PBIS Coaches Network pbis.sccoe.org *
PBIS Coaches Network Meeting Agenda Welcome Introductions OUR NORMS Confidentiality * Active participation * Professional use of technology * Assume best intentions Meeting Agenda Welcome Introductions Grounding Activity Celebration of Start of the year! “Jumpstart January!” Coaching PD Implementation Blueprint and Self Assessment Assessments and Action Planning with school site PBIS teams Tier 2 Resources Tier 2 Teams (Roles and Responsibilities Data Teaming (Systems and Processes) Voices from the Field Next Steps *
Introductory Activity Heather and Nancy (SJUSD PBIS Coaches) *
Purpose of PBIS Coaches Network This network works to continue building local capacity within districts for successful PBIS implementation. We will collaborate on strategies and solutions to on-going implementation needs, and share resources and the latest PBIS tools. Some topics: Coaching and facilitation Monitoring the district action plan Providing on-going PBIS professional development Calibration of evaluation and assessment tools *
Celebrating the start of the year! “Jumpstart January!” Jackie and Carol (SJUSD PBIS Coaches) *
Networking time…. *
PBIS Implementation Blueprint Part I: Foundational and Supporting Information Behavioral and Prevention Sciences w/in a Multi-tiered Support Systems Framework Evidence-based practices Implementation systems Data for decision making Part 2: Self-Assessment and Action Planning (a) appraising the status of drivers or elements related to supporting the implementation of PBIS systems and (b) developing and evaluating PBIS implementation action plans at the state, regional, county, and district levels.
Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~5% Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior ~15% Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings ~80% of Students 27
Avoid creating a new disability labeling system. Remember that the multiple tiers of support refer to our SUPPORT not Students. Avoid creating a new disability labeling system. Math Behavior Health Reading
PBIS Core Features
Implementation Blueprint Self-Assessment Leadership Team completes PBIS Implementation Blueprint Self-Assessment at least annually and whenever sustained and high fidelity implementation are concerns. Leadership Team completes a 3-5 year action plan that delineates actions linked to each feature of the Implementation Blueprint, district or school behavioral data, and implementation fidelity data (e.g., Tiered Fidelity Inventory), and reviews and modifies this plan annually based on progress assessment.
Networking time…. Complete the Implementation Blueprint Self-Assessment for your district (20 mins) Score your assessment (10 mins) Select up to 3 areas below 80% (PP or NP) Find the table of area of need (ie. Leadership Team, Content Expertise, etc.) (30 mins) Discuss and Develop activities or actions for areas of need Discuss activities or actions for area of need for each month *
PBIS Fidelity Measures
Fidelity Measurements - SWPBIS Implementation SAS TIC SET Participants Entire Staff completes online at PBISApps.org credentialed classified after school staff, etc. PBIS Team completes online at PBISApps.org 1. In-person interviews with: Principal Staff (representative) Students 2. Observations of School Campus 3. Products (Handbook, etc.) Approx. Time Needed 30 minutes to complete assessment 15 minutes to complete assessment 1.5-2 hours to complete evaluation Time Frame March/April- Submit by 5/1 1. September/October (at 2nd meeting)- Submit by 10/31 2. January/February- Submit by 2/28 3. April/May- submit by 5/1 October/November- Submit by 11/30 (for first two years) February through April- Submit by 5/1 Frequency 1x/year 3x/year (for the first two years) 2x/year -first two years of implementation Data Entry Individual Staff members submit his/her survey online at PBISApps.org PBIS Team submits one survey online at PBISApps.org PBIS Coach enters collected data online at PBISApps.org
Available from OSEP TA-Center www.pbis.org www.pbisapps.org No Cost Assessors Training PowerPoint and Assessors Training Video at www.pbisapps.org
Riverbend Action Planning TFI “subgroup” completed the TFI and developed goals and action items for subcommittees Subcommittees for: 1.3 & 1.4 Behavioral Expectations & Teaching Expectations 1.6 Discipline Policies 1.9 Feedback & Acknowledgement 1.11 Student/Family/Community Involvement TFI “subgroup” members led subcommittee work Communication Recruiting workers Setting meetings
Riverbend Action Planning Behavioral Expectations Established school-wide behavior matrix Drafted lesson plans Designed and ordered signage Discipline Policies Established a response to problem behavior flowchart Established a student-friendly flowchart Developed training on referral form completion and problem behavior definitions Feedback & Acknowledgement Established a system for how an individual’s acknowledgement benefits the group (e.g., Party in a Bucket) Created signage to advertise the acknowledgement system Established language to be used by all staff when delivering acknowledgement Student/Family/Community Involvement Established calendars that can be distributed to all families; each month of the calendar highlights a different PBIS component Developed a survey to garner community feedback Subcommittees prepared 20-30 minute rollout trainings for all staff
Networking time…. (15 mins) Join a group with Coaches you don’t know….5 per table Choose a Facilitator/Recorder Share/discuss Did you complete the TFI this school year? Chart What were some challenges? What were some positives? Review data across assessments (SAS, TFI, TIC, etc.) Identify items of importance *
Networking time continued…(30 mins) Find the table of area of need (ie. Tier 1, Tier 2 Interventions, etc.) Share your results Review data across assessments (SAS, TFI, TIC, etc.) Discuss and develop some activities or actions for areas of need *
Tier 2 Interventions and supports
Are We Ready for Tier Two? For Tier 2 supports to be most successful, basic components of Tier 1 should be in place Check Classrooms Time must be dedicated for Tier 2 to be implemented Support from staff and admin must be available Professional development must occur Before moving to Tier 2 we must make sure that Tier 1 is in place. We will do that by taking assessments TFI, TIC, and SAS. Its important that all classrooms are implementing the elements of Tier 1.
