13th Year Promise Scholarship Gary Oertli, President Elizabeth Pluhta, Executive Director of College Advancement and the Foundation South Seattle Community College
South Seattle Community College Located in urban metropolis Main campus, Georgetown, New Holly Comprehensive community college, also offers bachelor’s degrees Serves 17,000 students annually 67% are ethnic minorities 44% speak English as their second language Average student age is 31 years 51% are first-generation college students Less than 300 students annually matriculate directly from high school
13th Year Promise Scholarship The 13th Year Promise Scholarship guarantees that all graduating seniors from two feeder high schools have the opportunity to attend South Seattle Community College tuition-free for one year. Provides powerful combination of financial resources and student support
Why a 13th Year Scholarship? “Tipping Point” research (CCRC/SBCTC): K-12 + 1 year college = success Industry credential or continuing education $7,000+ annual earnings for student Annual benefit to economy and tax payers of $4,700/student Remove financial barrier to higher education Reaching groups traditionally underserved in higher education Increase college enrollment from high school – avoid “10 year drift”
Innovation Process Foundation board retreat (2006) Research and Program design (2007) Pilot program launch (2007 – 2008) First 13th Year students enroll in college (2008) Assessment and creation of Readiness Academy (2009 – 2010) Hire 13th Year Coordinator (2010) Expansion and full implementation (2011)
High School Profiles High School 1 (Pilot) High School 2 Senior class – 85 94% students of color 67% Free/reduced lunch Lowest performing school 61% meet state standards in Reading 12% meet state standards in Math Senior Class – 220 70% students of color 55% Free / reduced lunch Low performing school 76% meet state standards in Reading 43% meet state standards in Math
Doubles Direct Matriculation from High School!
13th Year Student Success Results (2008 – 2010 Pre-Readiness Academy)
Assessment & Improvement 2008 – 2010 2011 – Beyond Complete scholarship application form Apply for financial aid (grants only) Funds for tuition only Complete scholarship application form Apply for financial aid (grants only) Complete Readiness Academy College workshops Placement Testing Math/English Instruction New Student Orientation Funds for tuition, coordinator, instruction, etc.
13th Year Readiness Academy College 101 Sessions at high school (Fall) Financial Aid Workshops(January) COMPASS Placement test workshop (February) COMPASS Placement Pre-Test (March) COMPASS Improvement workshops (April) COMPASS Placement Post-Test (May) College Field Trip (May) Intensive New Student Orientation (September) Monthly advising meetings (September – June)
13th Year Readiness Academy: COMPASS COMPASS Placement test workshop (February) Test Prep, Math/English Review COMPASS Placement Pre-Test (March) COMPASS Improvement workshops (April) 4 hours x 4 Saturdays = 16 hours for English 4 hours x 4 Saturdays = 16 hours for Math COMPASS Placement Post-Test (May) 40% increased placement by at least one course level measured from pre-post test
13th Year Readiness Academy: Orientation Classroom Success Classroom Simulation Faculty Panel 2) Success Outside of the Classroom Student Life Resources (Tutoring, Advising, etc.) 3) Personal success Balance / Time Management Talking with family / friends about college
Cost & Budget $1,000 annual avg. tuition / per students (74 students) $40,000 for full-time coordinator $10,000 for COMPASS workshops TOTAL - $124,000 annually Average Participant Cost - $1,675 Significant in-kind college support as well!
Financial Details
13th Year Student Demographics
13th Year Student Success Results (2011 – Readiness Academy Intervention)
Students Tell Us! Guaranteed tuition coverage! Single point of contact (Coordinator) New Student Orientation Cohort model Student-friendly communication (text, Facebook, etc.) Financial aid process /needs still a challenge Disappointment with academic placement
Staff Tell Us! Focus on success Collaborative model Opportunity to work with community leaders Professional development / growth “Guinea Pig” group for other student success initiatives Time and resources continue to be a challenge
Donors & Board Members Tell Us! Big, bold vision! Clear concept Involved in program creation – not just fundraising Early success But, still room to make a difference Supports “our kids”
Challenges Coordination with high school Very, very busy Many other scholarship/achievement programs Financial risk / uncertainty Perception of “fixing” the public school system Complexity of Financial Aid process Ability to overcome factors beyond program’s control Students’ ability to succeed while enrolled Amount of internal support and resources needed Economic climate
Opportunities & Benefits Awareness of education issues (readiness, access for underserved) Increased collaboration with education partners Energized board members, college staff, community members Increased direct from high school enrollment Glean research and best practices that can apply to all students Reach out to new friends and donors Raise college profile and visibility Professional development for advancement / student services
Future Directions Expand to all high schools in service area (4 total) Fundraising Campaign - $4 million Vision for entire city of Seattle Enhance Readiness Academy – earlier Conduct additional data analysis Get the word out!
Thank You! Gary Oertli, President Gary.oertli@seattlecolleges.edu Elizabeth A. Pluhta, Executive Director of College Advancement and the Foundation Elizabeth.pluhta@seattlecolleges.edu