Kampinos National Park By: Hubert Buratyński Dominik Czekirda Mateusz Kacpura
General knowledge Estabilished 16 of januray,1959 by Polish goverment. In the beggining it had 407 km2, but after decision of goverment (in year 1997) it got reduced to 385,4 km2. People sometimes call this park „Green lungs of Poland and Warsaw.”, because it’s place in centre of our country, next to the capital city.
Types of protection In Poland we have three main types of protecting wild areas: Strict- it means people can’t do anything in this spaces. Partial- humans can interferes in this spaces, but only with a special permission. Landscape- it only mission is to keep characteristics features of environment.
Tourists paths In park there are sixteen paths for tourists and four for cyclists. On most of paths you can see animals, unique trees and rivers.
Curiosities In park we have parabolic dunes and swamps. This was a partizant hideout in times of WWII and fights for independence. One million people arrive park every year. Kampinos is also a biosphere reserve. Symbol of this park is moose.
„Duchna droga”- road of ghosts In Kampinos we have some strange places, but one of the strangest is „Duchna droga”, a road placed next to the small city Izabelin. People are talking about strange smells, ghosts of hangmens, engines and electrics failure, sounds of guns (here a lot of battles were acting), and alarming aura.
Their Home The Kampinos Park is full of different kinds of animals. The majority of the animals stand the invertebrates for example insects and so on. Invertebrates are not really that interesting, they’re pretty much everywhere, but what’s important are the mammals and birds some of them are even endangered.
BIRDS & MAMMALS There are about 220 species of birds in the Kampinos Park 50% Most of them are nesting birds 57 species of birds are endangered Mammals are the ones that make Kampinos Park alive and beautiful. There is more then 50 species of Mammals. Most of them are rodents for example a beaver.
ENDANGERED SPECIES Lynx-threatened Wolf-threatened Sparrow-least concern Vulture-threatened Heron-least concern Mink-least concern These animals are taken under preservation and Kampinos Park is like their habitat 10
Plants in Kampinos
Plants surface 71% of the Kampinos National Park are forests and among them mixed forests. The forests cover an area of approximately 240km2. Some pines have slightly more than 200 years and reach even 28 metres high at 2.5 meter circuit. Today, 80% is made up of trees not older than a hundred years.
Plants in KPN Oak Birch Ash Alder Poplar Pine Mountain Fern Sand Carnation Sand Carnation Mountain Fern Poplar Ash
5 Protected Plants Paprotnik kolczysty Zimoziół północny Wężymord stepowy Leniec bezpodkwiatkowy Goździeniec okółkowy 1. 2. 3. 5. 4.
Thanks for watching Sources: Google images, Internet Authors: Mateusz Kacpura 1e Hubert Buratyński Dominik Czekirda Gimnazjum 164 z Oddzialami Integracyjnymi i Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi im. Polskich Olipijczyków