What is a Tier 2 Intervention? An intervention (or set of interventions) known by all staff and available for students during the school day Interventions that provide additional student support in academic, organizational, and/or social support areas Tier 2 interventions provide additional academic, organizational, and social support to tall students. All staff should be trained in these interventions and how to refer students. These interventions should be available to all students at all times. .
Tier 2 Interventions (Hawken, Vincent, & Schumann, 2008). Assumes a Tier 1 School wide PBIS is in place Involves a problem-solving focused behavior support team Screening to identify a % of students non responsive to Tier 1 Readily available and easily accessible Uses efficient, available evidence based practices Includes data-based progress monitoring & decisions Have an entry & exit criteria, with non-responders moving to Tier 3 Tier 1 systems must fully be in place before moving to Tier 2 training. Coaches will need to schedule and conduct the TFI at least one month prior to Year 2 Day 3 training. A score of 80% or higher shows that schools are fully implementing Tier 1 and ready to move to Tier 2 training. Your Tier 2 team will be different than your Tier 1 SW PBIS team. This team will be a problem-solving focused behavior support team. This team will use data to identify students not responding to Tier 1 interventions. School staff will have access to a student referral process to the Tier 2 Intervention team. This referral process will be easily accessible and available. All of the identified Tier 2 interventions should be evidence based. The team will use data to monitor the progress of interventions and the students in those interventions. Targeted group interventions should only last 6-8 weeks. The team and its intervention coordinators will identify entry and exit criteria to determine when students are ready to fade off of interventions or at what time students need a more intensive individualized Tier 3 intervention. 29
Tier II: Targeted Group Interventions- Some Students Check In Check Out Check and Connect & Expect Social Skills Group Small Group Intervention Executive Functioning Skill Groups Academic Support Groups Here are some examples of Tier 2 interventions. Give teams about 10 minutes to identify a list of Tier 2 interventions that they already have on campus. Give teams a chance to share out a couple of those interventions.
Networking time…. Choose a group you have not worked with… Select a Recorder and Reporter Discuss and chart tier 2 interventions in your district or school sites Select one intervention to share with the group *
Establishing the Tier 2/3 “Intervention” Team May be an extension of the existing SW PBIS team May be a stand alone team, often these teams look at Tier 2 & 3 * Such a team may already exist in your school - SIT team, CARE team, MDT team Each school site will need to establish a Tier 2 Intervention team to attend Year 2 Day 3 & 4 training. Some of these people may also be in the SW PBIS team. This team will be looking at Tier 2 and 3 interventions. You may already have a team like this for example SIT team, CARE team or a MDT team. This team is different from a SST team which is individual student focused.
Potential Tier 2/3 “Intervention” Team Members Coach Counselor/ Social Worker Psychologist Behaviorist Teachers Administrator Other Para-professionals These potential team members sit on a Tier 2 intervention team. These members are naturally in charge of any targeted group or individualized interventions. You may also want to talk about weather or not you want to include your Tier 2 and 3 academic intervention coordinators on this team.
