Electrical Safe System of Work (ESSW) - Volt Sticks Electricity is one of Balfour Beatty’s Fatal Risk Groups and in 2014, Balfour Beatty established the Electrical Safety Working Group (ESWG) to review any electricity related incidents, issues and where improvements could be made. The ESWG’s aim is to work together to pursue Zero High Potential Electrical incidents and eliminate the risk of harm.
Electrical Safe System of Work (ESSW) - Volt Sticks Correctly identifying any potential electrical hazards in the area, evaluating the risk and controlling the risk before any work starts is an essential measure that will help prevent accidents. Following a number of near miss incidents ‘Volt Sticks’ were introduced in addition to the documented safe systems of work as an additional safety measure allowing employees to identify live electrical systems in the areas where they are working. The volt stick was issued to all Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick employees (approx 2,000) along with a detailed presentation on their use to ensure that people were aware that it was not replacement for the formal electrical Safe System of Work or electrical testing.