Whitley Bay High School Year 13 Firm and Insurance Choices Wednesday 6th February 2013
Deciding on offers - dates All responses received by 31 st March Must reply to offers by 8 th May All responses received by 9 th May Must reply to offers by 6 th June All responses received by 7 th June Must reply to offers by 27 th June
F IRM AND I NSURANCE You have to respond to your offers with: A Conditional Firm Choice A Conditional Insurance Choice
D ECISIONS D ECISIONS ! - Once you have decided which offer to accept firmly, and which to accept as an insurance, you must decline all other offers. - If you don't want to accept any of the offers, you can decline them all! - If you have been rejected by all your choices or decide to reject all your offers you will then be eligible to use UCAS Extra.
F IRM C HOICE This should be the one you want to go to, but… You must consider the likelihood of achieving the entry requirements.
I NSURANCE C HOICE This should be a university you want to go to, but is your second choice. However: - You must be happy to go there. - It should be a significantly lower offer than your Firm Choice - It should be definitely achievable
UCAS EXTRA Available from 25 th February Provides a second chance to apply Talk to Mr Wilson or Mr Williams if considering this option
S CENARIOS NamePredicted Grades Firm Entry Requirements InsuranceIssues AmandaAAB ABBPerfectly acceptable, but insurance is very close. HughBBBBBCBBBFirm is lowest offer. RichardCCCABBBBBWill probably not qualify for either course!
R EFLECTION … Think very carefully about your Firm and Insurance decision Your Insurance offer should guarantee you are placed after your results. Make sure you are not in the position missing out on both your choices. Do not rush this decision – if in doubt talk to us. GOOD LUCK
Whitley Bay High School Year 13 Student Finance Module Results Wednesday 14 th March 2012
M ARTIN L EWIS – S TUDENT F INANCE JtE&feature=relmfu JtE&feature=relmfu
T HE C OST OF H IGHER E DUCATION Tuition Fees Maintenance Loans Maintenance Grants Other help is available
H IGHER E DUCATION T UITION F EES From September 2012 UK universities and colleges can charge: new full-time students up to £9,000 a year new part-time students up to £6,750 a year There are no restrictions on the amount private colleges or universities can charge. A Tuition fee loan will pay this directly to your UNI.
T UITION F EE L OAN From 2012/13 students can get a Tuition Fee Loan of up to: £9,000 for new full-time students, including full-time distance learning students. £6,750 for part-time students whose courses are at least 25 per cent of a full-time course each year (e.g. four years instead of one year full time) £6,000 for study on an approved full-time course at a private university or college £4,500 for students on an approved part-time course at a private university or college whose courses are at least 25 per cent of a full-time course each year (e.g. four years instead of one year full time) The Tuition Fee Loan is paid directly to the university or college. The Tuition Fee Loan may not cover the full cost of tuition if students are studying on an approved course at a private university or college.
Maintenance Loans Only full-time students can get Maintenance Loans and Maintenance Grants for their living costs. The maximum Maintenance Loan for new students starting in September 2012 is: £5,500 if students live away from home and study at a university or college outside London £7,675 if students live away from home and study at a university or college in London £4,375 if students live at home
Maintenance Grant Students can also apply for: a full Maintenance Grant of £3,250 if household income is £25,000 or under. a partial Maintenance Grant if household income is between £25,000 and £42,600
Other help thats available… Scholarships, bursaries and awards Students may be able to get a bursary, scholarship or award directly from their university or college. National Scholarship Programme Starts in September 2012 and gives financial help to students studying in higher education in England. The NSP is designed to help students whose families income is £25,000 a year or less. Universities and colleges will decide who to give financial help to from this group. NSP awards are in addition to any other student finance, apart from help with tuition fees. Students who receive this kind of support under NSP will have their tuition fee loans adjusted accordingly.
Repayment (From Student Finance) You will pay interest on your loan from the day your first payment is made until the loan is repaid or written off, whichever is first. Any loan remaining after 30 years will be written off.
If you change your mind next year… If you leave your course early you need to repay a percentage of the Tuition Fee Loan for that year. The percentages are: 25 per cent during term one 50 per cent during term two 100 per cent during term three
Completing The Form – play the video
Money Money Money When you'll get your money Full-time students get their student loan or grant after they register on their course at the start of term. Part-time students get grants around six weeks after returning their completed application form when term starts. Your money is paid into your bank account, except for Tuition Fee Loans which are paid directly to your university or college each term.
If your details or circumstances change… You must let Student Finance know If youre a full-time student, you can log in to your student account and change the following details: address bank account password or secret answer course, such as changing course after your A level results; or leaving, returning or taking a break from a course loan amount or type, such as the Tuition Fee Loan amount if you become a parent To update your details online, log in to your account and select Make a change to your application from the My account screen.
Module Results The remaining time you have left is absolutely crucial. What has been going on: Students have received advice from teachers and heads of department. Tutors have been offering advice and guidance on what to do next. Students have met with members of the Sixth Form team to work out how many UMS points they need to achieve their target grades. Guidance has been given regarding any plans for re- sits. Re-sit forms have been completed.
Module Results If you haven't done any of this – you need to … TODAY The deadline for re-sit forms is tomorrow.
Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3AS total AS grade Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6A2 total So far Mark Needed For Target Grade Biology (/600) 84 / / /60208/3 00 C (2 marks off a B) 70 /100 40/ B grade = 420 – 318 = 102/140 Maths 84 / / / C (Just) 55 / / C Grade = 73 / 100 needed ICT 90/ / / A (16 marks over) 80 / / / 100 for an A. A* would need a re-sit.
Module Results – Things to consider How many marks are you from your target grade? Re-sits arent always the answer. Too many will negatively impact your remaining modules. You may almost be guaranteed the grades you need – is the next grade boundary up still in sight? What do you need to do now? You all will have an individual plan of action – have you got yours? Has it been checked?
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Jasper carrot – Always look on the bright side of life