The eve is the day before the begin of a New Year.
The eve is celebrate on the 31st December as most countries.
The eve in an international celebration, its celebrate in all the world but differents maneers.
The eve is a tradition who has for objective to celebrate the New Year.
The eve is celebrate in family group or friends. They throw fireworks.
The eve is celebrate in some countries as Colombia and Ecuador by firing something.
-fireworks -family reunion -mistletoe -eve -traditions
Its the first day of a New Year.
Its on midnight on 1st January as most countries.
Its celebrate in all countries but at various date as the Chinese New Year on the 31st January.
It symbolises the beginning of the New Year.
Its celebrate by making a big party with his family or his friends.
An English tradition says « the 1st person enter in a house will determine the luck of the same house ». We call it « first footing ». The date of the New Year is different between the countries as the Jewish New Year (Roch Hashana) who is on the 25th September.
-resolutions -good food -health -hapiness -luck
What is the english tradition who is explain in our presentation? When is celebrate the Chinese New Year? What is the name of the Jewish New Year? Is the New Year celebrate on same maneers in all countries? First footing 31st January Roch Hashana No