Group Name Plan Year: 00/00/0000-00/00/0000 Presented By: Your Name Here Your Title Here
Instructions: Find and Replace Delete This Slide Before Presenting Getting Started: Enrollment presentations can be shown to employees to help explain how to use their Choice Strategies plan. Before showing this presentation to employees, please customize it by finding and replacing the following: Group Name: Group Name Health Insurance Carrier: Carrier Plan Year: 01/01/2013-12/31/2013 Plan Start Date: 01/01/2013 HRA Single Funding: $ HRA Family Funding: $$ Carrier Single Deductible: $$$ Carrier Family Deductible: $$$$ FSA Maximum: $2,500 Write Script Here
Your Health Plan Deductible: Carrier Deductible: Single: $$$ Family: $$$$ Effective 01/01/2013, Choice Strategies will be administering: Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Dependent Care Account (DCA) Write Script Here
Health Reimbursement Arrangement HRA Group Name’s HRA Plan: Plan Year: 01/01/2013-12/31/2013 The HRA reimburses up to: Single: $ Family: $$ Eligible Expenses that apply to your Carrier deductible: Office Visits Hospital Prescriptions Outpatient Write Script Here
End of Plan Year Health Reimbursement Arrangement 3 Month Run-Out Period You have 3 months after the plan year ends to submit all outstanding claims for expenses that occurred during the plan year Plan Year: 01/01/2013-12/31/2013 Reimbursement for these expenses must be submitted manually through the claim process during the Run-Out Period Do NOT charge your Choice Strategies Card for dates of service the occurred during a previous plan year. Example: Plan year ends on 12/31/13. You have until 3/31/2014 to submit manual claims for dates of service that occurred during the 2013 calendar plan year. Write Script Here
Flexible Spending Account FSA You can elect to contribute up to $2,500 pre-tax Plan Year: 01/01/2013-12/31/2013 Contributed through payroll deductions “Use it or Lose it” Eligible Expenses: Medical Dental Vision Prescriptions Limited Over-the-Counter (OTC) products Write Script Here
End of Plan Year Flexible Spending Account 2 ½ Month Grace Period You have 2 ½ months after the FSA plan year ends to use any remaining funds for expenses that occurred within the current plan year or during the grace period Plan Year: 01/01/2013-12/31/2013 You may use your card for FSA eligible expenses during the grace period for any expenses incurred between the beginning of your plan year and the end of the grace period Example: Plan year ends on 12/31/13. You have until 3/15/2014 to use remaining FSA funds for dates of service that occurred during the 2013 plan year and through the Grace Period. Write Script Here
Dependent Care Account DCA You can elect to contribute up to: $2,500 if married, filing separate tax returns $5,000 if single OR married, filing jointly Plan Year: 01/01/2013-12/31/2013 Contributed through payroll deductions Pre-tax! Pay as you go You can only spend what you have contributed. Eligible Expenses: Custodial care of dependents while employee is at work Write Script Here
Employee Savings Example Without FSA / DCA Gross Monthly Salary $2,500.00 Less: Federal Income Tax $333.61 State Income Tax $174.79 Social Security Tax $191.25 Net Income $1,800.35 Health Care Expenses $200.00 Dependent Care $400.00 Spendable Income $1,200.35 With FSA/DCA Gross Monthly Salary $2,500.00 Less: Health Care Expenses $200.00 Dependent Care $400.00 Taxable Income $1,900.00 Federal Income Tax $253.54 State Income Tax $132.84 Social Security Tax $145.35 Spendable Income $1,368.27 Monthly Savings $167.92 Annual Savings $2,015.04 Write Script Here Based on 13.34% Federal Income Tax, 7% State Income Tax, and 7.65% Social Security Tax Rate
Choice Strategies Card The Facts MasterCard Card activates upon first use If balance available and any shared responsibility portions have been met Employee and spouse automatically receive cards Separate envelopes Additional cards can be issued upon request Swipe as CREDIT vs. Debit for convenience If needed - PIN is accessible through Member Online Accounts under the My Card tab. Write Script Here
Using the Card Medical Providers Present Your Health Insurance ID Card. Complete Visit Provider Will Submit Claim To Health Insurance Health Insurance adjusts claim and generates Explanation of Benefits You will receive an EOB from your Health Insurance and a doctors bill Write Script Here Do not pay on the date of service, wait until you receive the Explanation of Benefits from Carrier. Pay with your Choice Strategies Card!
Using the Card Prescriptions Doctor writes a Prescription (Rx) and gives to you. Bring Rx to pharmacy. (Make sure updated Carrier information is on file) Pharmacist advises price of Rx. Employee pays with Choice Strategies Card! Write Script Here IIAS (Inventory Information Approval System) No Request for documentation on Rx charges if IIAS Approved Pharmacy is used. (List available on
Submitting a Claim Need Reimbursement? Online – Faster Reimbursement! Login to your Online Account Select “Submit a Claim” Fill our required fields Upload Supporting documentation Select “Submit” Email, Fax, or Mail Fill out a Claim Form available under the “For Members” and “Forms” page on Attach supporting documentation Write Script Here
Substantiation Requirements Documentation Requests Group Name is required by Federal Law to substantiate all claims. This means that purchases made with your Choice Strategies Card need to be supported with documentation Receipt Notification Process: Employees are sent requests via mail or email to provide documentation on card transactions. Supporting documentation requested may include: Explanation of Benefits (EOB) Rx Receipts Provider Bills Write Script Here
To take advantage of our Substantiation Service, enroll online at: Free and Voluntary Allows Choice Strategies to view your Explanation of Benefits from the online account with Carrier Signing Up: You must set up an online account with Carrier Sign up for the Substantiation Service by provider your Carrier User ID and Password to Choice Strategies Use the online HIPAA Release Form under the “For Members” section and forms page on Write Script Here To take advantage of our Substantiation Service, enroll online at:
Member Online Accounts Check Account Balances View Transaction History Upload Supporting Documentation Report Cards Lost/Stolen Request reissue too! Submit Claims Online Faster Reimbursement Edit Personal Information Phone Number Email Address Direct Deposit Mailing Address Write Script Here
Mobile App Available For: You Can: Access Your Information on the Go! iOS Apple Android You Can: View account balances View recent transactions Submit claims Upload supporting documentation Write Script Here
Contact Us! Phone: 1-888-278-2555 (Option 2) Monday-Thursday Member Services is Here to Help You! Phone: 1-888-278-2555 (Option 2) Monday-Thursday 8:00 am – 7:00 pm (EST) Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (EST) Email: Thank you for taking the time to view this presentation! If you have any questions, please contact Member Services by phone or email!