Ancient Greece & Rome The Basics By Ms. Weinberg
In this lesson, we will study the Ancient cultures of Greece & Rome You may be surprised to find out how much we learned from these people of long ago…
The Greeks used columns when they designed many buildings. This is a column This is a picture of the Parthenon in Greece.
The Romans used arches when they constructed (made) buildings. This is an arch This is the Colosseum in Rome.
The Romans used arches when they constructed (made) aqueducts. This is an arch
Many Greek & Roman buildings display mosaics and sculptures. Not only did the people of Ancient Greece & Rome influence architecture, they also influenced Art. Can you see the many tiles in this mosaic? Many Greek & Roman buildings display mosaics and sculptures.
Alpha Tau Omega House – University of Florida
Florida State Capital Building – Tallahassee, Florida
U.S. Capital – Washington D.C.
University of Louisiana at Lafayette– Walk of Honor
City Hall– Newberry, Florida
Have you ever heard of the Olympics? You have probably enjoyed watching the athletes compete in the Winter Olympics as well as the Summer Olympics. The Olympic Games began back in Ancient Greece.
So far we have learned how the Greeks and Romans influenced architecture and sports. We will learn about one more way they made a contribution to the people of today.
***Our government is based on ideas from Ancient Greece & Rome. ***We call Greece “The Birthplace of Democracy.” ***A democracy is a government ruled by the people.
The people of Greece used a Direct Democracy. A Direct Democracy is a government where people vote to make their own rules & laws.
Republican form of Government - Representative Democracy. ***The Romans used a Republican form of Government - Representative Democracy. A Representative Democracy is a government in which the people elect (vote for) a smaller group to make the rules & laws for everyone.
Forms of Government The Ancient Greek Polis Had Many Different Forms of Government Athens Developed Democracy Rome was initially a Republic where Romans Elected Representation Rome After Julius Caesar Became an Empire with one Emperor ruling large amounts of land.
Which kind of government do we have in the United States? Do we have a Direct Democracy? Do we have a Representative Democracy? This one is correct!
Now that we have learned about the contributions of the Greeks and Romans, let’s focus on where these places were located and find out about the people who lived there.
Both Greece and Rome are located on the continent of Europe ***Both Greece and Rome are located on the continent of Europe. They are both located on the Mediterranean Sea. Both places have many hills, too. ***Pelopennesus – a mountainous peninsula in southern Europe
Almost 2000 islands surrounded Peloponnesus – Villages were isolated, cut off from each other
***Where did ancient Greek civilization begin? ***On the Peloponnesus and the islands surrounding this mountainous peninsula
The Greeks were shipbuilders. The Romans were road builders.
Both ancient Greece & Rome had only a small amount of the rich soil needed for farming. Still some of the people were farmers. They had to farm on hillsides
Because of where they lived, the Greeks & Romans needed to adapt to their environment. Ancient Greece & Rome were located along the Mediterranean Sea, so the people who lived there were traders.
Since there were many mountains & hills, the Greeks built many, small communities. ***Political units made up of a city and surrounding villages sprung up called “city-states.”
***Greek city-states shared common culture and language, but choose different forms of government. Athens and Sparta were the largest city-states. ***Monarchy – ruled by Kings ***Some were ruled by a “tyrant” someone who took power illegally ***Sparta was ruled by an “oligarchy” a system ruled by a few individuals and was a military state (had two kings) ***Athens became a limited democracy where all citizens could take part in the government and make laws. Only free adult males were citizens. Women, slaves, and foreigners were not citizens
In the early 5th century B. C ***In the early 5th century B.C., Greece was invaded by Persia (which is now Iran) ***Athens and Sparta joined forces. The Greeks won! ***Decades later Athens & Sparta fought each other in the Peloponnesian War – Sparta won The city-states were so busy focusing on the war between Sparta and Athens they didn’t notice their neighbor Macedonia was building an army to invade Greece. ***Alexander the Great from Macedonia conquered territories from North Africa, Middle East and Asia spreading Greek culture.
Who was Pericles? Pericles was an Athenian statesman, so influential in Athenian history that the period of his power is called the Age of Pericles. In Athenian politics Pericles sought to enable all citizens to take an active part in the government. Payment of citizens for their services to the state was introduced, and members of the council were chosen by lot from the entire body of Athenians. Pericles believed anyone who neglects Athens is useless Pericles believed anyone who fights for their state should have a say in state affairs
ANCIENT ROME. Overthrew their Monarchy ***ANCIENT ROME ***Overthrew their Monarchy ***Created a “republic” a form of government in which citizens elect representatives to rule in their name ***All male citizens could vote but only “patricians” members of rich and powerful families could hold the highest government offices. ***Farmers, merchants, and craftspeople made up the class known as “plebeians.” ***The Roman Republic grew to fast and there was so much conflict that they allowed Octavian (Augustus) to take control and formed the “Roman Empire” under his complete control.
