Sentence and types of sentences Entidhar Al-Rashid Master of English Literature
sentence A sentence is a group of words that express a complete thought. Example: Tom is going to play.
there are four types of sentences Declarative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory
It begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. Declarative sentence A declarative sentence makes a statement. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. Example : The dog in Neighbor's yard is barking.
Interrogative sentence An Interrogative sentence asks a question. An Interrogative sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a question mark. Example: How was a movie ?
Imperative sentence An Imperative sentence gives a command or makes request. It starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. Example of this sentence type: Please “sit down” Get me some water.
It ends with an exclamation mark. Example : Your house is on fire! Exclamatory sentence An exclamatory sentence expresses strong feeling, emotion and excitement. It ends with an exclamation mark. Example : Your house is on fire! How brave he was!
Identify the following sentences Tom reads a novel. Did you finish your home work? Amazing Day! Do not touch my books. What a nice day! How pretty she was! What did you say ?
- contain a subject, verb and expresses a complete thought. Simple Sentence Also called an independent clause. - contain a subject, verb and expresses a complete thought. Example : Alicia goes to the library every day.
Compound Sentence Contains two independent clauses (simple sentences)joined by coordinating conjunction. The Conjunction as follow: for, and, , nor, but, or, yet, so. (Fanboys). Example : The man knoked at the door and he waited for an answer.
Complex Sentence -dependent clauses do not express a complete thought. -has independent clause joined by dependent clause(subordinate clause) -dependent clauses do not express a complete thought. -depending clause begins with a subordinating conjunction such as because, after, since, although, when,…etc.
Compound-complex sentence A compound complex sentence contains more than one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Example: Because I paid attention, I got an A on the test and I was so happy.
Identify the following sentences He went to college and I went to a market where I bought a book. She is wearing a skirt which looks nice. I helped him and he became happy. She laughed at me. I like Mathematics but my bother likes Biology because he wants to be a doctor.
Work cited G, Alexander L. Essay and letter Writing. 1965, 1967. Fakhir, Razzak, and al-Hassan Helen. College composition. Bagdad, publication of the Institute for the development of English Language Teaching in Iraq, 1976. pose.pdf