Greenhouse Effect Presented By: Janet Fang Sam Atwood EESC W4400
Earth’s Energy Balance Thermal Equilibrium Energy in = Energy out Radiative Heat Transfer F=T4 Radiation Reflected and absorbed by surface and atmosphere Atmosphere reradiates to surface causing warming 33°C higher than with no atmosphere Benin
Source: IPCC Climate change 2001 - Synthesis report Greenhouse Gases GHGs Water Vapor Carbon Dioxide Ozone, CH4, N20, SO2, CFCs Atmospheric GHG concentration changes energy absorbed and reradiated to surface Surface Temperature change Thermal Inertia GHG concentrations change Takes time to transition between equilibrium states due to heat capacity of the oceans Current Earth System is not in an equilibrium state Source: IPCC Climate change 2001 - Synthesis report
Source: IPCC Climate change 2001 - Synthesis report Greenhouse Effects Climate Sensitivity Temperature change with doubling of atmospheric CO2 1.5 to 4.5 ºC Humans increasing GHGs Models and Theories predict Global Warming effects Thermal Inertia: 25 to 50 years to reach 60% of a total temperature change with a change in GHG concentration Source: IPCC Climate change 2001 - Synthesis report
Take Home Points Questions? 1) Greenhouse Gases in the atmosphere have a warming effect on surface temperatures 2) Rapid changes in GHGs take time to alter surface temperatures 3) Humans are GHG concentrations, which can cause Global Warming 270 ppm increased to 380 ppm over the last 150 years 0.6 to 0.9 °C increase in temperature in the same time period Questions?