Why BASIX? Increases in peak demand compared to base, (in Western Sydney) Old suburb New suburb Base Winter peak Summer peak Summer and Winter peak is double that of old suburb Source: Integral Energy
Blacktown – Stanhope Gardens Extensive NNW standard glazing, nil shading N ◄ W ► Wagga An example of a hot-box – floor to ceiling standard glazing yet eaveless, It locks the home owner into artificial cooling system Blacktown
Wagga Wagga
South Coast
BASIX - multi-unit development
A powerful cover Aviation is the bad guy The Economist June 10-16 2006 A powerful cover Aviation is the bad guy rather than The Economist lets look at what a real Economist says .. Sir Nicholas Stern But will it be the new green battleground? It might be. But is this because aviation is a major cause of the problem? Is this because restricting aviation or tackling emissions from aviation is going make a significant contribution to solving the climate problem? Lets look at what we can learn from Sir Nicholas Stern: Stern has called climate change “a complex inter-temporal international collective action problem under uncertainty”. For you and me, that equals an environmental problem of a whole new scale. Not about ‘stopping’ or regulating negative externalities, but changing the very way we drive growth in our economies. Up until now economic growth has relied on energy growth and energy growth has (largely) meant carbon emissions growth. The link between each of these factors must be broken if we are to achieve the reductions in carbon dioxide emissions the problem demands over coming years. And breaking the link will not be easy. The Stern report stretches to 692 pages. It covers a vast array of scientific and economic evidence. The next slide is an attempt to present the core message of the report on a single slide.
This doesn’t look good. It is visible This doesn’t look good . . . It is visible. People living in cities see a plane every day. In this presentation we have looked at the science . . . We have looked at the factors contributing to the climate problem . . . and we have looked at some of the actions that will make a significant difference. What I have shown challenges the reaction to the image many have when seeing this. We know Aviation emissions will continue to grow – and it’s the only sector for which growth has been accepted in the full global strategy Aviation will account for a rising proportion of emissions – as other sectors fall, and our CO2 is deposited higher in the atmosphere Aviation will have to face a price on those emissions, though it is marginal compared to our fuel costs Aviation will have to continue to improve our fuel efficiency and work with our supply chains to limit all emissions. But aviation is not the demon that the Economist magazine presents. It is wrong to view contrails and aviation as the demon. It simply isn’t true.
In contrast . . . People do not wince when they see this image. But livestock are responsible for 18 per cent of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming, more than cars, planes and all other forms of transport put together. There are 1.4 billion cows worldwide. Burning fuel to produce fertiliser to grow feed, to produce meat and to transport it - and clearing vegetation for grazing - produces 9 per cent of all emissions of carbon dioxide, the most common greenhouse gas. And their wind and manure emit more than one third of emissions of another, methane, which warms the world 23 times faster than carbon dioxide. But they look benign and exist in greenery . . . (Stats from Food and Agricultural Organization, Livestock's Long Shadow , December 2006)
Heating and Cooling Demands 4,026,648 GJ of cooling 1,437,248 GJ : of heating 1,624,372 GJ : for hot water