Subject Choice for Leaving Certificate November 18 V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
How should I choose my subjects? Think about the subjects you enjoy and do well in You are more likely to get good grades in a subject you enjoy studying. Think about your strengths and abilities. These are the areas you are more like to continue with when you leave school. Think about the modules you have enjoyed in Transition Year. V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Choose your subjects carefully There are certain subjects that are essential for entry to particular courses, colleges and careers. It is important that YOU research these and you are aware of the necessary requirements. Along with these subjects there are other subjects that are useful. V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Subjects available Students must do at least 7 subjects for the Leaving Cert. Mandatory Subjects English Irish (unless exempt) Maths Where eligible, students will study LCVP. V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Then pick 4 from the following… Accounting Ag Science Art Biology Business Chemistry Construction Studies (Woodwork) DCG (Tech. Graphics) Engineering (Metalwork) French Geography Home Economics Music Physics Physics and Chemistry V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme - LCVP LCVP focuses on developing “Transferable Skills” such as: Team Working Critical Thinking Flexibility Leadership Basic Skills (incl. IT) Motivation to Learn Communication Initiative & Enterprise V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
LCVP helps students to: Take responsibility for their own learning Become more innovative and enterprising Communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively Investigate and plan their career options Develop key skills for the modern working environment Work well with others as part of a team Network with people in business and the community Access and use computers and audio-visual equipment V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Link Modules Assessment Portfolio Core Items Options - any two from: CV Career Investigation Enterprise/Action Plan Summary Report Options - any two from: Diary of Work Experience Enterprise Report Recorded Interview/Presentation Report on “My Own Place” V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
LCVP - Grades and CAO Points Distinction 80% - 100% 66 points Merit 65% - 79% 46 points Pass 50% - 64% 28 points V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
National Qualification Framework V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
General College Entry Requirements Please check entry requirements for any course you are interested in as they may change. National Universities of Ireland University College Dublin (UCD) University College Cork (UCC) NUI Galway NUI Maynooth Level 8 Honours Degree Courses except Science & Engineering Passes in English, Irish, Maths & a third Language 2 x H5 and 4 x O6/H7 grades DCU, UL, Institutes of Technology Passes in Maths & English/Irish 2 x H5 and 4 x O6/H7 Affiliated colleges – St. Angela’s Sligo, RCSI, NCAD, Miltown, Shannon College of Hotel Mgt, V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Subject Requirements In terms of entry to Third Level Colleges all subjects count equally for CAO points. The only exception is Higher Level Maths In Higher Level Maths a H6 or higher will mean that 25 points are added to the points for the grade achieved. E.G. C3 in Higher Maths = 60 + 25 = 85 points All 3rd level colleges give the subject requirements necessary for entry to their courses in their Prospectus or on their website. Check…. Do you need a 3rd language or a Science/Lab subject? Do you need a specific subject for a specific course? V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
CAO Points V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Should I choose a language? UCC, UCD, NUI Galway, NUI Maynooth and the Royal College of Surgeons require a pass in a third language for most of their courses. Other colleges have it as a requirement for certain courses that have a large language component. Entry to the Cadetships in the Defence Forces require a third language. NCAD require a third language or Art. V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
NO Third Language is required for… Trinity College Dublin, University of Limerick, DCU and the Institutes of Technology unless it is a specific course requirement. Engineering & Science courses in NUI Maynooth Engineering, Science & Ag Science in UCD (except DN440 – Sciences: Biomedical, Health & Life Sciences) Engineering, Science & Food Science in UCC Engineering & Science in NUI Galway (except GY304 – Biotechnology) Gardai, Nursing, Apprenticeships and most PLC Courses V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Science Subjects If you are applying for anything in the Engineering, Medical, Paramedical (Radiography, Physiotherapy, Human Nutrition/ Dietician, Pharmacy, Medical Laboratory, Podiatry, Veterinary Nursing etc.) or Science areas at Universities you need to have a pass in at least one Laboratory Science Subject. Course requirements should be checked on an individual basis. A science subject is also necessary for Nursing. V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Physics, Chemistry, Biology Please check all courses listed here as they are subject to change Chemistry is required for: Public Health Nutrition (DT225) and Biomedical Science (DT204) DIT Dentistry (CK702), Pharmacy (CK703) and Medicine (CK701) in UCC (plus either Physics or Biology) Veterinary Medicine (DN300) UCD Pharmacy (TR072)TCD Medicine Biology is required for: Home Economics with Biology (AS001) St Angela's College If taking Biology as part of Arts (MH101) NUI Maynooth Useful for P.E. teaching with Biology (DC205) in DCU Physics is required for: Theoretical Physics (TR035) in TCD V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Business Subjects Junior Cert Business branches into: Business, Accounting and Economics Be aware that Business at Leaving Cert is largely theory based and so requires a lot of learning. However, the material is very practical and interesting to someone with a business mind. Accounting is a continuation of Book-Keeping at Junior Cert. It does not require exceptional Maths skills but you must be conscientious as there is careful and detailed analysis of figures and data. V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Projects & Practicals Home Economics Art comprises of: In 5th Year, students complete practical and written assignments that make up 20% of Leaving Cert result. Art comprises of: Still Life – 25% Design/Craftwork – 25% Figure/Life Drawing – 13% Art History – 37% Music comprises of: Listening – 25% Composing – 25% Performing – 25% Performance/Music Technology – 25% Geography comprises of: Written examination – 80% Geographical Investigation – 20% V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Projects & Practicals continued Construction Theory Paper – 50% Project -25% Woodwork Practical Exam – 25% Engineering Project – 25% Practical Exam – 25% DCG Theory Paper – 60% Project – 40% Ag Science Written Paper – 75% Project – 25% V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Things to consider… It's important that you choose your subjects carefully as this could affect what you do after the Leaving Cert. When you choose a good balance of subjects now, it should leave all your options open. Consider all the facts and ask for help if you need it. Do not choose subjects based on what your friends are doing or who you think will be teaching the subject. V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Remember! At Leaving Certificate, subjects are studied in greater depth so more time is needed for each subject. There are no glamorous or “doss” subjects Be aware of the consequences of not taking a subject or a specific level Be careful if considering taking on a new subject for Leaving Certificate. V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Tips for Subject Choice Do Don’t Choose subjects you enjoy. Choose subjects you are good at. Choose subjects you need for any career you are thinking about. Keep your options open for the future by making a balanced choice now. Talk to your Parents/Guardians, Guidance Counsellor and subject teachers. Choose a subject because your friends are doing it. Choose a subject because you like/dislike the teacher. Choose a subject because you think it's easy. Choose a new subject without finding out more about it. Make a decision without thinking about it. V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown
Where to find more Information College Prospectuses available from the Guidance Counsellor. Time will be available with the Guidance Counsellor for you to ask any questions you might have. Internet Please check all course and subject information mentioned here as it is may be subject to changes. V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown V Dempsey, Guidance Counsellor, Coláiste Mhuire, Johnstown