Country Experiences with Reporting Forums The Brazilian Case Dalton de Morisson Valeriano INPE – Brazilian National Institute for Space Research Earth Observation Coordination Area Brazilian Biomes Environmental Monitoring Program GFOI 2018 Plennary, Bogotá,Colombia, March 12-16, 2018
Major Reports UNFCCC/IPCC Green House Gases Emission Reports and BURs UNFCCC/REDD+ Forest Reference Emission Level and MRVs for REDD+ FAO Forest Resource Assessment
Major Source of Disharmony: Different folks for similar strokes UNFCCC/IPCC Green House Gases Emission Reports and BURs UNFCCC/REDD+ Forest Reference Emission Level and MRVs for REDD+ FAO Forest Resource Assessment
Major Source of Disharmony: Different folks for similar strokes UNFCCC/IPCC Green House Gases Emission Reports and BURs Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication (MCTIC) UNFCCC/REDD+ Forest Reference Emission Level and MRVs for REDD+ Ministry of Environment (MMA) FAO Forest Resource Assessment Brazilian Forest Service (SFB/MMA)
MCTIC Attributions and Organization Responsible for national policies on Telecommunications Science, Technology and Innovation Informatics and Automation Biosecurity Space Nuclear Additional attributions Postal Services, Telecommunication and Radio Broadcasting Articulations with federal, state and municipal administrations and civil society for directives for policies on science, technology and innovation
MCTIC Attributions and Organization Five Secretariats: Radio diffusion Policies and Programs for Research and Development Technological and Innovation Development Telecommunications Policies for Informatics
Secretariat for Policies and Programs for Research and Development Directory for GHG emission inventory
MMA Attributions and Organization National policy for the environment and water resources Policies for preservation, conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems, biodiversity and forests Proposals of strategies, mechanisms and economic and social instruments for the improvement of the environmental quality and sustainable use of natural resources Policies for the integration of environment and production Policies and programs for the Amazon Region Ecological-economic land zoning
MMA Attributions and Organization Secretariats Climate Change and Forests Biodiversity Water Resources and Environmental Quality Extractivism and Sustainable Rural Development Institutional Articulation and Environmental Citizenship Secretariat for Climate Change and Forests Department for Policies in Climate Change Department for Monitoring, Support and Financing of Climate Change Actions Department for Forest and Deforestation Control General Coordination for Transparency and Finances for Forests (REDD+ Policies)
SFB/MMA Attributions and Organization Among many forest and forest products management policies, SFB is responsible to mantain the National Forest Information System from which the National Forest Resource Assessment is retrieved to be conveyed to FAO.
Reporting History in a Nutshell First GHG Inventory Report (1994-2000) Full mapping of deforestation for Amazon, Atlantic Forest and Pantanal biomes Pampa not considered Regeneration not accounted Emission Factor estimated by biome based on experts reports and literature data Only AGB cosnsidered
Reporting History in a Nutshell Second GHG Inventory (1994-2000) Full mapping of deforestation and regeneration for all biomes Emission Factor estimated by vegetation types and 1:1.000.000 international cartographic tiling according to RADAM (1972) Reports AGB and BGB accounted Consequence: First report had to be redone to keep consistency over reports
Reporting History in a Nutshell Third GHG Inventory (2000-2010) Full mapping of deforestation and regeneration for all biomes Emission Factor estimated by vegetation types and 1:1.000.000 international cartographic tiling according to RADAM (1972) Reports and literature data smoothed by spline method. All compartments but soil carbon were accounted Consequence: Previous reports had to be reviewed
Reporting History in a Nutshell First REDD+ FREL Report Only Amazon biome and only deforestation Emission Factor estimated According to the Second GHG Emission Inventory Commitment to attain all requirements for FREL and MRV, with priority to the Cerrado biome Submitted and aproved in 2015
Reporting History in a Nutshell Second REDD+ FREL Report Cerrado Biome biome and only deforestation Emission Factor estimated According to the Second GHG Emission Inventory not accepted Difficulty to retrieve emission fator from third GHG emission inventory for all compartments are aggregated and spline function not available Submission still in course
Reporting History in a Nutshell Issue with the FRA Forest cover definition derived from the Official Brazilian Vegetation Map not consistent with the criteria adopted by MCTI and MMA Task done independently and followed FAO criteria for forest definition
Reporting History in a Nutshell Further issue Official Brazilian Vegetation Map is responsability of another agency, Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistcs (IBGE/MPOG) Map is based on 1972 RADAM map, reviewed in 1992 and 2012 with minor cartographic changes and major vegetation classification changes
Brazil is not for amateurs (Tom Jobim) In Short: Brazil is not for amateurs (Tom Jobim) Thank you