Period 6 Review
Along with nationalism, alliances, and imperialism what was the other cause of WWI? Militarism
The term for the economic restructuring of the Soviet state? Perestroika
Who shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914? Gravilo Princip
What is the ideology and movement that encourages the solidarity of Africans worldwide? Pan-Africanism
The first Israeli women prime minister? Golda Meir
This placed a limitation on the nuclear arsanals of both the Soviet Union and United States? SALT (strategic arms limitation talks/ treaties)
The Entente powers? Great Britain, France, and Russia
Leader of the Russian Bolsheviks? Vladimir Lenin
Name two of the three leaders of the Indian independence movement. Gandhi, Nehru, Jannah
Part of Wilson’s 14 points was the creation of this peace keeping assembly? League of Nations
Name three of the leaders in the Mexican Revolution. Madero, Villa, Zapata
Leader of the Chinese Nationalist. Chiang Kai-Shek
What group took control of Cambodia in the 1970s and quickly began to “re-educate” the elite and urban population? Khmer Rouge
Name the Allied Powers in WWII. United States, Great Britain, United Kingdom
This was a turning point on the eastern front during WWII This was a turning point on the eastern front during WWII. After this battle the Germans will be on the defensive for the remainder of the war. Stalingrad
Who was forced to abdicate his throne in 1917? Tsar Nicholas II
The idea that if one nation falls to communism then the surrounding will too. Domino Theory
The reasons the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Both were industrial centers
This document presented the wish of some to create a Jewish home state in the Middle East? Balfour Declaration
Name the central powers in WWI? Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
Who rose to power in fascist Italy in the 1920s and 30s? Benito Mussolini
Name two new weapons introduced or widely used in the First World War? Gas, Airplanes, machine guns, submarines, tanks
In response to American embargos placed upon them the Japanese attacked this naval base on December 7, 1941. Pearl Harbor
What new communist state was created in 1923? Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Increasing the interconnectedness of the world best describes what 20th an 21st century movement? Globalization
What was the immediate cause of WWI? The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
What region of China did Japan annex and create a puppet state ruled by the last Qing Emperor? Manchuria
What was the policy towards communism by the United States and western democracies during the Cold War? Containment
Germany’s annexation of Austria, the Rhineland, and the Sudetenland are all examples of this policy taken by European powers in the 1930s? Appeasement
To help support developing countries by providing loans is the main mission of this international organization? The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The Treaty of Versailles in 1919 placed the blame for the war on which central power? Germany
The Long March solidified who’s control of the Chinese communist party? Mao Zedong
Decolonization was slow process in what region of world? Africa
How many Jews were killed during the Holocaust? 6 million
Who took control of the Soviet Union after Lenin’s death? Stalin
What peace keeping organization was create at conclusion of the Second World War? United Nations (UN)
What does OPEC stand for? Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
What nation was divided at the conclusion of WWII and was not reunified until 1990? Germany
What caused the western front during WWI to stall? Trench warfare
What was the Schlieffen Plan? German plan to take France via Belgium
What form of government was used by the Weimar Republic? Democratic
Who became the fascist leader of Spain after the Spanish Civil War? Franco
What was the immediate cause of WWII? The German invasion of Poland. (September 1, 1939)
What new artistic style was introduced and popularized by Pablo Picasso? Cubism
What was the military alliance created by the western democracies during the Cold War? North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
What was the military alliance created by Soviet Union and Eastern European communist states during the Cold War? Warsaw Pact
What nation was created in 1948 out of Palestine? Israel
What was promised Stalin at the Yalta Conference? Free elections in Eastern Europe
What two ethnic group fought each other during the Rwandan Genocide of 1994? Hutu and the Tutsi
What was the name of the political party create by Hitler and his followers? National Socialist Party (Nazi)
In order to resupply Western Berlin after the Soviets set up a blockade the United States and Great Britain flew in supplies for nearly a year. This is known as the…? Berlin Airlift
Who lead a communist revolution in Cuba? Fidel Castro
The CIA fought a covert war against the Soviets in this country during the 1980s? (The US supplied the Mujahedeen) Afghanistan
Who backed the North Koreans during the Korean war? China
What happened on Tuesday October 29, 1929? The stock market crashed
Who took power in Germany in 1933? Adolf Hitler
In response to the creation of Israel, Palestinians created this organization? PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)
To oversee and manage trade is the purpose of what international organization? The World Trade Organization (WTO)
What new technologies in the second half of the 20th century decreased the geographical distance between countries that had acted as barriers? Computers, television, cable and satellite, lasers, and microchips
What was the tile of the book that laid out Hitler’s plan for Germany? Mein Kampf
The Mexican and Russian Revolutions share a similar cause The Mexican and Russian Revolutions share a similar cause. What is that cause? Unequal land distribution