Purpose of FYP FYP proposal document Project Performance Monitoring Project milestones/deliverables Assessment Criteria Feedback FYP Timeline Reviewer Committee 2
FYP – criteria to judge student engineering knowledge FYP – to provide students a way to solve practical world problems FYP – to build project management and planning capabilities in the students by utilizing available resources FYP – to make student able to start their own companies after the degree 3
Project proposal (either faculty proposed or students proposed project) will be presented by project advisor in front of reviewing committee for its approval Reviewing committee can approve or reject ones proposal. On rejection of the proposal, proposal will be reformulated under Reviewing committees suggestions or new idea will be presented Once project is approved, project kickoff document will be signed by students to mark start project date and this document will be held by project advisors and will be submitted along project report 4
Monthly project assessment meetings will be held by project advisors Two project assessment meeting will be held with Reviewing Committee At the end of project draft report will be submitted to project advisors On approval of draft report, final report will be submitted to class advisors 5
For every milestone/deliverables, project advisors will evaluate students performance/project results on project assessment forms. These forms will be submitted to reviewing committee. Milestones/deliverables meetings outcomes will affect project marks set by project advisors at the time project presentation Project advisors also have to present his/her group performance to reviewing committee twice during the lifetime of project. 6
Only 60seconds/2-slide project performance meetings will be held with reviewing committee. In 60seconds project advisor has to report/present current status of project, quality of work and future steps of execution. Every group will decide time schedule of performance assessment meeting at the start of project. Failure in arrangement of meetings should be notified along with reasons to class advisors otherwise meetings outcome will be assessed as 5U by class advisors. 7
Results/milestones will be reported to project advisors in following manner Work load assigned during specified period Goals achieved against specified tasks Failure of completion of any specified task or failure in achieving expected results Engineering explanation of failure (this will impact the decision of Us) Next proposed tasks list Project advisor will submit these reports and assessment forms for every meeting to class advisors. Class advisor will present these reports in reviewing committee meetings and at the time project presentation. 8
Results/performance of the project will be assessed by project advisors and reviewing committee under 5U assessment criteria. 5U (U unsatisfactory) criteria defines quality of project and group involvement and effort for the project. Every U is weighted as 20% marks classification window. For each U, students will lose 20% of its project marks. 9
For example, if chairman has to give 40 marks to the project then Us given by reviewing committee will divide marks in following manner IUchairman will evaluate project only for 32 marks, 8 marks will be lost due to project quality 2Uchairman will evaluate project only for 24 marks, 16 marks will be lost due to project quality 3Uchairman will evaluate project only for 16 marks, 24 marks will be lost due to project quality 4Uchairman will evaluate project only for 8 marks, 32 marks will be lost due to project quality 5Uchairman will evaluate project only for 0 marks, 40 marks will be lost due to project quality 10
Project advisors and reviewing committee will assign Us to the project on the outcome of performance meetings Assessment forms would be available form class advisors 11
Project/Performance feedback policy will be implemented in 360 style format to maintain quality of project. Students will fill feedback forms for their project advisors Project advisors will fill feedback forms for the students These feedback forms will be filled at the time of every performance meeting and will be submitted to class advisors. 12
These forms will be presented to reviewing committee at the time performance meeting with them and at the time of project presentation. Reason of failure in submission of these forms can be asked by reviewing committee. Feedback forms would be available form class advisors. 13
FYP Seminar for Students: 1 st wk July Faculty Proposed projects deadline: 2 nd wk Aug FYP Proposal Submission: 2 nd wk Sept FYP Defense Presentation: 1 st wk Oct List of approved projects: 2 nd wk Oct 14
Dr. Shoaib Zaidi(Chairman EL) Dr. Attaullah Khuwaja(Co-Chairman) Dr. Abdul Qadir(Associate Professor) Dr. Humera Noor(Co-Chairperson TC) Dr. Saad Qazi(Chairman EE) Ms. Sadia Faraz (Assistant Professor) Mr. Hashim Raza (Assistant Professor) Mr. Muhammad Salman Khan (Ex-faculty EL) Mr. Syed Muhammad Masood (Ex-faculty) Mr. Naeem Ishrat(FYP Manager) Ms. Amna Shabbir(FYP Coordinator) 15