Computer Visualization Facility
Background Advanced Research Computing section started as HPC support group Funded from research vote (off-the-top) Charged with increasing number of users and range of disciplines Founded Computer Visualization Facility as one means to achieve this
Rationale Scientific Visualization Rendering and Animation Introduce scientists to better graphics Better presentation Better understanding Rendering and Animation Artists using HPC Multimedia test facility
The proposal
The Reality
The Toys VisionStation Plasma Screen
Case Study Theoretical Physics Intensive Numerical Integration Coupled-channel Collective Model Elastic scattering of Neutrons from Carbon nuclei Intensive Numerical Integration Started as a HPC collaboration Model has ~10 parameters 1000 pts takes ~20 mins on 1 APAC cpu
Experimental Results
Some results from Model
One random run
Detail from previous
Re-run with smaller step
Another detail view
Re-run again still smaller
Final detail view
First Attempts at 3D
Contour Map
Grayscale - 1000x1000.pgm
Surface rendered
The demo version
A different parameter
Same data different view
How I knew where to look
Presentation version
QCG visualization Simulation of quantum states of two phosphorous atoms forming a gate in a quantum computer
Another presentation
Terrain mapping Using publicly available data from satellite image as texture map on a digital elevation model to produce a realistic 3D image
The nephron (kidney cell) As part of the virtual kidney project an accurate model of a nephron was developed. A fly-through developed for the VisionStation (immersive display) is shown
Two concept developments Student academic progression Genetically modified pollen dispersion
New CVF proposal We thought we might get some space in one of the new buildings in our South Precinct. This was part of our presentations • We didn’t get that space…
Other activities Adobe Atmosphere My True Colours Video-conferencing Interactions between avatars in specific virtual environments My True Colours Performance art Video-conferencing Plasma screen wows them all
Futures New location AccessGrid node Using labs for out-of-hours rendering
The End