Joint Doctrine Analysis Division Joint Doctrine Notes and Competitive Area Studies Updates 61st JDPC 23 May 2018 Mr. Mark Brown Joint Doctrine Analysis Division DSN 668-6872 Comm: 757-203-6872
Joint Doctrine Notes
Context for Review From CJCSM 5120.01_ A JDN should address a potential doctrinal void or deficiency, or should otherwise describe constructs that can improve the joint force ability to plan, execute, and assess joint operations. A JDN does not represent an agreed to or fully staffed doctrinal position, but provides a short term, bridging solution to a potential doctrine void identified by the JDDC. A JDN may also simply provide information on a topic of interest to the JDDC or broader joint community, such as describing the potential impact of an emerging concept on related JPs A JDN is canceled when its content has been put into permanent publication or the requirement no longer exists. Approved JDNs will be reviewed annually by JS J-7 JED for applicability.
Joint Doctrine Notes Review JDN# Title Approval Date Last Reviewed Status/Comments 2-13 Commander’s Communication Synchronization 18 December 2013 November 2017 (60th JDPC) No decision this JDPC…currently retaining due to potential impact on development of the information function, JP 3-XX, Information, and related activities. Review/determine way ahead upon signature of JP 3-XX, Information. 1-16 Command Red Team 16 May 2016 61st JDPC discussion/decision…per 60th JDPC 2-16 Identity Activities 03 August 2016 No decision this JDPC…per 60th JDPC, review again at 62nd JDPC. 3-16 Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations 20 October 2016 No decision this JDPC… Review/determine way ahead upon signature of JP 3-XX JEMSO. 1-18 Strategy 25 April 2018 N/A No decision this JDPC…
From 60th JDPC JDN 1-16, Command Red Team AO Recommendation: Archive. Recommend JDDC vote to archive JDN 1-16 based upon inclusion of “red team” content in joint doctrine, particularly JP 5-0, Appendix K (Red Teams) and JP 2-01.3 (JIPOE). JDPC Decision: Retain. Absent proponent rationale to keep JDN 1-16, JDN 1-16 will be archived automatically after the next JDPC. The JDDC passed this proposal unanimously.
Command Red Team CCMD Red Team discussions found in 14 JPs, varying degrees of depth JP 5-0 Chapter IV, paragraph 2 e (Commander’s Role, Red Teaming) provides an overview of the red team function. Appendix K (Red Teams)…reflects information gleaned from Chapter V of the JDN, The Red Team and Joint Planning. JP 2-01.3 JP 2-0 JP 2-01 JP 3-07.2 JP 3-11 JP 3-13 JP 3-13.3 JP 3-13.4 JP 3-18 JP 3-31 JP 3-33 JP 3-50 JP 3-60 Some depth of “red team” discussion (primarily 2-01.3)…will be impacted by JP 2 series reset Mentions “red team” …no depth of discussion
Archive JDN 1-16, Command Red Team Recommendation “Red Team” is an established part of Joint Doctrine It can be further developed as necessary No proponent rationale has been presented to retain JDN 1-16 Archive JDN 1-16, Command Red Team
Competitive Area Study
Competitive Area Study Competitive Area Studies are a by-product of the 2018 Joint Military Net Assessment. JS J-8 has added a Competitive Area Study into the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System process to help address gaps in requirements and capability development. JS J-7 formed an internal cross functional team to address at least nine of the competitive areas JDAD is JED lead for Joint Doctrine. Identifying “activities” that support closing the capability gap in a specific area.
Competitive Area (CA) Studies AO OPR Comments EMS Corey J-8 Ops Deps Tank 27 June Land Hayes FCB 23 May Maritime Buckley FCB 30 May Space Stratton FCB 6 June IAMD FCB 11 June Logistics and Sustainment Maresh J-4 FCB 14 June C4/Cyber Brown J-6 TBD Cyber Air FCB 13 June OPR - Office of Primary Responsibility FCB - Functional Capabilities Board