Team RS GCSE Revision 2018 Revision Lessons / Cards Summarising The Sheets Further Paper 1: Christian Practices Interesting facts from the text book:


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Presentation transcript:

Team RS GCSE Revision 2018 Revision Lessons / Cards Summarising The Sheets Further Paper 1: Christian Practices Interesting facts from the text book: 80,000 new Christians (converts) and 500 new Churches a day in the world. The International Society for Human Rights states 80% of religious discrimination in the world directed to Christians. In 2012, a research centre said Christians discriminated against in 75% of countries in the world.

Christian Prayer and Worship Prayer is communication with God alone or with others, silently or aloud. Worship is an act of religious praise and devotion that SHOWS WORTH / Love to God. Prayer and Worship are communion with God and deepens the relationship with God. They give discipline, strength, reflection, peace, community, Holy Spirit in ALL of life. Prayer and Worship can follow a set pattern (eg Lord’s Prayer, Liturgical Worship) throughout the world led by a priest and focussed on Holy Communion. But it can be informal / spontaneous or charismatic (non-Liturgical) involving changing the order, emotion. dancing / calling out, focus on the Bible. Prayer and Worship can be individual or group, public or private. Jesus prayed before his death and he taught The Lord’s Prayer which we say in Final Assembly. This talks of God’s power, goodness and forgiveness. Jesus said our relationship with others must be right first. God does not answer in obvious way. Prayer can help someone accept God’s will. In prayer, Christians show humility by putting their hands together or kneeling. Some Protestant Christians sit. Orthodox Christians stand and use icons or pictures. Catholics use prayer beads or rosary. Some Christians pray before eating to give thanks. Worship involves praising and thanking God and asking for God’s help / forgiveness. It can involve the Bible, prayers, hymns, food, art, drama, music, preaching. Sunday is the holy day in Christianity as Jesus rose from the dead on this day.

Baptism and Holy Communion These are Sacraments which are holy rituals that express spiritual experience and faith. Baptism is where Christians become members of the Church and children of God. People enter a new life. Jesus told followers to make disciples of all and baptise. Jesus was baptised. Water is a symbol of washing away sin. Some Christians are baptised as adults when they are old enough to make a choice. (Believers’ Baptism). Involves full immersion or going under water saying they wish to change their life. Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican (Church of England) Christians believe in Infant Baptism where people are baptised as young babies, dressed in white and become part of the Church to be looked after. Adults make promises to protect. Sign of cross is made by the priest or minister. Candle given to parents which is lit from a candle used at Easter (the Pascal Candle). Christians remember Jesus’ Last Supper/Sacrifice/ Resurrection each Sunday. It becomes a present reality to them. It gives strength in life. This is also called the Eucharist (thanksgiving), Mass, Lord’s Supper, Divine Liturgy and Breaking of Bread. They break bread and drink wine (ministry of communion) which follows Bible readings, hymns, prayers and sermons (ministry of the word) to remember Jesus’ sacrifice. It gives Christians a community to be inspired to put Jesus’ love and justice into practice. Catholic, Orthodox and some in the Church of England believe this actually becomes Jesus’ body and blood in the Service. How: In the Orthodox Church the priest blesses the bread and wine at the altar (separated from the people by a screen to show Heaven and Earth) and gives on a spoon. In the Catholic Church the bread and wine is brought to the Altar and people wish each other peace before the bread and wine is given out. Anglicans give the sign of peace before bread and wine brought to the Altar. Protestants have an open table, bread and wine passed around in cups .

