Interviewing etiquette: …….At the interview
The 5 senses to a successful interview! Facilitators Notes: Click on the link in the right hand corner to see the list for dressing for success in an interview. Print and include in participants packages. Discussion: Ask the participants what they think would be the 5 senses to a successful interview. Activity: Break participants into small groups and have them make a poster or list describing what they feel are the 5 senses to a successful interview. Have the participants present to the group.
"Smile and the world will smile back" SIGHT "Smile and the world will smile back" Facilitator Notes: Click on the right hand corner to link to YouTube for the tide commercial. Discussion: What was the interviewer doing? Was the interviewer listening to the interviewee? What was the purpose of this video? Link to YouTube for the tide commercial
Who Would You Hire?
Dress smartly Makeup should be modestly applied Dress appropriately for the interview Have your clothes pressed No open toe shoes Never chew gum during an interview Nails should be modest in length and natural in color Minimal jewelry such as a watch, ring, plain necklace, or pin. Avoid noisy jewelry and large and Long earrings
Dress smartly Hair should be styled conservatively, and long hair should be brushed back from the face Undergarments should never be seen through or below outer clothing Clothes worn to parties, weddings is not appropriate for an interview Tattoos on the arms should be covered with long sleeves No sleeveless shirts Clothes should be comfortable avoid too tight or too short
Body Language Smile Make frequent eye contact Take notes Do’s Smile Make frequent eye contact Take notes Nod frequently Keep you hands out of your pocket Don’ts Slouch Cross you arms Tap your feet Clear your throat repeatedly Bite your lips or nails Refer to the handout – Interview do’s and don’ts
HEARING Active listening is most important-answers relevant and appropriate to the question Speak with a professional tone Follow greeting etiquettes Remember and use names Don’t be loud or too quiet Don’t use slang, and do not swear Use good grammar and good diction. Say “yes”, not “yeah.” Avoid saying umm, ahh, you know or like…. Facilitate notes: Talk about the importance when speaking in an interview. Activity: Give examples of how and how not to speak in a interview. Scream, speak loudly, speak in a low voice, Speak clearly, fumble your works etc.
Meeting and Greeting Enter the room gracefully Smile Greet and state your name Wait to be asked to be seated Don’t fold your arms or legs Keep your hands still Sit up straight in your chair, Don’t lean back Don’t look down look straight, Maintain eye contact Don’t open your mouth until you’re ready to say something Being able to introduce people and explain who they are makes everyone feel comfortable. Always state your name – A person who states their name clearly right up front is saying to the world, I am _________ and I am proud, confident and honest. The ability to confidently introduce yourself or others demonstrates that you are at ease and in control.
Tricks for remembering names Repeat the person’s name a few times to yourself after you’re introduced Use the person’s name immediately in the conversation after an introduction Immediately introduce that new person to someone else you know Jot down the person’s name People like it when you remember their names. Practice this skill. If you forget someone’s name, it is OK to ask them to repeat it. Say, “I'm sorry, I have forgotten your name.” It happens to everyone.
SMELL Hygiene is important, Shower before your interview Brush your teeth and don’t smoke before interview Wear mild perfume, which cannot be noticed from more than 3 feet away If you have bad breath or an armpit odor, use mint and deodorant Facilitator Notes: Discuss the importance of hygiene and how it can make a big difference when it comes to your presentation in a interview. Ask participants what they do to prepare for an interview when it comes to hygiene Do you bath, brush your teeth, shave etc.
TOUCH Greet the Interviewer with a firm hand shake It is not appropriate to touch or hug your interviewer If you have sweaty hands, wipe them before shaking hands Facilitators notes: Click on the link in the right hand corner and read over the types of handshakes. Discussion: Ask participants if they have ever experienced these types of handshakes and ask how was the experience. Activity: test the participants handshakes and have them guess what type it is.
The Proper Handshake Firm, but not bone-crushing Lasts about 3 seconds May be "pumped" once or twice from the elbow Includes good eye contact with the other person Hold your drink in your left hand to avoid a cold, wet handshake Always remember to stand so that you are at eye level. Women as well. Good eye contact is a sign of honesty and confidence. Smile, who wants to talk to unhappy people? Don’t forget to wear name badges on the right shoulder. If wearing a name badge, wear it on your right shoulder.
Never leave a bad taste in your potential employers mouth! Facilitators notes: Review the 5 senses and stress the importance of each step. Activity: Read out parts of the 5 senses and have participants match them to the correct sense. Example: Brush your teeth = Smell