Admitted Student Study 2001 Update Gillian Butler Student Affairs Research & Information Admitted Student Study: A Comparison of 1998 & 2001 SARI Report 239 at
Primary Messages Academic Quality: Quality of Their Intended Major Quality of Academic Facilities Outcomes: Graduates get jobs in their chosen fields Graduates get into good graduate & professional school Availability of internships & practical work experiences
Where Fall 2001 UC Davis Non-enrolling Freshman Admits Went Extrapolation from UCOP Numbers and Survey Data
Characteristics Very Important to UC Davis Freshman Admits
Characteristics "Very Important" to UC Davis Fall 2001 Freshman Admits: Enrolling vs. Non-Enrolling
Characteristics "Most Important" to UC Davis Freshman Admits Fall 1998 vs. Fall 2001
% of UC Davis Freshman Admits Who "Can't Rate" UC Davis Characteristics Fall 1998 vs. Fall 2001
UC Davis Freshman Admits' Mean Ratings UC Davis Freshman Admits' Mean Ratings* of UC Davis Characteristics Fall 1998 vs. Fall 2001
UC Davis Freshman Admits' Images of UC Davis: Fall 1998 vs. Fall 2001
Use of Information Sources by UC Davis Freshman Admits: Fall 1998 vs Use of Information Sources by UC Davis Freshman Admits: Fall 1998 vs. Fall 2001
UC Davis Freshman Admits' Mean Ratings of Information Sources UC Davis Freshman Admits' Mean Ratings of Information Sources*: Fall 1998 vs. Fall 2001
UC Davis Freshman Admits' Choice of UC Davis: Enrolling vs UC Davis Freshman Admits' Choice of UC Davis: Enrolling vs. Non-enrolling, Fall 1998 vs. Fall 2001
% of Freshmen Enrolling in Their First Choice School: 1976 - 1997
UC Davis Win Rates Against UC System Schools: Fall 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000 First Time Freshmen, CA Residents