Year 9 - Options We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light. Mary Dunbar
Student Achievement First Its simple and is at the heart of everything we do in school. Your Options
Currently: Intense focus on 5 GCSEs at A*-C including English and Maths National Changes: English and Maths at C grade or above + Progress 8 = how much progress students make within the best 8 GCSEs by the end of year 11 + English Baccalaureate National Changes
Yr91 Option Yr101 Option Yr111 Option Yr91 Option Yr101 Option Yr11 Current model = 6 Options New model = 6 Options
What is the EBacc? MATHS ENGLISH SCIENCE Hi / Geo / CSci / Language
What counts in Progress 8? MATHS ENGLISH SCIENCE Hi / Geo / CSci / Language Option 2 Option 1 TECHNOLOGY
What subjects will you be doing in Year 10? Core (15 periods) Maths 3 periods English 3 periods Science 4 periods D&T 3 periods PE 2 periods Plus 4 option choices – 2 EBACC + 2 other options
Where are you going next? Post 16 -What would you like to do at Oakbank Sixth Form? -Are you thinking of going on to college or an apprenticeship? -What university/career would you like to go on to? Oakbank Sixth Form Top 20% of all Sixth Forms in the country Oakbank is in the top 200 most improved schools over the last 3 years. Students going to: Oxford/Cambridge Prestigious Universities (Russell Group) Students accepted for Medicine, Law, Dentistry
Information that you have received: Rising Stars Data Student Survey Advice from form tutor and teachers Options Process Are you considering the best options?
Options Process Are you considering the best options? You like it or find it interesting You think you will do well Youre good at it You can develop new skills It will combine well with other subjects Your teachers think it is suitable for you Its useful for your future career
What are the options? Sports Leadership Rock Futures Horrible History Media Music GCSE/BTEC ENRICHMENT Travel & Tourism French PE
Enrichment Oakbank TV 1 Instead of choosing to do a GCSE you can take an Enrichment Route. Select the box AND write the name of the Enrichment course in.
Yr9 into 10 Key points: Have you started any 2 year language courses? If so you will need to continue with them through to the end of Year 11. You can re-do a GCSE Option from this year if you wish. You can opt for a college course even you have not done Exploring Our Futures in Year 9. If you choose Enrichment, you will be tied into Enrichment for the two years BUT you can change which Enrichment course you do each year if you wish.
Key Stage 4 – Advice Prospects – Careers Service are here (Craig Farrell and his advisers are based in the Dining Hall). Year Teams – Head of Year and Tutors are available throughout the evening to offer one to one advice (they are based in the Dining Hall).
Important dates: Two weeks ago – the options survey (now completed) to indicate the kind of subjects you are interested in us providing Last Week - Option booklets went out. NOW - Options Evening – 13 th Feb 2014 The next seven days: - OPEN MINDS options lessons - Departments to offer information and advice about KS4 courses in lessons. Friday 21 st Feb OPTIONS FORM DEADLINE.
College – Rm 270 Work shops on: Construction Fab and Weld Hair and Beauty Child Development Astronomy Engineering (Tech)
FACT: Being at Oakbank each day helps you improve…..