Provincial Legislation Sabrina’s Law Ryan’s Law Good Samaritan ACT
Sabrina’s Law – Intro. Video:
Sabrina’s Law Legislation that protects all students & staff with life threatening allergies. School boards must establish and maintain a policy to reduce the risk of exposure to students in both classrooms & common areas Individual plans must be created for students with allergies (type, monitoring, avoidance, treatment).
Sabrina Shannon’s Law – cont’d Enacted in 2006 following the death of Sabrina Shannon, a high school student with a peanut allergy ate at her school cafeteria. There was cross contamination in the cafeteria tools and she was exposed to peanuts. She was not carrying her epi pen with her and died on her way to her locker to get it. Her parents petitioned the government to put in place a policy to protect students like Sabrina in the future.
Ontario Human Rights Laws Allergies have recently been included in Ontario Human Rights Law. This means that allergies are now considered as equivalent to a disability. You CANNOT be discriminated against due to any disability. This right means that persons with disabilities have the right to equal treatment, which includes the right to accessible workplaces, public transit, health services, restaurants, shops and housing. Review article on law suit vs. school
Interesting facts about anaphylaxis 25% of all school reactions are students who have never had a previous reaction and had no known allergies 8% of children under age 18 today currently have at least 1 allergy You can be charged with criminal negligence in cases where needs were not met & where reasonable steps were not taken to ensure their safety
Ryan’s Law Ryan Gibbons, 12 years old, died in 2012 following an asthma attack during recess. It was the policy of many school boards to not allow students to carry medication on them- they instead were to be stored in the office. His mother had tried to change this and Dr’s wrote notes explaining he needed the inhaler on him, but it never was.
Ryan Gibbon’s Law Ryan’s law had it’s first reading on July 17, 2014 (Bill 20) & received Royal Assent on May 5, 2015 Just like Sabrina’s law, schools are now required to set up a safety plan for each student with asthma.
Interesting facts on asthma Currently 570,000 children & teens in Ontario have asthma…that’s 1 in 5!! Now, all schools across the province MUST allow students to carry life saving medication on them. Rates are rising by nearly 50% per decade! Worldwide there are over 235 million sufferers
Good Samaritan Act In place since 2001. This law allows anyone (including non-health care professionals) to provide emergency first aid to a person who is ill, injured or unconscious. This law protects you from being sued for injuring the person requiring help, unless it is established that you were grossly negligent