1 Proofpoint, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential ©2010 Proofpoint Protection/Privacy Offering Proofpoint Privacy Accurately detect ePHI in s Integrated DLP with Encryption Workflow to automate process of securing content Incident identification to understand your risk Unstructured Data Analysis Customization Encryption Easy for administrators and end users Proofpoint Protection Accuracy in the detection of (spear) phishing messages, spam, bulk mail, adult content, viruses for both inbound and outbound . Low false positives End-user friendly – Intuitive end user digest Helpdesk friendly with fast message tracking Set / forget – Low administration Flexibility – The ability to tailor to your needs
2 Proofpoint, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential ©2010 Proofpoint Proposal Proposal Options GiveGet Option # 1: 1 Year Proofpoint Privacy and Protection on Virtual (150 users) $6,000 / Purchase Order by 12/23/11 $1,200 / Installation and Configuration 1 year of Proofpoint Protection (150 users) Includes: Anti-spam, Antivirus, Zero-hour Antivirus, Proofpoint Dynamic Reputation, Smart Search Message Tracking. 1 year of Proofpoint Privacy (150 users) Includes: ePHI filtering, policy-based encryption, P350 Appliance – 1 year 24 hour hardware warranty Option # 2: 3 Year Proofpoint Privacy and Protection on Virtual(150 users) $15,000 / Purchase Order by 12/23/11 Installation and configuration included 3 years of Proofpoint Protection (150 users) Includes: Anti-spam, Antivirus, Zero-hour Antivirus, Proofpoint Dynamic Reputation, Smart Search Message Tracking. 3 years of Proofpoint Privacy (150 users) Includes: ePHI filtering, policy-based encryption, P350 Appliance – 1 year 24 hour hardware warranty Option #3: Proofpoint Privacy and Protection SaaS (150 users) $10,000 a year 1-year Proofpoint Protection and Privacy Includes: Anti-spam, Antivirus, Zero-hour Antivirus, Proofpoint Dynamic Reputation, Smart Search Message Tracking. Includes: ePHI filtering, policy-based encryption, 24x7 Platinum Support
3 Proofpoint, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential ©2010 Proofpoint: Security Solutions Customers Leading security, compliance, & archiving solutions for Global 2000 Enterprise-class protection for lowest risk & cost of ownership Industry leadership Fastest Growing in Messaging Security (2008) Leaders Quadrant, Security Boundaries (2008, 2010, 2011) Best Buy (2009)
4 Proofpoint, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential ©2010 Summary Proofpoint is specialized and focused in Security and Compliance Better Effectiveness against the latest threat types. Including phishing and low volume targeted attacks, and protecting your companys brand by blocking outbound spam. Multi-layered defense in depth Smart Identifiers for SSNs, PANs, ABA Routing Numbers, etc. Proximity and correlation analysis to client data Integrated encryption Native, integrated, strong encryption technology Encrypt messages automatically, based on presence of sensitive data Easy to implement and use Deploy in days Proofpoint Key Service eliminates key management overhead Proofpoint increased in execution this year due to a combination of a high growth rate relative to peers, dedicated focus on security issues and continued product enhancements. Gartner 2011