Presentation Assignment/Test Alternative


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation Assignment/Test Alternative To Kill a Mockingbird Presentation Assignment/Test Alternative

Objectives We will understand that… supporting ideas with evidence and considering the evidence of others helps to build understanding. literacy (reading, writing, speaking and listening) enhances our quality of life, expands our understanding of our global society, and makes us life- long learners.

Introduction WILL NOT PRESENT This assignment is designed to replace a To Kill a Mockingbird final test. You will have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of themes, characters, and plot in a self-generated, media-based project. You will create a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation, which you WILL NOT PRESENT to the class. Your slides will be supported by written text, rather than spoken dialogue. Anything you would say if you were presenting will be written on the slides instead.

Step 1: Choose a Theme (1 or 2) Innocence Father/Daughter Relationship Justice Forgiveness/Compassion Equality Femininity Morality/Ethics Race Socioeconomic Status Family Identity Education Point of View/Perspective

Step 2: Choose TEN of the following activities to complete Step 2: Choose TEN of the following activities to complete. Each activity will relate to the theme(s) you have chosen, and will be explained in the rest of the slides. Activities you can use twice (Once per theme). Exemplary Quotes Exemplary Character Relevant Song Lyrics Relevant Image Synopsis of a Related Link Character Bio Diary/Snapchats/Tweets Activities you can only use once (Use at least 2). Manipulate a Quote News Report Comic Strip Design a Cover Biography of Harper Lee Modern Movie Remake Vocab Dig

For Example: If I chose 2 themes: Equality and Father/Daughter Relationships I could choose... 1 Vocab Dig 1 Design a cover 2 Diary/Snapchats/Tweets (one per theme) 2 Exemplary Characters (one per theme) 2 Exemplary Quotes (one per theme) 2 Related Images (one per theme) ...for a total of 10 activities. If I chose 1 theme: Morality/Ethics I could choose… 1 Exemplary Character 1 Related Image 1 Vocab Dig 1 Design a Cover 1 Comic Strip 1 Biography of Harper Lee 1 News Report 1 Related Song Lyrics 1 Manipulate a Quote 1 Synopsis of a Related Link ...for a total of 10 activities.

Your presentation should include (at least)... 1 Title slide, including a Title and your name 1 slide for each theme you have chosen (up to 2) 1 slide per activity you have chosen (may need more depending on the activity) 1 Works Cited page At minimum, your presentation will have 13 slides. A quality presentation will have more than 13 slides. You may decrease your font size to fit writing onto slides.

Complete 5 activities related to that theme. Modified For those who complete “Modified” Quia Quizzes and assignments: Choose 1 theme. Complete 5 activities related to that theme. *You may not repeat activities.

Useful Information Due Date: Wednesday, March 8th by 11:59pm on Point Total: 100 Points Total (10 points per activity) Be sure to include a Works Cited page at the end of your presentation. Feel free to utilize to cite your sources.

Exemplary Quotes (2) Identify 3 quotes that relate to your chosen theme. Provide an explanation of how each quote comments on the theme you chose. Each explanation should be in a well developed paragraph (at least 5 sentences) and reference the quote directly. *This will look like the left column of your Reader Response.*

Exemplary Character (2) Choose 1 character from the novel who you think best exemplifies your chosen theme. In a well-developed paragraph, justify why you chose that character, using examples from the text to support your choice. AT LEAST 5 sentences.

Relevant Song Lyrics (2) Choose and provide the lyrics to a song that relates to your chosen theme. Annotate the song lyrics, making connections between the lyrics and To Kill a Mockingbird. You should have AT LEAST 5 annotations, 2-3 sentences each.

Relevant Image (2) Choose an image that reflects your theme ad relates to your reading of the novel. This image SHOULD NOT be from the film or an illustration of To Kill a Mockingbird. Provide a well-developed paragraph, utilizing quotes from the novel, explaining how this image is representative of your theme or supports your reading of the novel. Your paragraph should be AT LEAST 5-7 sentences.

Synopsis of a Related Link (2) The link above contains a variety of articles related to To Kill a Mockingbird. Select one of the articles and provide a synopsis of the article. In your synopsis, make clear connections between the article and a major theme in To Kill a Mockingbird. ***This theme does not have to be the one you chose.***

Character Bio (2) Create a Bio for a minor character in To Kill a Mockingbird (Ex. Burris Ewell, Calpurnia, Aunt Alexandra, Nathan Radley, etc.) Based on what you know of the character you have chosen from their development in the novel, propose answers to some questions that the novel does not answer. Give a justification for each of your answers. Questions to answer: Full Name? Education? How does your character feel about school? What is your character’s most likeable and most unlikeable trait? Is your character introverted or extroverted? Why? What is your character’s biggest secret? Who is your character’s best friend? Worst enemy? What does your character like/dislike most about his/her life? What does your character value? What is your character’s life goal? What is your character’s biggest strength? Biggest flaw?

Diary/Snapchats/Tweets (2) Select a character whose experiences relate to your chosen theme. You will recreate their experiences in a series of brief diary entries, Snapchats, or Tweets. These should follow your chosen character’s story and relate to your chosen theme. You should have at least 5 entries, Snapchats, or Tweets. You may mix and match. Ex. You may choose to have 2 diary entries, 2 Snapchats, and 1 Tweet. ***This activity should reflect thorough understanding of the character and story you are recreating.***

Manipulate a Quote (1) Using the “Anchoring Evidence” slides posted on Quia,, Choose one quote related to your chosen theme and use 3 of the evidence anchors we discussed in class to set up the quote. Each of your 3 examples should correctly employ a different anchor and include personal language and a quote. Provide a 3-5 sentence explanation about how the anchor you chose affects the way your reader understands the quote.

Design a Cover (1) Use Canva to design a new cover for the novel. Sign up/in using your Google account. In a well-developed paragraph of AT LEAST 5 sentences, explain why you chose to design the cover the way you did. Use evidence from the novel to support your design.

News Report (1) Select a scene from the novel that relates to your chosen theme. Rewrite that theme as a brief news report. Consider how the style and structure of the writing would differ from the prose of the novel. You may include an image in your news report, if desired. Your report should mimic the style of a front page news story and be at least two paragraphs in length.

Comic Strip (1) Using the link above, create a 5 cell comic strip depicting a certain event in the novel or tracking the development of a character. In a well developed paragraph, provide a written explanation answering the following questions: Why did you choose to depict this scene/character? Why did you design your characters the way you did? How does scene/character relate to your chosen theme?

Biography of Harper Lee (1) Conduct some research on the author of To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee. In at least 2 paragraphs, provide a Biography of Harper Lee. You have the freedom to choose what information is important to include. You do need to include the publication of To Kill a Mockingbird somewhere in your biography.

Modern Movie Remake (1) If you were able to remake the film To Kill a Mockingbird into a modern film, who would you cast as the main characters? What changes might you make from the original film? What elements would you definitely want to keep? Justify these choices in well developed paragraphs. You may include images of your chosen cast of characters if you so choose.

Vocab Dig (1) Select 10 vocabulary words from any of our English 1 vocabulary lists that relate to a character, theme, or event in the novel. Provide the word, the connection you make to the novel, and a justification for how that word fits your chosen character, theme, or event. Be sure to refer to the novel as you justify your choices, using brief quotes or evidence from the story. Example: Egalitarianism Atticus Finch represents egalitarianism because he defends an African American citizen in the deeply segregated South. He displays this when he states, “Our courts have their faults, as does any human institution, but in this country our courts are the great levelers, and in our courts all men are created equal” (Lee 209).