The Task Development Process CH (LTC) Glenn Palmer SFC Naomi Moreno
The Task Development Process Step One: Identify Need Step Two: Doctrine Review Step Three: Task Approval Step Four: Task Analyst Conduct Working Group Step Five: Staff Task to SME Step Six: Manager Review Step Seven: Army U Review Step Eight: Publish 30 Day Cycle
Step One: Need Identification Based on Job/Mission analysis: What training gap exists? Where is the analysis originating from? Did the position change? What is the operational force seeing that needs updating? Is the Task/Competency relevant?
Step Two: Doctrine Review Doctrine for guidance on task to be developed. What Doctrinal capability is supported? Is there new Doctrine to follow? Is the task and competency set aligned with emerging doctrine? i.e. FM 3-0 / Operations and MDB (Multi-Domain Battle) Review AARs and Lessons Learned. What have we learned from the field? What can we cull from CALL? Coordinate/Liaison with CDID Maintain regular contact with the field
Step Three: Task Approval Task is staffed through USACHCS Training Division approving officials and stakeholders then staffed through the TD for submission to the CMDT for final approval / decision brief. Director of Training Commandant
Step four: Task Analyst Conducts working group\ develops task Based on Doctrine, AARs and Lessons Learned, the USACHCS Task Analyst conducts working group with other stakeholders: Creates Task number Enter new task in TDC Develops performance steps and measures. Selects appropriate references from Doctrine (AR, FM, ADP). Identify supporting tasks if any and media Assigned action officers Task is reviewed by Army University
Step Five: Staff Task to sme CDID: For Doctrinal Review. RCAD: World Religion SMEs for Religious and Cultural Advisement SMEs: Appropriate SMEs in the area to be trained.
Step six: Manager Review All Tasks are reviewed by a Training Division Manager.
Step seven: Army u review All new and revised Tasks are reviewed by Army U and either approved or sent back to the Task Analyst OIC and NCOIC for further review, update, changes and Analysis.
Step eight: Publish After Tasks are approved it is then published into CAR and USACHCS Portal.
Timeline To approve one task from Need Identification / Gap Analysis to Approval can be done in 30 days.
Critical Tasks Any task can be designated a critical task by a Critical Task Site Selection Board. (CTSSB) TRADOC requires every task to be considered every 4-6 years by a CTSSB All Critical Tasks and Competencies are reviewed by the CTSSB. A simple majority vote by the CTSSB is required to designate a task as critical. CMDT is approving authority for Tasks and Competencies and for the CTSSB Decision Brief CMDT as Proponent has approving authority outside of the CTSSB process