Nonverbal Communication Body Language
Nonverbal communication (body language) is behavior other than spoken or written communication that creates or represents meaning. In other words, it includes facial expressions, body movements, and gestures. Nonverbal communication is talking without speaking a word. It is very effective, maybe even more so than speech. Remember the saying, “actions speak louder than words.”
Body language says a lot about a person at work, at home, in relationships, friendships or just talking or watching people in general. Your body sends out signals or messages to someone without you having to say a word. You could be talking to someone and your body language will convey something else entirely. In a business setting, your boss, your co-workers, other people coming and going can all see what you may or may not be saying to someone, whether you use words or not. Observing people is a great way to learn about body language communication and how you talk to people.
Direct Eye Contact Shows you are interested- consider common phrases about people in love- “she only has eyes for him”, “they can’t keep their eyes off each other” Confident Being truthful
Avoiding Eye Contact Trying to hide something- lying Nervous Not interested
Eyes Glancing all Around Room Bored Lack of interest
Rolling Eyes Disgust Disagreement
Piercing Eye Contact Angry Feels superior
Nodding Head In agreement Shows you are listening and comprehending
Playing with Hair Insecure Nervous
Smiling Says I am happy to be here Friendly, inviting Puts someone at ease Agreement
Sweating Nervous Scared
Yawning Boredom
Blushing Embarrassed Angry
Fidgeting with: rings, watch, cuff-links, buttons, pens, rubber bands, paper clips, spectacles, cuticles and nails, note cards, coins in pocket, pointers, etc. Nervous Scared Lack of confidence
Clutching: back of a chair, notes, desk, side of a lectern Nervous Scared Lack of confidence
Drumming Fingers Boredom Lack of interest Frustration
Leaning toward speaker or positioning body toward speaker (when seating down) Interest In agreement
Arms Crossed Opposition Thinking deeply Defensive Putting up an unconscious barrier between yourself and others
Feet on Desk, Hands behind Head or on Hips Dominance Power Overconfident
Looking at Watch, Door Lack of interest Boredom
Brisk Walk Confidence
Standing Tall Confidence