Egyptians used hypnosis as a way to heal the sick in temples Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness Hippocrates noticed that the brain holds our feelings in our subconscious mind The ancient Egyptians called this method “temple sleep”
Purpose The purpose of hypnosis was to use it as a therapeutic method of getting into the subconscious mind to relive stress, remind people of things like the face of a criminal or even to help people remember important events Treat pain during birth and lower labor time Slow bleeding and pain during surgery Reduce the intensity or frequency of migraine headaches in children and teenagers Treat and ease the symptoms of asthma Helps eliminate bad habits, such as smoking and overeating Lower fear, stress and anxiety Eliminate or decrease the severity of phobias
Fun facts We all experience hypnosis at least twice a day Most of the things that you see on a stage or is performed is known as stage hypnosis usually the people are in on it
Method There are 3 methods Analytical, suggestion, and Cognitive The Basics are to put your patient into a relaxed trance like state in which their subconscious mind is “venerable” to in a way persuasion where you can dig into their mind and make them forget things, remember things and think new things . the Analytical method deals with more psychotherapy things like phobias The cognitive method is used to help patients to deal with the issues at hand The suggestive method is used to make people remember and forget things this is the most commonly known method. it is also used as a short term way to mask a phobia
Does it work? In my opinion yes hypnosis does work I have noticed in trials with friends and among collogues that they must be willing to be hypnotized and then it works very well I have also noticed that it works well as an anesthetic if you do the base-line relaxer and “trance” to relax yourself and to clear your mind so if it takes you a while to go to sleep this method help with that as I and many others have noticed . But there are many different opinions on wither it works or not but as I have noticed you need to want to be hypnotized in order for it to work. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=1&cad=rja&ua ct=8&ved=0ahUKEwiejoyhjM7OAhWBOSYKHfj3A8UQtwIIKjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvime o.com%2F60670141&usg=AFQjCNGe_P0wx_0MtBsuU9uTYSEjqPB2jw&sig2=2ZqYiVUTheHTr l3abHRA8Q&bvm=bv.129759880,d.eWE