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(even for those whose answer is “some”) Do you manage the chemical substances contained in your company’s products? Yes (even for those whose answer is “some”) No Click Click
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Start from here Learning tool URL:http://www.meti.go.jp/policy/chemical_management/english/learningtool.html Article management introduction courses These courses are for companies that do not currently manage chemical substances contained in products Japan: Apply via the following email address to receive the courses at your company for only the cost of transportation e-mail: jamp-chemsherpa@jemai.or.jp China: Please participate in the seminar format courses, for which the dates and times are available from the following website URL: http://rsts.cn.sgs.com/en/seminar_en.asp (English) URL: http://rsts.cn.sgs.com/zh-cn/seminar_cn.asp (Chinese) Click
Start from here Learning tool URL:http://www.meti.go.jp/policy/chemical_management/english/learningtool.html Article management basics course (Japan only, paid course) For those wanting to learn in a seminar format URL: http://www.jamp-info.com/seminar/170418 Quick Manual URL: https://chemsherpa.net/chemSHERPA/english/doc/ FAQ URL: https://chemsherpa.net/chemSHERPA/english/helpdesk/ For those involved in actual data entry, please see here Click
Are you familiar with any one of the following: chemSHERPA, JAMP, or JGPSSI? Yes No Click Click
Start from here chemSHERPA instructional videos (for viewing only) URL:http://www.meti.go.jp/policy/chemical_management/english/video.html chemSHERPA introductory texts (pdf files for self-study) URL: https://chemsherpa.net/chemSHERPA/english/doc/ Article management user courses (Japan only, paid course) This seminar provides exercises on entering data in chemSHERPA URL:https://chemsherpa.net/chemSHERPA/seminar/ The link is located at the bottom of the website Please see the actual file examples (sample data) Click
Start from here Learning tool URL:http://www.meti.go.jp/policy/chemical_management/english/learningtool.html Article management basics course (Japan only, paid course) For those wanting to learn in a seminar format URL: http://www.jamp-info.com/seminar/170418 Click