Instructions To Play the Counterintelligence Magic 8-Ball game, go to the “Slide Show” menu and select the “From Beginning” icon. Once the game launches, click to begin the game.
Counterintelligence Ask the Magic 8 Ball! 8 PLAY
Click “Ask” to see what the CI Magic 8 ball says. Should I accept an unsolicited invitation to lecture in a foreign country? 8 ASK
This could be an attempt by a Foreign Entity to collect classified information! I don’t think that’s wise! Next Question
If a coworker does not report his foreign contacts should I report it? Click “Ask” to see what the CI Magic 8 ball says. If a coworker does not report his foreign contacts should I report it? ASK
Unreported foreign contacts represent a security vulnerability and potentially increase the risk of the loss or compromise of classified information. Absolutely Yes! Next Question
Click “Ask” to see what the CI Magic 8 ball says. Should I respond to a Request for Information about a classified project from someone I don’t know? ASK
Unsolicited requests for information should be viewed with caution. Never discuss classified information with anyone who does not have the proper clearance and need to know. I wouldn’t do it!
Click “Ask” to see what the CI Magic 8 ball says. If I receive an email requesting ITAR materials with no information on the identity of the end user, should I report this to my FSO? ASK
Done Violation of International Traffic in Arms Regulation and Export Control policies negatively impact national security. Most definitely yes! Done
Click to learn more about Foreign Collection Methods Thanks for playing! Click to learn more about Foreign Collection Methods 8