The Church As A Global Community / Persecution Church means assembly / gathering. People not building. At the start, Christians met in homes. Houses Churches remember this today. Saint Paul called the Church “the body of Christ” (Ephesians) SAYING IF one part of the body suffers everyone does. Church is also a building providing prayer, worship, community support (eg toddlers’ group) and an organisation that supports health, justice and runs schools. Teaches people about God. Christians try to show agape or selfless love. Christians try and help the poor like the Parable of the Sheep and Goats/Good Samaritan. Faith needs action says St. Paul. Examples: The Trussell Trust: Since 1997 now 420 food banks where non perishable food donated and vulnerable people given vouchers. Oasis Project, Plymouth supports people with food / life advice. Street Pastors: Since 2003 they patrol the streets and respond to drunkenness, knife crime, listen to problems. They wear a Blue Uniform Backed by Prayer Pastors and School Pastors (who go into schools). Parish Nurses support sick / lonely. Pastor Baber George was a former gang member who became a Christian and shared faith with world. Christians have a mission to spread the Good News of Jesus to others. This is called evangelism. It follows Jesus’ Great Commission to make Disciples of all nations. Christians share their testimony or story. The Holy Spirit gives power. Some Christians may be missionaries like “Christ For All Nations” where they spread the word of God in different countries. The Church is growing in Africa, Asia and South America. Alpha Courses are where people are taught about Christianity in different venues. Sometimes Christians are persecuted through tax, jobs, violence, murder, not allowing churches. Jesus warned about this. This is an opportunity for Christians to show courage and turn the other cheek like The Barnabas Fund or World Council of Churches who offer support and campaign. Christians try and promote harmony/reconciliation in the world like Christians in Coventry forgave when their city was bombed in WW2 OR THE Corrymeela Community IN Northern Ireland which was set up by a Christian who witnessed bombing of Germans in WW2 and wanted to promote peace through listening. Other Christians smuggle Bible into countries. Christians help the poor. See Poverty notes.

Christian Pilgrimage and Festivals A pilgrimage is a journey to a holy site for religious reasons. It is an act of worship. It shows devotion to God. Closer to God. Christians reflect, pray, act for forgiveness, thank God, help and meet others. It is a physical and spiritual journey that can be done alone or with others. Christians could go to Jerusalem or Rome or other holy sites. Lourdes in France: Based on visions of virgin Mary seen by a young girl who was told to dig a spring here. Christians bathe in water and feel healing from illness. Iona in Scotland is a monastery where Christians pray/work/worship together at the place where St Columba brought Christianity to Scotland. A festival is a period of celebration to remember major events. 2 major ones: Christmas: Begins with Advent in December. Remembers God’s Incarnation in Jesus. Jesus born into poverty. Light in the world. Cards, presents. Nativity scenes/ plays/ Carol Services. Midnight Service on Christmas Eve. Peace and good will. Ends 12 days after Christmas Da with visit of wise men remembered at Epiphany. Easter: Most important festival: Begins with Lent 40 days beforehand. Holy Week begins in Palm Sunday as Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem and continues to Maunday Thursday (Jesus’ Last Supper), and Good Friday (Jesus’ death on the cross) to Easter Sunday (Jesus’ resurrection). Orthodox Christians walk around and Catholic Christians pray in the Church which is in darkness before Easter Sunday. Some Christians have Sunrise Services at dawn on Easter Sunday. Easter eggs symbolise new life. Flowers in Church. Christians remember the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost as God gave Christians power.

Which ONE of the following is the name given to adult baptism (1) Infant baptism/ Eucharist / Holy Communion / Believers’ baptism (1) Which one of the following is not a way that Christians celebrate the festival of Easter? A nativity play/ A sunrise service/Lighting the Paschal candle/ Painting eggs (1) Which one of the following is the sacrament that commemorates Jesus’ last supper? Marriage/ Baptism/Eucharist/ Sunday. (1) Give TWO ways in which Christian churches respond to persecution (2). Give TWO examples of the work of the Church in the local community Give TWO examples of important places of Christian pilgrimage (2). Explain two contrasting ways in which the Eucharist (Holy Communion) is celebrated in Christianity (4). Explain TWO contrasting types of Christian pilgrimage (4). Give TWO reasons why Christians pray (5). Explain TWO contrasting ways in which Christians worship (4). Explain TWO ways in which a worldwide Christian relief organisation (charity) carries out its mission overseas. (5) Explain two ways in which Christian street pastors carry out their Christian duty. (5) Explain TWO ways that Christians help the poor in less economically developed countries (5). Private worship has more meaning for a Christian than public worship.’ Evaluate this statement (12). The most important duty of the Christian is to help people in need. Evaluate this statement (12). The best way for Christians to reach an understanding of God is by practising prayer.’ Evaluate this statement. (12)