Intervention Team: THE BIG IDEAS
School Site: What it Looks Like
Teams in a School Tier I Tier II/III Tier III Universal SWPBIS Team Intervention Team “Progress Monitoring” FBA Team Plans SW & Class-wide supports Monitors effectiveness and fidelity of Tier 2/3 Interventions (overall and for each student) Conducts FBA, develops BIP NOT a standing team Could responsibilities of an existing team (TAT/SST/etc.) be shifted? Sept. 1, 2009
Intervention Team Roles and Responsibilities Team Leader (organizes agenda; facilitates meeting) Process Monitor (someone whose role is to monitor group processes) Screening Coordinator (someone who collects screening data and brings it to the meeting Coordinators of Tier II Interventions -- CICO; Academic Seminar/Strategies; (bring progress monitor data to meetings) Coordinators of Tier III Interventions (Behavior Support Plans based on Functional Behavioral Assessment) Note Taker
Tier 2 Intervention Coordinator > 1 hour meeting Review Tasks Process Monitor Facilitator Notetaker Tier 2 Intervention Coordinator Tier 3 Intervention Coordinator In Tier 2 and 3, Coaches should also be making sure that schools have an Intervention Team in place that meets twice a month and using a meeting format similar to this Individual PBS meeting template to track individual students and interventions. Screening Coordinator
Intervention Team Is not the time to discuss an individual student in great detail If a solution or modification cannot be discussed and selected quickly, the team should schedule an individual student meeting to address that specific issue (SST or BSP meeting) Meeting foundations for Intervention teams should also be in place in order to utilize the time wisely
Intervention Team Meeting Video *
Networking time…. Choose a group you have not worked with… Select a Recorder and Reporter Discuss and Chart Do you currently support Tier 2 teams? If so, what positions sit on the team? How do you prep your Tier 2 teams? What coaching supports do you provide your Tier 2 teams? *
Tier 2/3 Systems and Processes School-based problem solving teams utilized to review lack of academic progress, behavioral concerns, attendance/truancy issues, parent and/or teacher concerns, and to recommend alternative strategies/interventions to be implemented in the regular classroom. Student success teams are a function of general education. *
in Ravenswood City School District Student Success Team in Ravenswood City School District
What is an SST? The Student Success Team, formerly Student Study Team, is a positive school-wide early identification and early intervention process. Working as a team, the student, parent/guardian, teachers and school administrator, Integrated Services, After School Program staff and others identify the student's strengths and assets upon which an improvement plan can be designed. Concerns are seen as obstacles to student success and not descriptors of the student or his character. As a regular school process, the SST intervenes with school and community support and a practical improvement plan that all team members agree to follow. Follow-up meetings are planned to provide a continuous casework management strategy to maximize the student's achievement and school experience. http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ai/dp/sb65sst.asp
Multi-tiered systems of support 5% Tier III – the most intensive intervention (Behavior Intervention Plan, IEP) 15% Tier II – SST level 2 plan (S5 & S6) – meetings facilitated by School Administrator 80% Tier I – SST level 1 plans (S2 and S3 Parent/Guardian-Teacher and Teacher-Teacher meetings) – meetings facilitated by classroom teacher(s) We have all seen a variation of this graphic (PBIS, RTI) Here we are illustrating how the pyramid corresponds to the SST process (Levels 1 and 2)
Tier I – Level I Includes a review of the student’s cumulative record Includes the Parent/Guardian-Teacher Meetings (S2) Includes the Teacher-Teacher/Consulting Colleague Meetings (S3) Follow-up meeting scheduled Always documented in Student’s Cumulative Record Follow-up meetings must be scheduled unless the student moves onto a higher level plan, such as an SST (S5), referral for SPED and related services, or 504. Follow-ups must also be documented on the appropriate forms (S2, S3) and filed in the student’s cum. Explain who the designated office staff member is and how to deliver the S2s and S3s to them – email, an inbox, etc?
Tier II – level 2=Administrator Facilitated Includes an initial and follow-up meeting Team-based approach Teachers and staff are expected to bring data and examples of students work. Always documented and filed in Student’s Cumulative Record. Always uploaded to Infinite Campus
Exceptions to the Rule: Mandatory Administrative SST Referrals Some students will be referred immediately to Tier II SST in accordance with RSIP. These students will “jump” straight to an administrator facilitate SST meeting and will bypass Tier I meetings. Students can be referred administratively based on academic, attendance or behavioral indicators.
Coordination of Services Team -COST *
Networking time…. Choose a group you have not worked with… Select a Recorder and Reporter Discuss and Chart What is your current process to support students at the Tier 2/3 levels? What’s working and what’s not working? Create or modify a current process to support students at the Tier 2/3 levels? *
Wrap Up *