Partnering with the Defense Acquisition University Equivalent Provider Application (EPA) Process Phase I - Details END NO YES Provider contacts an approved 3rd party reviewer for a fee quote to determine acceptance Provider now eligible to submit for equivalency review Provider acquires the equivalency forms on the DAU blackboard, reviews, Equivalent Provider Application (EPA) Guide and Memorandum of Instruction Using EPA template, provider prepares EPA per Guide Payment coordinated per reviewer instructions 3rd party reviews standards outlined in DAU Directive 708 and provides a recommendation of approval/disapproval to the applicant and DAU END – DAU notifies provider of disapproval. Provider may resubmit after 12 months DAU reviews recommendation and makes approval decision DAU signs MOU, notifies provider of approval Per EPA Guide, provider populates Blackboard with EPA and supporting documentation and sends an email notice to reviewer copy to DAU DAU creates a DAU BB Account for Provider Provider requests MOU template, (equivalency@dau.mi) signs and forwards to DAU. DAU provides access to DAU Blackboard (BB) Recommend inserting links, as appropriate, to the appropriate documents. 1