Influences in Hawaii and Asia Ch. 7 Sec. 1 Influences in Hawaii and Asia
Taking Control of Hawaii
Early Contact American traders and missionaries started arriving in 1820s Brought diseases that dropped population from 300,000 to 40,000 by 1893 Key Resource: Sugar
America Wants More America was gaining more control of Hawaiian land King Kalakaua wanted Hawaiians back in power
Bayonet Constitution, 1887 King Kalakaua forced to sign new constitution at gunpoint by Americans Forced the King to give over Pearl Harbor to America Restricted the King’s power and stopped many Hawaiians from being able to vote
End of Hawaiian Independence Queen Liliuokalani planned to restore power American minister, John L. Stevens, ordered Marines to surround royal palace Queen surrendered on Jan. 17, 1893 Sanford B. Dole president
Annexation President Grover Cleveland did not favor annexation President McKinley did and Congress approved in 1898 Became the 50th state in 1959 Congress apologized to Hawaii in 1993
What Imperialistic Reasons Did U.S. Use to Gain Hawaii?
Influence in China Been trading with China since 1784 European nations were also trading in China United States was losing trading opportunities
Open Door Policy American proposal to European nations to give all nations equal trading rights in China Led to Boxer Rebellion- Chinese nationalists attacked foreigners America sent troops to end rebellion, increased influence
Influence in Japan U.S. Navy arrived in Japan in 1853 and opened trade in 1854 Japan continued to grow stronger through the years Roosevelt sent out the Great White Fleet in 1907