2018 Mid West Economic Summit Building Better Business 6 September 2018 Peter Klein GAICD Mid West Committee Member AICD WA WALGA and AICD Partnership Proposal
About us 2 World’s largest director institute More than 43,000 members (4,300+ in WA) International membership based in more than 75 countries Committed to providing excellence in governance through education and advocacy I know many of you are familiar with who we are & are members yourselves. But for those who aren’t quite as familiar with what we do Ill start off with an overview of the AICD We are now the largest director institute in the world with over 43,000 (fast approaching 44K) members, and growing both here and overseas. We have over 4,300 members based here in WA (7% of those based in regional WA) We are committed to being world leaders in corporate governance education, and to provide a voice for directors / business owners. 2
AICD Mission To be the independent and trusted voice of governance, building the capability of a community of leaders for the benefit of society. The core of AICD’s strategy: The benchmark in governance insights and knowledge Products & services that support member and client needs and build capability Platforms that engage Australia’s largest and most diverse community of directors [Peter] good to highlight mission and core strategy points 3
Who our (4,317) members are: Here is a snap shot of our members here in WA (4,317) – might be some surprises here: Private (in particular) SME and NFP make up the majority of our members – which is consistent with the rest of the country More than 2/3rds members active in or support the NFP Community We have been working hard to increase not only diversity in the boardroom, but also diversity of our membership. 4
Our Regions Mid West Goldfields Esperance South West Great Southern Expanding footprint into North West in 2019 Snap shot of our regional members. We have four key regional areas All with established Committees. We rely on our committees to be the voice of our regional members and help us roll out our regional strategy The member numbers are low – making up just over 7% of our WA membership. But even though numbers are small, the needs are just as great so we are putting a lot of focus into how we better support and grow our regional members. 5
Why good governance matters? 6
Bombers report finds governance failures. May 6, 2013 If the culture of the cricket team stinks, it’s a governance issue. 27 March 2018 [Peter, in your own words if you prefer – this slide is to highlight current spot light on corporate governance, and the inevitable flow on effect to all business. Few points below] Particularly with the royal commission, governance has never been in the spotlight more than it is now. No doubt there will be a flow on effect from the commission which will flow through all businesses. Whether you run a small business / work in a NFP, government, public organisation ignorance is no longer bliss. Good governance knowledge and practice is imperative, particularly in regional areas for the community to thrive 7
Our 2018 Mid West Focus Strong local voice adding value to our national strategy and agenda Cost effective Gold standard education courses Collaboration / Partnerships with key regional organisations to deliver event and networking opportunities for our membership [Peter good slide to talk about committee, and your focus over the last year] 8
Elevate your performance Company Directors Course Day Date Month Year By Name Surname Visit companydirectors.com.au/cdc
Set your director journey on the right path Foundations of Directorship Governance for Directors Finance for Directors Strategy & Risk for Directors Visit companydirectors.com.au/fod
Take away new insights and practical tools Short Courses Reporting to the Board Cyber Security Applied Risk Governance Governance for NFP Directors The Role of the Chair Establishing Boards for Business Owners Mastering Financial Governance The Boards Role in M&A for NFP Sector Visit companydirectors.com.au/shortcourses
Regional Education and Courses Provide our regional members with scholarship opportunities to attend AICD world leading governance programs Company Directors Course regional offer removing access issues for regional participants Australian Scholarship Foundation / Bankwest Foundation Not-for-Profit Scholarships AICD national Not-for-Profit Scholarships To find out more contact Sophie Newman snewman@aicd.com.au A new AICD initiative now in its second year, Levelling the Playing Field gives regional members the opportunity to attend a Company Directors Course in Perth with meals and accommodation covered. AICD is also working with Bankwest Foundation and Australian Scholarship Fund to deliver scholarships to NFP organisations on several courses, including the CDC. Several regional members have been benefactors of these scholarships. 12
Regional Education and Courses Regional Webinar Series Launching Geraldton - 20 September Why directors should be measuring and managing culture Watch this space.. Currently working to secure funding to bring cost effective governance training to Geraldton To find out more contact Sophie Newman snewman@aicd.com.au A new innovation from our very on Mid West committee, sponsored by Geraldton University Centre. These group webinar sessions give participants the opportunity to watch webinars on contemporary governance topics, after which there is the opportunity to discuss theme of webinar and relevance to our region. First session is on Why Boards should be managing culture on 20 September at GUC. 13
Thank you For all you governance needs www.aicd.com.au Or contact the WA Office wa@aicd.com.au