South Dakota Accountability System – Year 2 School Performance Index Guyla Ness September 10, 2013
What is the School Performance Index Based Upon? Elementary/Middle School Student Achievement Academic Growth Attendance Effective Teachers and Principals School Climate High School Student Achievement High School Completion College and Career Readiness (based on ACT scores) Effective Teachers and Principals School Climate
Student Achievement Percent proficient and advanced in reading and math in grades 3-8, 11 on state assessment Calculation includes: Gap Group score – Ethnicity: Black or African American, Native American Indian or Alaskan, Hispanic/Latino – Students with Disabilities – Economically Disadvantaged – English Language Learners Non-Gap Group score – Ethnicity: White/Caucasian, Asian, Native Hawaiian-Pacific Islander, 2 or More Races
Formula for Student Achievement Step 1: Divide the maximum allowable index points in half to allow equal weight for reading and math. Step 2: Calculate the # of students that fall into the Gap Group and Non-Gap Group. Step 3: Calculate the % of students that fall into the Gap Group and Non-Gap Group by dividing each by the total number of students. Step 4: Take the overall possible points (column 1) times the % of students (column 3) in each group to get the weighted points for each group. Step 5: Calculate the % Proficient/Advanced for each group. Step 6: Calculate the score for each group by multiplying the % Proficient/Advanced (column 5) times the weighted points for each group (column 4). Step 7: The sum of these represents total points for Student Achievement category
Academic Growth Model that uses indicators to evaluate student academic achievement over time and determines whether that progress is reasonable or appropriate
SD-STARS South Dakota Student Teacher Accountability Reporting System System will warehouse all pertinent scores of students across South Dakota Secure reporting Dakota STEP Roster Reports Report Cards Will house scoring results for the up-coming Smarter Balance testing
Piedmont Valley Elementary
Sturgis Elementary
Whitewood Elementary
Sturgis Williams Middle School
Sturgis Brown High School
Annual Data Retreat Will be done at each school site in the fall Data provided to site with suggestions for analysis and goal-setting Provided – Roster reports – Standards Reports – Graphs with data on all sub-groups, 2-year analysis on students that were at each site for full- academic school year
Standards Reports Include Information about Common Core Standards in Math and Reading
Testing This Spring Smarter Balance online for grades 3-8, 11 Extended window for testing Science in grades 5, 8, and 11 will be done paper/pencil Analysis and reporting of results will take longer and the district will not have information until late fall Results will be based on common core standards so uncertain how student achievement will be working into the School Progress Index
Other Testing Measures WriteToLearn – students in grades 5, 7 & 10 must submit 2 writing samples (essays) for year Accreditation testing – Done three times a year in math and reading – Based on common core math and reading test items – Use South Dakota Assessment Portal