Resident Staff Information Session October 21, 2013 Janelle S. Peifer Program Coordinator for Resident Advisor Selections Housing and Residence Life
The purpose statement of the Housing and Residence Life Program The mission of our department is to work collaboratively to create inclusive, welcoming communities where residents are empowered to engage their potential as scholars and leaders through self-governance and participation in their residential community.
Role of a Resident Advisor Administration Community Development Program Development Counseling and Referral
Employment Resident Staff members are employed by the Housing and Residence Life (HRL) Resident Advisors are supervised by a Senior Resident who is a student with at least one year of experience as an RA.
Remuneration* A furnished single room, rent-free during the term of employment, local phone, data hook up, and Resident Staff Meal Plan (50 meals per semester, 130 Plus Dollars per semester). * Subject to change
More than a Free Room, More than a Free Meal Lasting friendships Community of support Opportunities for promotion Leadership skills
additional resources to learn about Resident Staff Talk to your RA or Senior Resident Information on Like Us on FacebookFacebook
positions available for you: Resident Advisor – First-Year Areas Resident Advisor – Upper-class Apartments Resident Advisor – Focused Communities Language Houses, Residential Colleges, JMW Transfer Community The number of positions available varies based on the number of staffers who return to the Program
Resident Advisor : First Year Areas approximately 150 RAs Works with first-year students providing continual support for the transition to the University in an all first-year environment. First Year Areas: Alderman North: Hall style Alderman South: Suite style o includes Gooch/Dillard McCormick: Hall style
Resident Advisor : Upper-class Area 24 RAs Works with upper-class/graduate students; provides continual support and referral as a peer; assists transfer students with transition to the University Upper-class Apartments Bice, Copeley, Faulkner, Lambeth
Focused Communities Residential Colleges Language Houses Transfer Residential Community (Johnson- Malone-Weedon – JMW)
Transfer Community: Johnson-Malone- Weedon (JMW) JMW is home to the transfer residential program; About a third of the community is made up of transfer students; 9 RAs with the aim of up to 5 positions filled by students who transferred to UVa.
Resident Advisor : Residential Colleges 21 RAs Works with residents ranging from first-years to graduate students providing continual support for upper- class students and transition assistance for first-year and transfer students in a residential college. Residential Colleges Brown College, International Residential College, Hereford Residential College * Must first apply, be accepted, and accept offer for the appropriate residential college to be on staff there *
Resident Advisor : Language Houses 5 RAs Works with upper-class/graduate residents in a language emersion experience providing continual support and referral as a peer Language Houses French, German, Russian, Shea and Spanish
RA Eligibility First-Year Area : full-time undergraduate Upper-class and Focused Communities : full-time undergraduate and graduate Cumulative GPA of 2.25 or greater; 2.00 semester GPA good academic standing as defined by your school good judicial/disciplinary standing
Judicial History Having a judicial history does not immediately eliminate a candidate from consideration. Some issues will be explored during the individual interview. Certain incidences may warrant further review and potential removal from the process (e.g. arrest or UJC guilty verdict in the last year).
Special Circumstances Final year of a 5 th year UVA Masters Program Study Abroad to arrange interview conducted over Skype (contact me directly) If you are planning to study abroad next year ( ) you may apply now and if offered a position, defer until Fall 2015 (placement not guaranteed).
Selections Process 1. Application 2. Recommendation 3. Résumé 4. Individual Interview 5. Group Interview *note: there are two separate but connected processes – Focused Communities (Focused) and First-Year/Upper-class (FY/UC)
Application Available online at Peruse the Selections page for detailed information and helpful guides Complete applications due by For Focused Applicants: Jan. 17 th, 2013 – 12 PM For FY/UC Applicants: Jan. 27 th, 2013 – 8 AM Late and/or incomplete submissions will not be accepted!
More Info for Focused Applicants Must be accepted to community you apply for (excluding JMW) Indicate on your application if youd like to transition into FY/UC process if not offered a Focused interview or position Will need to sign-up for FY/UC interviews Separate Interview Processes (Group and Individual)
Recommendation Form Online One recommendation from someone who can speak to your leadership style and experiences Good choices would be: Resident Staff member Peer Advisor at U.Va. Faculty member or Administrator Student leader
Résumé Considered part of complete application packet For help constructing a résumé and interview tips take advantage of UCS:, call , or check out this resource.this resource Resume workshop will be held – check the website for details in the Spring Semester
Group Interview When: Sunday, January 26 th (Focused) Sunday, February 16 th (FY/UC) You will have a 90 minute interview with a group of approximately 3 RAs and 8-12 other candidates. As a group, you will work together to address several different scenarios that speak towards your understanding of the Resident Staff program and evaluate your critical thinking skills in situations commonly faced by RAs.
Individual Interview Where:TBA (Focused) TBA(FY/UC) When:Jan. 31 (Focused) Feb. 19 – 22 (FY/UC) You will sign up online for a 30 minute time block, and interview with a team of 3 current staffers. Arrive early and sign-in in the Newcomb Main Lounge, where you will be assigned an interview table. You will be asked a variety of questions that speak towards your understanding of the Resident Staff Program and your approach to issues commonly faced by Resident Advisors.
Interview Conflicts? Excusable reasons are: academic, emergency, or certain University sponsored events If you would like to request a make-up interview, please Janelle S. Peifer, by January 30th
Hiring Notification during Spring Break Notification letters sent to your UVa address Mar 24 th - Accept or Decline offer by 4 pm in the Residence Life office (Dabney residence hall / McCormick Road) On Grounds housing contracts will be released if offered a position
Behind the Scenes… We also have to hold Promotional Interviews for current staffers Need to determine the number of returning staffers All of this affects the number of positions for you!
Alternate Status Qualified candidates who did not receive an offer due to the limited positions available will be placed in an alternate pool Alternates will receive specific notification with FAQs Placement is not guaranteed.
Financial Aid For financial aid purposes, the compensation received for room, board and stipend is included as a resource. When adjusting the financial aid award, this resource will be applied first to unmet need, then loans and then work-study. If this resource exceeds your unmet need, loans and work-study, then your university grants will be reduced. Speak with someone from Financial Aid to understand how your package may be impacted. Contact:
Questions? Website Janelle S. Peifer,