Kicking off the Albania MAPS mission Ben Slay UNDP senior advisor 16 April 2018, Tirana
Presentation objectives “MAPS” Background Methodology Mission composition UN: Issue-based coalitions Also: World Bank, EU Delegation Presentation of: Mission ToRs, deliverables Report outline Draft work plan/matrix
Key messages EU accession and the global Agenda 2030 for sustainable development can be quite consistent EU 2020 is about “smart, sustainable, inclusive growth” Agenda 2030 draws heavily on European experience Montenegrin MAPS report shows EU accession/SDG alignment Policy coherence devils are in the details The UN is committed to supporting this policy coherence In Brussels (Luxembourg): Cooperation with DG NEAR, Eurostat In Candidate/pre-Candidate countries: “MAPS” missions
Agenda 2030 and the SDGs At the Sustainable Development Summit in New York in September 2015, UN Member States adopted: Global Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals 17 goals 169 targets 232 indicators Key features: Universality Integration “Leave no one behind”
Member states expect SDG implementation support UN Development Group offers “MAPS” platform: “Mainstreaming”—Alignment of national development strategies, programmes, policies with SDGs “Acceleration”—Identifying activities that can accelerate progress towards several SDGs simultaneously “Policy support”—Policy dialogue, technical assistance on national sustainable development challenges, responses Technical experts from UNDG agencies—and World Bank—visit countries, at government request 25 countries had MAPS missions during 2016-2017 . . . . . . Another 25 planned for 2018 Albania: First MAPS mission in Western Balkans
Albania MAPS mission team Ben Slay (UNDP)—Team leader, representative of UNDG Issue-based Coalition on Social Protection Nigina Abaszade (UNFPA)—Representative of UNDG Issue-based Coalition on Gender Keith Holmes (UNESCO)—Representative of UNDG Issue-based Coalition on Data Bettina Menna (WHO)—Representative of UNDG Issue-based Coalition on Health Sarangoo Radnaaragchaa (UNECE)—Environment, water, energy Daniela Zampini (ILO)—Representative of UNDG Issue-based Coalition on Youth Evis Sulko—World Bank Edina Halapi—EU Delegation
Albania MAPS mission: Deliverables Pre-mission (completed): SDG Dashboard Concept note on accelerator platforms Description of a process for setting baseline values and targets for SDG indicators Post mission (to be addressed in report): Recommendations concerning natural disaster and climate risk management A proposal for a national SDG monitoring system Recommendations on the integration of SDG targets by priority NSDI II pillars Recommendations to sharpen synergies and complementarities of EU and SDG agendas—key UNCT entry points Identification of policy areas related to EU acquis chapters that might require UN for support Recommendations on potential SDG financing options Recommendations on coordination and partnership aspects for SDGs Recommendations to the Government on the Volunteer National Report
Where did acceleration platforms come from? Accelerators unblock obstacles across multiple SDGs Better “platforms” than individual “drivers” of acceleration Accelerators should reflect national development priorities NSDI II (2015-2020) Pillars Economic growth through macroeconomic, fiscal sustainability Economic growth through competitiveness, innovation Investing in human capital, social cohesion Sustainable resource use and territorial development UN-GoA Programme on Cooperation for Sustainable Development (2017-2021) Priority Areas Governance and rule of law Health, education, social and child protection Economic growth, labour, and agriculture Environment, climate change Proposed accelerator platforms Governance, human rights, and the rule of law Inclusive green economy—with strong foci on energy, decent work, competitiveness, innovation, and resilience Investment in human and social capital
MAPS Report Structure (draft) Executive summary Background: Sustainable development, EU accession, and MAPS Mainstreaming: SDG Dashboard, Rapid Integrated Assessment, Baseline Study Setting baseline, interim, target values for national SDG indicators Towards a national SDG monitoring system Acceleration: Governance, human rights, and the rule of law Inclusive green economy—with strong foci on energy, decent work, competitiveness, innovation, and resilience Investment in human and social capital Policy Support: Financing UNCT coordination, partnerships Conclusions
Albania MAPS report structure/work plan (draft 15.04.18) IBC/focal area* Report deliverables/chapters Mainstreaming Acceleration Policy support SDG Dashboard Setting baseline, target values for SDG indicators National SDG monitoring system Governance, human rights, and the rule of law Green, inclusive economy—with strong foci on energy, decent work, innovation, and resilience Investments in human and social capital Financing UNCT coordination and partnerships Health Governance/ rule of law Environment, water, energy Social protection Youth Education Gender Agriculture and rural development Growth, competitiveness Disaster/climate risk management
Ben Slay Thank you very much! Ben Slay