Township of Central Frontenac Operational Review Phase 1 Presented by: Terry Gervais, CMMIII, Fire Service Executive September 13th, 2016
Introduction Retired Fire Chief 36 years in the Fire Service Volunteer, Composite and Career Departments Experience in Amalgamations, Operational Reviews & Fire Master Plans
Key objectives Provide an acceptable level of service to the residents of the Township of Central Frontenac. Meet Minimum Legislative Requirements. Cost Containment or Avoidance. Mitigate Risk and Liability.
The Process Interview conducted with Clerk Administrator and Mayor Interview conducted with Fire Chief Interview conducted Deputy Fire Chief Interview conducted Fire Department’s Administrative Assistant Conducted a SWOT analysis with Firefighters Individual meetings with Firefighters
Review Highlights Occupational Health & Safety Act Care Occupancies Standard Incident Reporting Records Management System Staff Time Reporting Administrative Support Part-time vs Full-time Chief Operational Review Phase 2
Occupational Health & Safety Recommendation #1 That the Fire Chief conducts a Comprehensive Review of the Fire Department’s Personal Protective Clothing (PPE) and develop a replacement or repair plan for any equipment that does not meet either Legislative Requirements or Industry Standards. Furthermore, that a tracking system is designed in the Records Management System. Recommendation #2 That a review of the Central Frontenac Fire Service’s overall Health and Safety program be included in Phase 2 of the Operational Review
Care Occupancies Recommendation #3 That the Township of Central Frontenac Fire Chief insures that the mandatory requirements under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act in regards to Vulnerable Occupancies are completed for 2016 and reported to Council when completed. Recommendation #4 The Fire Chief develops a sustainable plan which would include looking at contract or shared services to meet the requirements under the regulation for future years
Standard Incident Reporting Recommendation #5 That the Fire Chief educates the Firefighters on the importance of submitting the Fire Marshal’s Standard Incident Report on time. And further that these reports are submitted on time (every quarter) to the Province of Ontario. Recommendation #6 That a new process is developed to have the Administrative Assistant complete the administrative portion in the RMS, including the incident particulars and the payroll information and the firefighters complete their Incident information
Current Process Responding stations faxed a copy of Dispatch Log Emergency Call Completed Responding stations faxed a copy of Dispatch Log Timesheets are filled out by firefighters Primary Station initiated incident into RMS All responding stations enter in their applicable information Payroll is entered into RMS by firefighter Administrative Assistant with Fire Chief to review RMS to ensure incident report is completed SIR is submitted to Province
Proposed Interim Process Emergency Call Completed Fire Chief’s office faxed Dispatch Log Timesheets are filled out by firefighters and faxed to Admin Admin initiated the Incident in the RMS, enters call info and payroll All responding stations enter in their applicable information Officers complete their report in the RMS SIR is submitted to Province
Proposed Final Process Emergency Call Completed Incident information automatically loaded into the RMS and call is initiated Timesheets are filled out by firefighters Admin enters payroll Officer’s complete their report in RMS SIR is submitted to Province
Current Process Proposed Interim Process Proposed Final Process
Records Management System Recommendation #7 That Council approves the funding to purchase the interface for the Computer Aided Dispatch System and the Records Management System, Recommendation #8 That any of the Municipality’s operating systems, including the Firehouse Software program, be managed by the Corporation and not within the Fire Department
Time Reporting Recommendation #9 That the Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief submit regular timesheets to the Clerk-Administrator and that the Firefighters payroll be submitted to the Administrative Assistant for input into the Records Management System
Administrative Support Recommendation #10 That the Township of Central Frontenac Council, through its Clerk-Administrator, reviews its current structure for Administrative Support to ensure it is the most cost effective and applicable service for the residents and staff. And further, that the review includes looking at dedicated Administrative Support hours for the Fire Department.
Part-Time vs Full-Time Fire Chief Recommendation #11 That the Township of Central Frontenac Council accept the option to hire a full-time Fire Chief to manage the Fire Department
Three Options Do Nothing – Status Quo Increase Fire Chief’s Part-time hours Hire a Full-time Fire Chief
Do Nothing—Status QUO Risk and Liability High Cost unknown and unpredictable Hard to meet legislative requirements Do Nothing Status Quo Provide an acceptable level of service for the residents No Meet minimum legislative requirement Cost Containment or Avoidance Mitigate Risk and Liability
Increase Fire Chief’s Part-Time Hours Risk and Liability is lowered Cost unknown and unpredictable Should be able to meet minimum legislative requirements. Do Nothing Status Quo Provide an acceptable level of service for the residents No Meet minimum legislative requirement Yes Cost Containment or Avoidance Mitigate Risk and Liability
Hire a Full-Time Chief Reduce or mitigates Risk and Lability Increase staffing costs but operational cost containment and avoidance Will meet and exceed minimum legislative requirements. Increase level of service for residents Do Nothing Status Quo Provide an acceptable level of service for the residents Yes Meet minimum legislative requirement Cost Containment or Avoidance No Mitigate Risk and Liability
Three options comparison Do Nothing Status Quo Increase of Part-Time Hours Full-Time Chief Provide an acceptable level of service for the residents No Yes Meet Minimum Legislative requirement Cost Containment or Avoidance Mitigate Risk and Liability
Municipal Comparatives Municipal comparison survey conducted based on the 2007 Inter-Municipal survey that was conducted by the Township of Central Frontenac Out of the nine municipalities surveyed, six have full-time Chiefs, one shares a full-time Chief and two others have part-time Chief’s, including Central Frontenac
Operational Review Recommendation #12 That the Township of Central Frontenac Council approve to have the second phase of the Operational Review conducted for the Fire Department in 2017, that would include but not limited to, all operations of the Fire Department, the Organizational Structure, an Assets Management Program and any efficiencies that can be found in the way of shared services
Council’s Legacy “Council has the chance to change the face of their Fire Department for the Residents in the Township of Central Frontenac for many years to come.”