Just a few minutes to clarify the OBJECTIVES of the SII; the PURPOSE of the symposium & the STRUCTURE of the day
Different sessions REFLEECT different objectives of the SII which we’ve included in your packs. Hopefully the links between the presentations and the objectives will become clear in terms of coherence within and between the objectives.
PARTNER SCHOOLS Intshayelelo Sivuyiseni Ummangaliso Matthew Goniwe COSAT Usasazo 6 partner schools: 3 primaries & 3 secondaries + the rest of the 17 secondary schools in Khayelitsha involved in the 100UP project
SII Symposium The purpose of the symposium is to showcase those elements of the SII which are linked to the NRF Community Research Project. We also want to acknowledge other programmes such as the Ikwezi District Lead Teacher Project in the primary schools and the organisational support to principals and school managers. Today we will highlight the different elements of collaboration and partnership within the SII, hence the involvement of a range of participants both from within and outside of the university. The overriding objective of the SII is to contribute towards improving the quality of learning - both at the level of the school and the university. The symposium is an opportunity for us to demonstrate our work in progress in this regard. 1. There are 3 2015 publications
A comment on proceedings Structure Lunch-time conversation Dialogue and discussion Structure of the day: sessions are of different lengths – tried to give a little more time for the ‘in conversation’ sessions. Rather than having discussion after each session, we’ve created a space this afternoon for dialogue and discussion. In your event packs you’ll find some post-its. These are intended for any questions you might have pertaining to the various sessions. At lunch the presenters will be available to answer questions or engage with you about any aspect of their presentations or discussions. Pages of News print are mounted according to the various sessions. Please post your questions on the news print if you wish to discuss anything further with any of the presenters. Dialogue and discussion: after lunch. We look forward to your input. Thank you for joining us and we hope you enjoy the day.