Augustus expands the Empire takes over Palestine a Jewish kingdom in the Mediterranean. during this time period Jesus is born and Christianity begins Christianity becomes official religion of the Roman Empire
***Causes for the decline of the Roman Empire A series of inexperienced and corrupt emperors Division of the Empire Conflict with Germanic tribes Crushing tax burden Gap between the rich and the poor Decline of patriotism and loyalty Food shortages
Free adult male citizens GOVERNMENT WHO RULED HOW CHOOSEN WHO PARTICIPATED Greek Democracy citizens elected Free adult male citizens Roman Republic patricians All male citizens Roman Empire An emperor Self-appointed No one
The Colosseum Rome The Parthenon Greece What’s this? What’s this? Where can it be found? Greece Where can it be found? Rome
We have learned about the many contributions that the Ancient Greeks & Romans made to the world. We can thank the Greeks & Romans for: Greeks artists, writers and philosophers theater, science, and government Democracy – giving people a voice in government Romans roads, aqueducts, and public buildings idea of a republic and created written code of law Legal systems today still influenced by the republic of Rome
The Legacy of Ancient Greece and Rome
Achievement of Greece and Rome Both Civilizations Had Many Achievements. The Romans Copied Many Greek Achievements Athens Has a Golden Age Pax Romana- Golden Age of Rome
Legacy of Greece: Democracy From Athens Democracy-Government by the People comes from the Greeks.
Legacy of Ancient Greece: Philosophy Socrates Aristotle Plato Socratic Method: teach through questions
Legacy of Greece: The Arts Achievements in Art and Literature Sculpture Drama Comedy Tragedy
Achievements of Ancient Rome Preservation and Copying of Greek Learning
Achievements of Ancient Rome Engineering Aqueducts Roads
Achievements of Ancient Rome Modern Calendar Achievements in Government- Republic Achievements in Law
Athens Builds a Limited Democracy Government- system for controlling the society Monarchy- king or monarch; rule is hereditary Aristocracy- ruled by a small group of noble, land-owning families Oligarchy- government ruled by a few people based upon wealth or ability Democracy- “rule of the people” Adult male citizens participated in governmental decisions and three nobles were elected to the assembly and later the council of advisors Around 600 BC economic problems eventually forced farmers into slavery
Important People in Athens Reforms of Solon (594 BC) Outlawed debt slavery and canceled farmers debts Created the Council of 400- prepared business Any citizen could bring charges against wrongdoers Citizen= free adult males; 1/10 population Cleisthenes Enacts More Reforms Reorganized the assembly for rich and poor Council of 500- proposed laws and counseled the assembly Citizens= 1/5 population Pericles Strengthens Democracy Increased paid public officials Direct Democracy- citizens rule and make laws directly
Greek Philosophers Use Reason 1. The universe is put together in an orderly way and is subject to absolute and changing laws 2. People can understand these laws through logic and reason SPA Socrates- Socratic Method Plato- The Republic; rule by philosopher-kings Aristotle- Politics; live in a state
Legacy of Greece Natural Laws- use of reason and intelligence to discover Direct Democracy Three Branches of Government
Rome Develops a Republic Republic- power rests with citizens who have the right to elect the leaders who make governmental decisions; “indirect democracy” Patricians vs. Plebeians Plebeians could vote but not hold government positions
Roman Government Twelve Tables Republican Government Written law code to protect plebeians All free citizens had the right to protection under law and laws would be fairly administered Republican Government Dictator- times of crisis Two Consuls Senate- Patricians Two assembles- Plebeians
Roman Law All citizens had the right to equal treatment under the law Innocent until proven guilty Burden of proof rested in the accuser Unfair laws could be set aside Justinian Law Code- “a government of laws, not of men”
Legacy of Rome Republic Individual is a citizen in a state not a subject Written law code
Classical Civilization Ancient Greek and Roman Civilization is Known as Classical Civilization Western Civilization (US, Western Europe) is based on Classical Greek and Roman Civilization.
Geography and Ancient Greece and Rome Ancient Greek and Roman History and Culture was Greatly Affected by its Geography
Geography and Greece and Rome Geography Helped Rome Become a Strong united Empire. Geography kept the Greek City-states separate from each other.
Main Geographic Features of Greece Aegean, Mediterranean, and Ionian Seas Mountains Islands
Affects of Geography on Greece Development of Separate City-States (Polis) Greeks become traders, shipbuilders, and sailors Different Forms of Government
Greek Polis Ancient Greece was not a unified Empire but was made up of independent city-states which were like mini-countries
How did Geography hurt the Ancient Greeks?
Geography and Rome Geography Helped the Roman Empire Expand and Become one of the Most Powerful Civilizations in History.
Italian Peninsula Rome is Located on the Italian Peninsula
Advantages of Rome’s Geography Italian Peninsula has few mountains. Fertile Land 7 Hills Protect Rome Easy to Unify Central Location
Advantages of Roman Geography Access to the Sea Access to trade routes. Very near Mediterranean Sea
Advantages of Roman Geography Alps Mountains Protect Rome in the North
The Fall of Ancient Greece The Ancient Greeks Fought Themselves and weakened each Polis. Philip of Macedonia, Father of Alexander the Great, Conquerors all of Greece.
The Fall of the Roman Empire The Roman Empire ultimately split into the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern or Byzantine Empire. The Western Roman Empire fell from many immediate and underlying reasons. Byzantine Empire lasts 1,000 years longer than the Western Roman Empire.