Chapter 6 Ancient Greece Section 1 Rise of Greek Civilization
I. Geography Greece is located in Southern Europe Greece is made up of 300 islands and a peninsula made up of peninsulas. Two largest islands - Crete and Rhodes For Greece, Mountains are a major landform Greek islands are actually the tops of underwater mountains Only one-fifth (1/5) of the land is good for growing crops (rocky, mountainous). Summers are hot and dry, winters can be wet and very windy
G. Greeks were islanders –some lived on real islands, some lived on peninsulas, others lived on land separated by mountains H. Greek communities thought of themselves as different countries (had separate laws, rulers, & money) (city-states) Each community developed its own customs and beliefs J. There was much fighting among the Greeks
II. Origins Minoans on Crete first developed a sea trade network and a vibrant culture then declined in the middle of the 1400’s BC After the Mycenaeans came to power, focus shifted to the mainland Around 1400 BC, the Mycenaeans controlled the Aegean Sea and parts of the Mediterranean Sea. They conquered other groups
E. After the Trojan War, civilization in Greece collapsed E. After the Trojan War, civilization in Greece collapsed. Greece entered the Dark Ages. Writing was forgotten, trade with outside groups was stopped. People were focused on survival. F. Gradually family farms developed into villages G. Cities were built near an acropolis (hill) Why? For safety. Grew Wheat, barley, olives, grapes, and raised animals H. By 800 BC people began to write again. Civilization returned I. In every Greek town, there was an agora (open space) around which buildings were built. Trade and business took place in the agora
III. Government A. Around 750 BC, villages joined together to form city-states (polis) with their OWN laws and governments B. Most city-states were controlled by aristocrats (wealthy men) –called an oligarchy or an aristocracy. They controlled the land and could afford to defend themselves C. Traders and merchants formed a middle class and they began to control the government of the city-states
D. Around 504 BC, Solon, an Athenian leader, reformed the laws of Athens (debt law) E. Athens became the leading democracy of the ancient world. They allowed the citizens to govern Athens. F. Who were citizens? Men with Athenian parents over the age of 18 G. Women and slaves were not citizens H. Meetings were held in the agora and votes would be taken I. Oligarchy (rule by a few) to monarchy (rule by one) to democracy (rule by the people)